提问人:Nate 提问时间:6/19/2023 最后编辑:stefanNate 更新时间:6/20/2023 访问量:147
ggplot2:在 aes() 中将 1 个级别的分组变量拆分为多个几何项?
ggplot2: Splitting 1 level of grouping variable into multiple geom items within aes()?
我有一个适合我的图,但需要一些帮助将所有 (s) 和 (s) 放在同一个图例中,就像下面的图例图像(在 Excel 中完成)。据我了解,ggplot 使用 aes() 函数和 color/fill 命令将项目放入图例中,但每行数据都需要一个唯一的分组变量。我认为我最终的情节会要求 ggplot 尝试将同一组级别拆分为两种不同的美学(从 2 个分组级别制作 4 行?我不确定如何在不重组数据并丢失我到目前为止所做的内容的情况下创建它。从本质上讲,我试图像我的geom_ribbon一样按“组”变量(高/低)对我的“q2”列进行分组,但使用它们自己的线条和颜色(称为“中位数(高年)”和“中位数(低年)”)。此外,我希望将辅助数据帧(“黑线”)也添加到图例中。geom_line
ggplot(ribbons2, aes(x=Month, fill=group)) +
geom_ribbon(aes(ymin=q1,ymax=q3), alpha=0.4) +
geom_line(aes(x=Month, y=q2, fill =group, color = c("#DC143C", "#556B2F")), linewidth = 0.4, linetype = "dashed") +
geom_line(data=blackline, mapping=aes(x=Month, y=q2, fill = group), inherit.aes = FALSE, linewidth = 0.8) +
facet_wrap(factor(Zone)~ ., labeller=as_labeller(c("West" = "West",
"Whipray" = "Whipray",
"Rankin" = "Rankin",
"Crocodile" = "Crocodile Dragover*")),
scales='free') +
scale_x_continuous(breaks=c(5,6,7,8,9,10,11)) +
scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0, 0),
limits=c(0, 1),
breaks=c(0,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9,1.0)) +
scale_fill_manual(name="", labels=c('25th - 75th percentile (High years)',
'25th - 75th percentile (Low years)'),
values=c("#d8e4bc", "#e8bcbc")) +
theme(strip.text = element_text(face = "bold"),
legend.justification = "top",
strip.background = element_blank(),
axis.title.y = element_text(face="bold", margin = margin(t = 0, r = 10, b = 0, l = 0)),
axis.title.x = element_text(face="bold", margin = margin(t = 10, r = 0, b = 0, l = 0)),
axis.text.x = element_text(size = 8),
axis.text.y = element_text(size = 7)) +
ylab("Frequency of Occurence")
Error in `geom_line()`:
! Problem while computing aesthetics.
ℹ Error occurred in the 2nd layer.
Caused by error in `check_aesthetics()`:
! Aesthetics must be either length 1 or the same as the data (55)
✖ Fix the following mappings: `colour`
Run `rlang::last_trace()` to see where the error occurred.
Warning messages:
1: In geom_line(aes(x = Month, y = q2, fill = group, color = c("#DC143C", :
Ignoring unknown aesthetics: fill
2: In geom_line(data = blackline, mapping = aes(x = Month, y = q2, :
Ignoring unknown aesthetics: fill
数据(2 个 data.frames):
> dput(blackline)
structure(list(Zone = c("Crocodile", "Crocodile", "Crocodile",
"Crocodile", "Crocodile", "Crocodile", "Crocodile", "Rankin",
"Rankin", "Rankin", "Rankin", "Rankin", "Rankin", "Rankin", "West",
"West", "West", "West", "West", "West", "West", "Whipray", "Whipray",
"Whipray", "Whipray", "Whipray", "Whipray", "Whipray"), Month = c(5,
6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
11, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11), q2 = c(`50%` = 0, `50%` = 0, `50%` = 0,
`50%` = 0, `50%` = 0, `50%` = 0, `50%` = 0, `50%` = 0, `50%` = 0.0909,
`50%` = 0.1818, `50%` = 0.1364, `50%` = 0.0909, `50%` = 0.2727,
`50%` = 0.1818, `50%` = 0.05, `50%` = 0.1, `50%` = 0.2, `50%` = 0.25,
`50%` = 0.05, `50%` = 0.1, `50%` = 0.05, `50%` = 0, `50%` = 0,
`50%` = 0, `50%` = 0.1053, `50%` = 0, `50%` = 0, `50%` = 0),
group = c("2021", "2021", "2021", "2021", "2021", "2021",
"2021", "2021", "2021", "2021", "2021", "2021", "2021", "2021",
"2021", "2021", "2021", "2021", "2021", "2021", "2021", "2021",
"2021", "2021", "2021", "2021", "2021", "2021")), row.names = c(NA,
