使用 VBA 循环访问字符串的动态列表并创建摘要表

Using VBA to loop through a dynamic list of strings and create a summary sheet

提问人:Jack Pennington 提问时间:9/29/2023 最后编辑:FunThomasJack Pennington 更新时间:9/29/2023 访问量:50


我有一个字符串列表,其长度可能因数据而异。我需要通过在新工作表中使用列表中的项目创建一行,然后使用将硬编码到 VBA 中的额外信息行来生成此列表的报告。到目前为止,我的方法是遍历列表,但我不熟悉 VBA 中的循环,因此正在寻找一些指导。


| Column A |
| -------- |
|  1       |
|  2       |
|  3       |
|  4       |
|  etc.    |


| Column A | Column B |
| -------- | -------- |
| 1        | Total    |
|          | a        |
|          | b        |
|          | c        |
| 2        | Total    |
|          | a        |
|          | b        |
|          | c        |


总值 a、b、c 等将是数据手册中计算的值 例如,a = 值,b = 值 * 0.3


Sub testloop()

Dim counter As Integer
Dim rng As Range
Dim cell As Range
Dim source As Worksheet, destination As Worksheet

source = Worksheets("Sheet1")
destination = Worksheets("Sheet2")
'I have included a counter as my initial research looks to use this logic to stop a loop when it has reached the end of the data
counter = 1
'Not sure if this will loop the whole of column A or just the rows with data
rng = Range("A:A")

For Each cell In rng
    counter = counter + 1
'Now I want to print the data from source into destination
'I am aware the following example code is not correct. Hopefully this illustates my requirement
'copy from "Source.Range(A) & counter"
'paste "Destination.Range (A) & counter

'followed by the next information
'insert "Total" into destination.Range (B) & counter
'insert "a" into destination.Range (B) & counter + 1
'insert "b" into destination.Range (B) & counter + 2
'insert "b" into destination.Range (B) & counter + 3

'^^ Maybe I need a counter2 variable here?

'Then repeat this

Next cell

End Sub

Excel VBA 循环 foreach



2赞 Tenior 9/29/2023 #1


Sub testloop()
Dim counter As Integer
Dim rng As Range
Dim cell As Range
Dim source As Worksheet, destination As Worksheet
    Set source = Worksheets("Sheet1")
    Set destination = Worksheets("Sheet2")
    Set rng = source.Range("A1:A" & Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row)
    For counter = 0 To rng.Rows.Count - 1
        With destination.Range("A1").Offset(counter * 4)
            .Value = rng.Rows(counter + 1).Value
            .Offset(, 1) = "Total"
            .Offset(1, 1) = "a"
            .Offset(2, 1) = "b"
            .Offset(3, 1) = "c"
        End With
    Next counter
End Sub


1赞 Notus_Panda 9/29/2023
可能应该指定 rng 来自哪个工作表,因为您已经拥有源工作表对象:)否则看起来不错
0赞 Tenior 9/29/2023
1赞 SJR 9/29/2023
最好从底部开始并向上工作,否则如果有空白,您可能会错过行,如果只有一行数据,您将使用 .End(xlDown)
0赞 Jack Pennington 9/29/2023