提问人:noob32467 提问时间:11/8/2023 更新时间:11/8/2023 访问量:59
get dot-bracket representation of the binary tree
• 没有节点的树的点括号表示是字符串 “.”
• 具有根节点 r 的二叉树的点括号表示由一个开放的 括号(后跟 R.Left 的点括号表示,后跟 R.Right 的点括号表示,后跟右括号)
示例:像这样的树: 树:((()()()())((((()((((()))(() 应该输出 bracketSequence() = (((..)((..)(..)))((.(((..)((((.(..)).).)(.(..))))(..)))(..)))
检查我的 bracketSequenceNEW() 了解我尝试过的内容。
检查我的 bracketSequenceNEW() 了解我尝试过的内容。
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Stack;
public class BinaryTree<Node extends BinaryTree.BTNode<Node>> {
public static class BTNode<Node extends BTNode<Node>> {
public Node left;
public Node right;
public Node parent;
* An extension of BTNode that you can actually instantiate.
protected static class EndNode extends BTNode<EndNode> {
public EndNode() {
this.parent = this.left = this.right = null;
* Used to make a mini-factory
protected Node sampleNode;
* The root of this tree
protected Node r;
* This tree's "null" node
protected Node nil;
* Create a new instance of this class
* @param sampleNode - a sample of a node that can be used
* to create a new node in newNode()
* @param nil - a node that will be used in place of null
public BinaryTree(Node sampleNode, Node nil) {
this.sampleNode = sampleNode;
this.nil = nil;
r = nil;
* Create a new instance of this class
* @param sampleNode - a sample of a node that can be used
* to create a new node in newNode()
public BinaryTree(Node sampleNode) {
this.sampleNode = sampleNode;
* Allocate a new node for use in this tree
* @return newly created node
protected Node newNode() {
try {
Node u = (Node)sampleNode.getClass().getDeclaredConstructor().newInstance();
u.parent = u.left = u.right = nil;
return u;
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
* Construct a random binary tree
* @return an n-node BinaryTree that has the shape of a random
* binary search tree.
public static BinaryTree<EndNode> randomBST(int n) {
Random rand = new Random();
EndNode sample = new EndNode();
BinaryTree<EndNode> t = new BinaryTree<EndNode>(sample);
t.r = randomBSTHelper(n, rand);
return t;
protected static EndNode randomBSTHelper(int n, Random rand) {
if (n == 0) {
return null;
EndNode r = new EndNode();
int ml = rand.nextInt(n);
int mr = n - ml - 1;
if (ml > 0) {
r.left = randomBSTHelper(ml, rand);
r.left.parent = r;
if (mr > 0) {
r.right = randomBSTHelper(mr, rand);
r.right.parent = r;
return r;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
toStringHelper(sb, r);
return sb.toString();
protected void toStringHelper(StringBuilder sb, Node u) {
if (u == null) {
toStringHelper(sb, u.left);
toStringHelper(sb, u.right);
* Tree empty or not
* @return true if empty, false otherwise
public boolean isEmpty() {
return r == nil;
* Make this tree into the empty tree
public void clear() {
r = nil;
* Compute the depth (distance to the root) of u
* @param u
* @return the distanct between u and the root, r
public int depth(Node u) {
int d = 0;
while (u != r) {
u = u.parent;
return d;
* Demonstration of a recursive traversal
* @param u
public void traverse(Node u) {
if (u == nil) return;
* Demonstration of a non-recursive traversal
public void traverse2() {
Node u = r, prev = nil, next;
while (u != nil) {
if (prev == u.parent) {
if (u.left != nil) {
next = u.left;
} else if (u.right != nil) {
next = u.right;
} else {
next = u.parent;
} else if (prev == u.left) {
if (u.right != nil) {
next = u.right;
} else {
next = u.parent;
} else {
next = u.parent;
prev = u;
u = next;
* Demonstration of a breadth-first traversal
public void bfTraverse() {
Queue<Node> q = new LinkedList<Node>();
if (r != nil) q.add(r);
while (!q.isEmpty()) {
Node u = q.remove();
if (u.left != nil) q.add(u.left);
if (u.right != nil) q.add(u.right);
* Compute the size (number of nodes) of this tree
* @warning uses recursion so could cause a stack overflow
* @return the number of nodes in this tree
public int size() {
return size(r);
* @return the size of the subtree rooted at u
protected int size(Node u) {
if (u == nil) return 0;
return 1 + size(u.left) + size(u.right);
* Compute the maximum depth of any node in this tree
* @return the maximum depth of any node in this tree
public int height() {
return height(r);
* @return the height of the subtree rooted at u
