提问人:SRB 提问时间:11/12/2023 更新时间:11/12/2023 访问量:11
GTKMM 4.10 - 将树视图转换为 columnview - 获取相对于 columnview 的坐标 - 弹出右键上下文菜单时
GTKMM 4.10 - convert treeview to columnview - obtain coordinates relative to columnview - when popping up a right click context menu
最初我使用的是 ,但由于弃用,我正在转换为 .我已经解决了大部分问题,但是在从 .我可以使用,但我无法弄清楚如何将该值转换为小部件相对坐标。在一些函数中,使用它们的组合,我可以获得确切的坐标,然后可以很容易地计算出树视图中单击的哪个单元格,因为我知道底层大小。就成员功能而言,这似乎是不可能的。Gtk::TreeView
因此,我创建了以下代码,试图模拟 GTK 开发人员删除的内容:
void RPN_Functions::Matrix_Editors_Get_Context_Row_Column(
Gtk::PopoverMenu *popup,
MatrixColumnView *matrix,
int cell_width,
int &row,
int &col
) const
//First we must validate all parameters and terminate if any fail.
assert(cell_width > 0);
//Now we need to set the row and column to initial values so that if an
//error occurs we have meaningful data in the output parameters.
row = RPN_Matrix_Editor_Invalid_Row;
col = RPN_Matrix_Editor_Invalid_Column;
//Now we need to declare the rectangle to be used to contain the X and Y
//co-ordinates of the popup menu.
Gdk::Rectangle popup_rectangle;
//Now we need to fetch the rectangle that the context menu popped up at.
//This will allow us to determine the X and Y position. We also must
//check to see that the rectangle has been populated and if not the
//above row and column will be returned.
if (popup->get_pointing_to(popup_rectangle))
//Now that we have the popup/pointing rectangle we now need to fetch
//the X and Y co-ordinates.
auto popup_x = popup_rectangle.get_x();
auto popup_y = popup_rectangle.get_y();
//As we have set the popup menu to have a one pixel hot spot, we must
//ensure that this is true and terminate if this fails.
assert(popup_rectangle.get_height() == 1);
assert(popup_rectangle.get_width() == 1);
//Now we need to determine if the matrix has row or column (or both)
//separators so that we can adjust the heights and widths to allow
//for them.
auto have_column_separators = matrix->get_show_column_separators();
auto have_row_separators = matrix->get_show_row_separators();
//Now we need to calculate the width of a column separator and then
//set a variable so that we can use it to adjust the column data.
int column_separator_width;
column_separator_width = (have_column_separators ?
MyGtk::Matrix_Column_Separator_Width :
//Now we need to calculate the height of a row separator and then set
//a variable so that we can use it to adjust the row information.
int row_separator_height;
row_separator_height = (have_row_separators ?
MyGtk::Matrix_Row_Separator_Height :
//Now we need to fetch the pango context for the matrix so that we
//can then use this to create a pango layout.
auto context = matrix->get_pango_context();
//Now that we have the pango context for the matrix we can now create
//a pango layout.
auto layout = Pango::Layout::create(context);
//Now we need to create a new pango font and set the name and size
//to the same values as used by the CSS that is used to format the
//headers for the columnviews.
Pango::FontDescription header_font;
//Now that we have set the above font we must set it into the pango
//Now we need to set the layout text to something so that we can then
//calculate the height of it and given that it is a fixed width font
//we know that the height fetched will be correct regardless of how
//few characters we use.
//Now that the layout is set we now must fetch the height of the
//layout and truncate it to an integer so that it can be added to
//the row height vector and be the same as the other data values
//that will be fetched.
auto layout_height =
//Vector to contain the cumulative heights for each row in the matrix.
//This is then used to determine which row the user has clicked on.
std::vector<int> row_heights(
MyGtk::Matrix_Get_Number_Lines(matrix) + 1,
//Now we need to append the height of the row number as it is the
//same height as the heading which can be clicked on and must be
//taken into account.
row_heights[0] = layout_height + row_separator_height;
//Variables to contain the width and height of the first column in
//each row of the matrix. The width value is used later for the
//column data.
int row_number_height;
int row_number_width;
//Now we need to loop for all rows in the matrix and for each row we
//calculate the height of the first row and column and then accumulate
//the height information in the above vector.
for (int ix = 0; ix < MyGtk::Matrix_Get_Number_Lines(matrix); ++ix)
//Now we need to obtain the width and height for the row number
//column so that we can account for it when calculating the
//column information.
//Now that we have the width of the column we can set the IX+1'th
//entry to the sum of the IX'th entry plus the width of this row.
row_heights[ix + 1] =
row_heights[ix] +
row_number_height +
//Now we need to ensure that the row heights vector has been properly
//filled. We need the '+1' as the headers for the matrix columns is
//also in the vector.
assert(static_cast<int>(row_heights.size()) == MyGtk::Matrix_Get_Number_Lines(matrix) + 1);
//Vector to contain the cumulative widths for each column in the matrix.
