提问人:Kingly Lee 提问时间:8/15/2023 最后编辑:Tim WilliamsKingly Lee 更新时间:8/19/2023 访问量:43
Locking the Textbox Position To Be the Same While Update
我正在 Excel 中创建一个日历功能,该功能从表单中获取输入,并基于此将工作详细信息放入动态日历中。我现在面临的问题是,每当我更新文本框位置时,如果同一单元格中还有另一个文本框,它都会重新定位到另一个位置,我相信这是我在代码中具有的公式的原因,但这是为了创建文本框,就像基于以前的文本框一样,它工作正常。
Transfer data to destination workbook
destSheet.Range("B1").Value = SVDateValue ' Example: Service Date
destSheet.Range("B2").Value = DPValue
destSheet.Range("B3").Value = companyValue
destSheet.Range("B4").Value = SVTimeValue
Convert SVDateValue to a proper date value
Dim searchDate As Date
searchDate = DateValue(SVDateValue)
' Extract month, year, and day
Dim extractedMonth As String
Dim extractedYear As Integer
Dim extractedDay As Integer
Dim formattedDay As String
extractedMonth = MonthName(Month(searchDate))
extractedYear = Year(searchDate)
extractedDay = Day(searchDate)
'formattedDay = Format(extractedDay, "dd")
formattedDay = Right("0" & extractedDay, 2) ' Format as two-digit day with leading zero
Dim calendarSheet As Worksheet
Set calendarSheet = calendarWorkbook.Sheets("Calendar")
' Update the month and year cells
calendarSheet.Range("D1").Value = extractedMonth
calendarSheet.Range("G1").Value = extractedYear
' Search for the specific date within the range B:H
Dim searchRange As Range
Dim searchCell As Range
Set searchRange = calendarSheet.Range("B:H")
Set searchCell = searchRange.Find(What:=formattedDay, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)
If Not searchCell Is Nothing Then
Dim targetCell As Range
For Each targetCell In searchRange
If IsDate(targetCell.Value) Then
Dim currentDate As Date
currentDate = DateValue(targetCell.Value)
' Compare currentDate with SVDateValue (day and month)
If Day(currentDate) = Day(searchDate) And Month(currentDate) = Month(searchDate) Then
' Set the targetRow and targetColumn based on the current targetCell
Dim targetRow As Long
Dim targetColumn As Long
targetRow = targetCell.Row
targetColumn = targetCell.Column
' Find the existing textbox in the same cell with matching DPValue and SVDateValue
Dim existingTb As Shape
For Each existingTb In calendarSheet.Shapes
If existingTb.Type = msoTextBox Then
'Dim lines() As String
lines = Split(existingTb.TextFrame2.TextRange.Text, vbCrLf)
If UBound(lines) >= 1 Then
'Dim dpValueFromShape As String
dpValueFromShape = Trim(lines(1)) ' Second line (index 1) is DPValue
'Dim dateFromShape As Date
dateFromShape = DateValue(lines(0)) ' First line (index 0) is the date
If dpValueFromShape = dpNumber And dateFromShape = SVDateValue Then
' Update the text content of the existing textbox
existingTb.TextFrame2.TextRange.Text = SVDateValue & vbCrLf & DPValue & vbCrLf & companyValue & vbCrLf & SVTimeValue
' Optionally, update other properties if needed
Exit For
End If
End If
End If
Next existingTb
' If no existing textbox found, create a new one in the correct cell
If existingTb Is Nothing Then
' Calculate the top position for the new textbox (below the existing ones)
Dim spacing As Double
spacing = 10 ' Adjust spacing as needed
Dim originalTextboxHeight As Double
originalTextboxHeight = 90 ' Fixed height for the original textbox
' Count the number of textboxes in the same cell
Dim textBoxCount As Long
For Each tb In calendarSheet.Shapes
If tb.Type = msoTextBox Then
If tb.TopLeftCell.Row = targetRow And tb.TopLeftCell.Column = targetColumn Then
textBoxCount = textBoxCount + 1
End If
End If
Next tb
' Calculate the top position using the formula: targetCell.Top + TextBox.Height * n + spacing
Dim topPosition As Double
topPosition = calendarSheet.Cells(targetRow, targetColumn).Top + spacing ' Start from the top of the cell
Dim tbTopPosition As Double
tbTopPosition = topPosition + originalTextboxHeight * textBoxCount + spacing
' Create a new textbox in the correct cell and position
Set tb = calendarSheet.Shapes.AddTextbox(Orientation:=msoTextOrientationHorizontal, _
Left:=calendarSheet.Cells(targetRow, targetColumn).Left, _
Top:=tbTopPosition, _
Width:=calendarSheet.Cells(targetRow, targetColumn).Width, _
' ... Set properties for the TextBox
tb.Fill.Transparency = 1 ' Fully transparent fill
tb.Line.Visible = msoFalse ' No border
' Set TextBox text to SVDate and company values
tb.TextFrame2.TextRange.Text = SVDateValue & vbCrLf & DPValue & vbCrLf & companyValue & vbCrLf & SVTimeValue
' Change color of SVDateValue text to not filled