-28L), class = c("grouped_df", "tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"), groups = structure(list(
Zone = c("Crocodile", "Rankin", "West", "Whipray"), .rows = structure(list(
1:7, 8:14, 15:21, 22:28), ptype = integer(0), class = c("vctrs_list_of",
"vctrs_vctr", "list"))), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"
), row.names = c(NA, -4L), .drop = TRUE))
> dput(ribbons)
structure(list(Zone = c("Crocodile", "Crocodile", "Crocodile",
"Crocodile", "Crocodile", "Crocodile", "Crocodile", "Rankin",
"Rankin", "Rankin", "Rankin", "Rankin", "Rankin", "Rankin", "West",
"West", "West", "West", "West", "West", "West", "Whipray", "Whipray",
"Whipray", "Whipray", "Whipray", "Whipray", "Whipray", "Crocodile",
"Crocodile", "Crocodile", "Crocodile", "Crocodile", "Crocodile",
"Crocodile", "Rankin", "Rankin", "Rankin", "Rankin", "Rankin",
"Rankin", "Rankin", "West", "West", "West", "West", "West", "West",
"Whipray", "Whipray", "Whipray", "Whipray", "Whipray", "Whipray",
"Whipray"), Month = c(5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
11, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 5, 6, 7, 8,
9, 10, 11, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 5, 6, 7,
8, 9, 10, 11), q1 = c(`25%` = 0, `25%` = 0, `25%` = 0.05, `25%` = 0,
`25%` = 0.1, `25%` = 0.0625, `25%` = 0.0125, `25%` = 0.0909,
`25%` = 0.086, `25%` = 0.0649, `25%` = 0.2273, `25%` = 0.2208,
`25%` = 0.4302, `25%` = 0.2727, `25%` = 0.05, `25%` = 0.2, `25%` = 0.25,
`25%` = 0.25, `25%` = 0.3636, `25%` = 0.25, `25%` = 0.15, `25%` = 0.0132,
`25%` = 0, `25%` = 0.0789, `25%` = 0.1096, `25%` = 0.2763, `25%` = 0.2868,
`25%` = 0.0395, `25%` = 0, `25%` = 0, `25%` = 0, `25%` = 0, `25%` = 0,
`25%` = 0, `25%` = 0, `25%` = 0, `25%` = 0, `25%` = 0, `25%` = 0,
`25%` = 0, `25%` = 0, `25%` = 0, `25%` = 0, `25%` = 0, `25%` = 0.05,
`25%` = 0, `25%` = 0, `25%` = 0, `25%` = 0, `25%` = 0, `25%` = 0,
`25%` = 0, `25%` = 0, `25%` = 0.0132, `25%` = 0), q2 = c(`50%` = 0,
`50%` = 0, `50%` = 0.05, `50%` = 0, `50%` = 0.1, `50%` = 0.1,
`50%` = 0.075, `50%` = 0.1364, `50%` = 0.1136, `50%` = 0.1357,
`50%` = 0.2273, `50%` = 0.2273, `50%` = 0.4773, `50%` = 0.2792,
`50%` = 0.075, `50%` = 0.25, `50%` = 0.25, `50%` = 0.25, `50%` = 0.3684,
`50%` = 0.2857, `50%` = 0.1923, `50%` = 0.0263, `50%` = 0.0526,
`50%` = 0.3026, `50%` = 0.2056, `50%` = 0.4079, `50%` = 0.3684,
`50%` = 0.1316, `50%` = 0, `50%` = 0, `50%` = 0, `50%` = 0, `50%` = 0,
`50%` = 0, `50%` = 0, `50%` = 0, `50%` = 0, `50%` = 0, `50%` = 0,
`50%` = 0, `50%` = 0, `50%` = 0, `50%` = 0, `50%` = 0, `50%` = 0.05,
`50%` = 0, `50%` = 0, `50%` = 0, `50%` = 0, `50%` = 0, `50%` = 0,
`50%` = 0, `50%` = 0, `50%` = 0.0526, `50%` = 0), q3 = c(`75%` = 0,
`75%` = 0, `75%` = 0.1, `75%` = 0.0125, `75%` = 0.15, `75%` = 0.175,
`75%` = 0.1, `75%` = 0.1818, `75%` = 0.1591, `75%` = 0.2295,
`75%` = 0.2922, `75%` = 0.2273, `75%` = 0.5114, `75%` = 0.3929,
`75%` = 0.15, `75%` = 0.35, `75%` = 0.3, `75%` = 0.25, `75%` = 0.45,
`75%` = 0.35, `75%` = 0.2, `75%` = 0.0395, `75%` = 0.1289, `75%` = 0.55,
`75%` = 0.375, `75%` = 0.575, `75%` = 0.4658, `75%` = 0.2329,
`75%` = 0, `75%` = 0, `75%` = 0, `75%` = 0, `75%` = 0, `75%` = 0,
`75%` = 0, `75%` = 0, `75%` = 0, `75%` = 0, `75%` = 0.0109, `75%` = 0,
`75%` = 0, `75%` = 0, `75%` = 0, `75%` = 0, `75%` = 0.05, `75%` = 0,
`75%` = 0, `75%` = 0, `75%` = 0, `75%` = 0, `75%` = 0, `75%` = 0,
`75%` = 0, `75%` = 0.0882, `75%` = 0), group = c("high", "high",