protected int height(Node u) {
if (u == nil) return -1;
return 1 + Math.max(height(u.left), height(u.right));
public int leafAndOnlyLeaf() {
// TODO: Your code goes here, must avoid recursion
if (r == nil) return 0;
Queue<Node> queue = new LinkedList<>();
int leafCount = 0;
while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
Node u = queue.remove();
// Check if the node is a leaf
if (u.left == nil && u.right == nil) {
// Add children to the queue if they exist
if (u.left != nil) queue.add(u.left);
if (u.right != nil) queue.add(u.right);
return leafCount;
protected int leafAndOnlyLeafHelper(Node u) {
if(u == nil)return 0;
if(u.left == nil && u.right == nil)return 1;
return leafAndOnlyLeafHelper(u.left)+ leafAndOnlyLeafHelper(u.right);
public int dawnOfSpring() {
if (r == nil) return -1;
Queue<Node> queue = new LinkedList<>();
int depth = 0;
while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
int nodeCount = queue.size();
while (nodeCount > 0) {
Node u = queue.remove();
// Check if the node is a leaf
if (u.left == nil && u.right == nil) {
return depth;
// Add children to the queue if they exist
if (u.left != nil) queue.add(u.left);
if (u.right != nil) queue.add(u.right);
return -1; // Should never reach here if the tree has at least one node
protected int dawnOfSpringHelper(Node u, int d) {
if(u.left == nil && u.right == nil)
return d;
else if(u.left == nil)
return dawnOfSpringHelper(u.right, d+1);
else if(u.right == nil)
return dawnOfSpringHelper(u.left, d+1);
return Math.min(dawnOfSpringHelper(u.left, d+1), dawnOfSpringHelper(u.right, d+1));
public int monkeyLand() {
if (r == nil) return 0;
Queue<Node> currentLevel = new LinkedList<>();
int maxNodes = 0; // Maximum number of nodes at any level
int maxDepth = 0; // Depth which has the maximum number of nodes
int currentDepth = 0; // Current depth in the tree
while (!currentLevel.isEmpty()) {
int levelCount = currentLevel.size(); // Number of nodes at the current level
if (levelCount > maxNodes) {
maxNodes = levelCount;
maxDepth = currentDepth;
// Prepare for the next level
Queue<Node> nextLevel = new LinkedList<>();
while (!currentLevel.isEmpty()) {
Node u = currentLevel.remove();
if (u.left != nil) nextLevel.add(u.left);
if (u.right != nil) nextLevel.add(u.right);
// Move to the next level
currentLevel = nextLevel;
return maxDepth;
protected int monkeyLandHelper(Node u, int d, int D) {
if(u == nil) return 0;
if(d == D)return 1;
return monkeyLandHelper(u.left, d+1, D) + monkeyLandHelper(u.right, d+1, D);
// use sb.append(), must avoid recursion
public String bracketSequenceNEW() {
if (r == nil) return "."; // Handle the empty tree case
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
Stack<Node> stack = new Stack<>();
Node current = r;
Node prev = nil;
while (!stack.isEmpty() || current != nil) {
if (current != nil) {
sb.append("("); // Start a new node
if (current.left != nil) {
current = current.left; // Move to left child
} else {
sb.append("."); // Left child is missing
if (current.right != nil) {
current = current.right; // Move to right child
} else {
sb.append("."); // Right child is also missing
current = nil; // No children, move up the tree
} else {
Node node = stack.peek(); // Look at the top node without popping it
if (node.right != nil && node.right != prev) {
current = node.right; // Move to right child
} else {
if (node.right == nil && prev != node.left) {
sb.append("."); // Right child is missing and we didn't come from left child
stack.pop(); // Done with this node
sb.append(")"); // End the current node
prev = node; // Keep track of the last node we've finished
return sb.toString();
public String bracketSequence() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
bracketSequenceHelper(r, sb);
return sb.toString();
protected void bracketSequenceHelper(Node u, StringBuilder sb){
if (u == nil) {
bracketSequenceHelper(u.left, sb);
bracketSequenceHelper(u.right, sb);
测试时 我得到这个输出
大小() = 20
leafAndOnlyLeaf() = 9
dawnOfSpring() = 2
monkeyLand() = 4
括号序列() = ((.(..))((((..)((..)((..).)))((..)(((..)((..)(..))).)))(..)))
括号序列 NEW) = ((.(..))((((...)((...)((...))))((...)(((...)((...)(...))))))(...)))
请注意,bracketSequence NEW 和 bracketSequence() 应该具有相同的输出。
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