tb.TextFrame2.TextRange.Characters(1, Len(SVDateValue)).Font.Fill.Visible = msoFalse
' Increment the textbox count
textBoxCount = textBoxCount + 1
End If
End If
End If
Next targetCell
MsgBox "Date not found in the specified range.", vbExclamation
End If
' Close the workbook and save changes
'calendarWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=True
End If
End Sub '
我尝试过使用 ChatGPT,但我无法真正解决这个问题,就像从故障排除中我知道这部分代码并没有真正起作用,因为 datefromshape 将遍历历中的所有文本框,而不是我正在编辑的文本框,但我对它应该是什么一无所知,因为它无法提取正确的值,因为像 dpvaluesfromshape 可能就像第一个文本框 DP11 但 dpnumber是 DP3,但那是因为它正在遍历所有文本框,所以稍后也有 DP3。我也尝试过锁定单元格,但它不起作用。有人可以为我提供这个问题的解决方案并告诉我什么是工作代码。我真的非常感谢。我已经被困了几个星期,现在我快到最后期限了。请帮忙!先谢谢你。
Dim existingTb As Shape
For Each existingTb In calendarSheet.Shapes
If existingTb.Type = msoTextBox Then
'Dim lines() As String
lines = Split(existingTb.TextFrame2.TextRange.Text, vbCrLf)
If UBound(lines) >= 1 Then
'Dim dpValueFromShape As String
dpValueFromShape = Trim(lines(1)) ' Second line (index 1) is DPValue
'Dim dateFromShape As Date
dateFromShape = DateValue(lines(0)) ' First line (index 0) is the date
If dpValueFromShape = dpNumber And dateFromShape = SVDateValue Then
' Update the text content of the existing textbox
existingTb.TextFrame2.TextRange.Text = SVDateValue & vbCrLf & DPValue & vbCrLf & companyValue & vbCrLf & SVTimeValue
' Optionally, update other properties if needed
Exit For
End If
End If
End If
Next existingTb '
中创建作业后,如果我更新文本框 1 或 2,而该单元格中有 3 个文本框,这将发生这种情况
Tim Williams
Option Explicit
'for testing...
Sub testSetMonth()
Me.SetMonth 2023, 8
End Sub
'update if the year or month are changed
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As range)
Dim rng As range
Set rng = Application.Intersect(Target, Me.range("D2:D3"))
If Not rng Is Nothing Then UpdateMonth
End Sub
'for calling from elsewhere - set the year+month
Public Sub SetMonth(yr As Long, mon As Long)
Dim t
t = Timer
Application.EnableEvents = False 'suspend events
Me.CurrentYear = yr
Me.CurrentMonth = mon
Application.EnableEvents = True
Debug.Print Timer - t
UpdateMonth 'Trigger update
End Sub
'reset the calendar to the selected yr/mon and populate with any
' events listed in the table
Sub UpdateMonth()
Dim rngCal As range, mon As Long, rngEvents As range, m, t
Dim dt As Date, c As range, dayNum As Long, n As Long, i As Long
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
t = Timer
Set rngCal = Me.range("B6:H11")
rngCal.Font.Color = vbBlack
rngCal.Font.Bold = False
mon = CurrentMonth
dt = DateSerial(CurrentYear, mon, 1)
n = Weekday(dt)
i = 1
Set rngEvents = EventData
Do While Month(dt) = mon
With rngCal.Cells(n)
AddCellText .Cells(1), i, 12, vbBlue, True
m = Application.Match(CLng(dt), rngEvents.Columns(1), 0)
If Not IsError(m) Then
Set c = rngEvents.Columns(1).Cells(m)
Do While c.Value = dt
AddCellText .Cells(1), c.Offset(0, 2), 8, vbRed, True
AddCellText .Cells(1), c.Offset(0, 3) & _
" (" & Format(c.Offset(0, 1), "h:mm") & ")", 8, vbBlack, False
Set c = c.Offset(1)
End If
End With
n = n + 1
i = i + 1
dt = dt + 1
Debug.Print "Done", Timer - t
End Sub
'add a line of text to a cell and format the added text
Sub AddCellText(c As range, ByVal txt, sz As Long, clr As Long, isBold As Boolean)
Dim v As String, sep As String
v = c.Value
txt = IIf(Len(v) > 0, vbLf, "") & txt
With c.Characters(Len(v) + 1, Len(txt))
.Text = txt
.Font.Size = sz
.Font.Color = clr
.Font.Bold = isBold
End With
End Sub
'Year/month properties
Property Let CurrentYear(yr As Long)
Me.range("D2").Value = yr
End Property
Property Get CurrentYear() As Long
CurrentYear = Me.range("D2").Value
End Property
Property Let CurrentMonth(mon As Long)
Me.range("D3").Value = mon
End Property
Property Get CurrentMonth() As Long
CurrentMonth = Me.range("D3").Value
End Property
'sort event data by date/time
Sub SortEvents()
Dim rngSort As range
Set rngSort = EventData
With Me.Sort.SortFields
.Add2 key:=rngSort.Columns(1), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending
.Add2 key:=rngSort.Columns(2), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending
End With
With Me.Sort
.SetRange rngSort
.Header = xlYes
.MatchCase = False
.Orientation = xlTopToBottom
.SortMethod = xlPinYin
End With
End Sub
'range with all event data
Property Get EventData() As range
Set EventData = Me.range("B17:E" & Me.Cells(Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row)
End Property