"high", "high", "high", "high", "high", "high", "high", "high",
"high", "high", "high", "high", "high", "high", "high", "high",
"high", "high", "high", "high", "high", "high", "high", "high",
"high", "high", "low", "low", "low", "low", "low", "low", "low",
"low", "low", "low", "low", "low", "low", "low", "low", "low",
"low", "low", "low", "low", "low", "low", "low", "low", "low",
"low", "low")), row.names = c(NA, -55L), groups = structure(list(
Zone = c("Crocodile", "Rankin", "West", "Whipray"), .rows = structure(list(
c(1L, 2L, 3L, 4L, 5L, 6L, 7L, 29L, 30L, 31L, 32L, 33L,
34L, 35L), c(8L, 9L, 10L, 11L, 12L, 13L, 14L, 36L, 37L,
38L, 39L, 40L, 41L, 42L), c(15L, 16L, 17L, 18L, 19L,
20L, 21L, 43L, 44L, 45L, 46L, 47L, 48L), c(22L, 23L,
24L, 25L, 26L, 27L, 28L, 49L, 50L, 51L, 52L, 53L, 54L,
55L)), ptype = integer(0), class = c("vctrs_list_of",
"vctrs_vctr", "list"))), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"
), row.names = c(NA, -4L), .drop = TRUE), class = c("grouped_df",
"tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"))
在混合不同的美学和几何形状时,获得正确的图例总是有点棘手。首先,由于您的图例应显示 5 个不同的类别,因此仅映射美学是不够的。相反,我们必须为彩色线条再设置两个类别,为黑线设置一个类别。对于彩色的,我使用,而对于黑色的,我只是使用.其次,要确保图例的审美不同,即 并合并,我确保所有五个类别都显示在我使用参数的每个图例中。当然,我们每个人都需要相同的内容。此外,我们必须为每个类别分配一个值。最后,为了完美地反映图例中的不同线型和线宽,我还绘制了和美学。group
paste0(group, "_line")
limits <- c("high", "high_line", "2021", "low", "low_line")
labels <- c(
high = "25th - 75th percentile (High years)",
low = "25th - 75th percentile (Low years)",
high_line = "Median (High years)",
low_line = "Median (Low years)",
"2021" = "2021"
ggplot(ribbons, aes(x = Month, fill = group)) +
geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = q1, ymax = q3), alpha = 0.4) +
x = Month, y = q2,
color = paste0(group, "_line"),
linetype = paste0(group, "_line"),
linewidth = paste0(group, "_line")
) +
data = blackline, mapping = aes(
x = Month, y = q2, color = "2021",
linetype = "2021",
linewidth = "2021"
inherit.aes = FALSE
) +
facet_wrap(factor(Zone) ~ .,
labeller = as_labeller(c(
"West" = "West",
"Whipray" = "Whipray",
"Rankin" = "Rankin",
"Crocodile" = "Crocodile Dragover*"
scales = "free"
) +
scale_x_continuous(breaks = c(5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11)) +
expand = c(0, 0),
limits = c(0, 1),
breaks = c(0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0)
) +
limits = limits,
labels = labels,
values = c(
high = "#d8e4bc", low = "#e8bcbc",
high_line = "transparent", low_line = "transparent", "2021" = "transparent"
) +
limits = limits,
labels = labels,
values = c(
low_line = "#DC143C", high_line = "#556B2F",
low = "transparent", high = "transparent", "2021" = "black"
) +
limits = limits,
labels = labels,
values = c(
low_line = "dashed", high_line = "dashed",
low = "blank", high = "blank", "2021" = "solid"
) +
limits = limits,
labels = labels,
values = c(
low_line = .4, high_line = .4,
low = .1, high = .1, "2021" = .8
) +
theme_classic() +
strip.text = element_text(face = "bold"),
legend.justification = "top",
strip.background = element_blank(),
axis.title.y = element_text(face = "bold", margin = margin(t = 0, r = 10, b = 0, l = 0)),
axis.title.x = element_text(face = "bold", margin = margin(t = 10, r = 0, b = 0, l = 0)),
axis.text.x = element_text(size = 8),
axis.text.y = element_text(size = 7)
) +
labs(y = "Frequency of Occurence", color = NULL, fill = NULL, linetype = NULL, linewidth = NULL)