//This is then used to determine which cell the user has clicked on.
std::vector<int> column_widths(
//Now we need to set the first entry in the column widths vector which
//is the row number. We have fetched the sizing information above.
column_widths[0] = row_number_width + column_separator_width;
//Variables to contain the width and height of each of the columns
//in the first row of the matrix.
int column_height;
int column_width;
//Now we need to loop for all columns in the first row of the matrix
//so that we can then fetch and accumulate the widths. As we already
//know the width of the row number column, we start at one in the
for (int ix = 1; ix < MyGtk::Matrix_Get_Number_Columns(matrix); ++ix)
//Now we need to obtain the width and height for the first column
//in an editor so that we can account for it when calculating
//the column information.
//Now that we have the width of the column we can set the IX'th
//entry to the sum of the IX-1'th entry plus the width of this
column_widths[ix] =
column_widths[ix - 1] +
column_width +
//Now we need to ensure that the column widths vector has been properly
assert(static_cast<int>(column_widths.size()) == MyGtk::Matrix_Get_Number_Columns(matrix));
//Variables for the scrolled position of the matrix if it is within a
//scrolled window. If not the values will be set to zero.
double scrolled_pixels_x;
double scrolled_pixels_y;
//Now we need to determine if the matrix is within a scrolled window.
auto scrolled = MyGtk::Matrix_Get_Parent_Scrolled_Window(matrix);
//Now we need to double check that the matrix is within a scrolled
//window (should be if the application is designed correctly) before
//we attempt to fetch any data.
if (scrolled)
//Now we need to fetch the horizontal adjustment for the scrolled
auto h_adjustment =
//Now we need to fetch the vertical adjustment for the scrolled
auto v_adjustment =
//Now we need to fetch the upper limits for the horizontal and
//vertical adjustments.
auto h_adjustment_upper = h_adjustment->get_upper();
auto v_adjustment_upper = v_adjustment->get_upper();
//Now we need to calculate the total range of the scrolled window
//in the horizontal direction.
auto scrolled_range_x =
h_adjustment_upper - h_adjustment->get_lower();
//Now we need to calculate the total range of the scrolled window
//in the vertical direction.
auto scrolled_range_y =
v_adjustment_upper - v_adjustment->get_lower();
//Now we need to fetch the current X and Y co-ordinates where the
//scrolled window is at.
auto scrolled_value_x = h_adjustment->get_value();
auto scrolled_value_y = v_adjustment->get_value();
//Now we need to calculate the percentage of the scroll bar with
//respect to the current position and the range of the scroll bar.
auto scrolled_percent_x = scrolled_value_x / scrolled_range_x;
auto scrolled_percent_y = scrolled_value_y / scrolled_range_y;
//Now we need to calculate how many pixels in the X direction
//that the window has been scrolled by.
scrolled_pixels_x =
(1 + scrolled_percent_x) *
//Now we need to calculate how many pixels in the Y direction
//that the window has been scrolled by.
scrolled_pixels_y =
(1 + scrolled_percent_y) *
//As the matrix is not within a scrolled window then we must set
//the scrolled pixels values to the value of the popup rectangle.
//We do this due to the way we calculate the values when the matrix
//is in a scrolled window.
scrolled_pixels_x = popup_x;
scrolled_pixels_y = popup_y;
//Now that we know the X co-ordinate of the scroll point we now need
//to calculate the number of columns that this represents. We do
//this by looping through the accumulated column widths and exit the
//loop when we find a value in the range of the pixel position.
for (size_t ix = 1; ix < column_widths.size(); ++ix)
//As we are commencing at one we know that we can safely compare
//the IX-1'th and the IX'th widths so that we can determine where
//the scrolled X pixels value fits and thus determine the column
//clicked on.
printf("Col - X = %g, wid[%lu]=%d, wid[%lu]=%d, popup=%d\n",
scrolled_pixels_x, ix - 1, column_widths[ix-1], ix, column_widths[ix], popup_x);
if (scrolled_pixels_x >= column_widths[ix - 1] &&
scrolled_pixels_x <= column_widths[ix])
//Now that we know that the clicked on column is IX we must
//set the COL variable appropriately. As the first column
//that has user entered data in it is one then we must set
//it accordingly.
col = ix;
//Now that we know the Y co-ordinate of the scroll point we now need
//to calculate the number of columns that this represents. We do
//this by looping through the accumulated row heights and exit the
//loop when we find a value in the range of the pixel position.
for (size_t ix = 1; ix < row_heights.size(); ++ix)
//As we are commencing at one we know that we can safely compare
//the IX-1'th and the IX'th heights so that we can determine where
//the scrolled Y pixels value fits and thus determine the row
//clicked on.
printf("Row - Y = %g, hgt[%lu]=%d, hgt[%lu]=%d, popup = %d\n",
scrolled_pixels_y, ix - 1, row_heights[ix-1], ix, row_heights[ix], popup_y);
if (scrolled_pixels_y >= row_heights[ix - 1] &&
scrolled_pixels_y <= row_heights[ix])
//Now that we know that the clicked on row is IX we must
//decrement it by two given that the rows are zero based
//and the header columns are also part of the row data.
row = ix - 2;
printf("Cell = %d%c\n", row + 1, col - 1 + 'A');
有没有人尝试过做类似的事情?如果它不是 C 或 C++ 示例,我不会大惊小怪,因为我可以阅读一点 python 并且可以转换概念。
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