
How to get data using header name ranges in Excel in case columns are dynamic?

提问人:Shiela 提问时间:11/7/2023 更新时间:11/7/2023 访问量:46


我这里有一个简单的表格,在输入 ID 时匹配数据。它工作正常。但是,这些列是动态的/可互换的。我想做的是将从列号设置为标题名称,以便每当列互换时,ID 在更新后仍然具有匹配的完整数据。foundcell variable range

Sheet1 数据的图像



ID  Description 1   Description 2   Description 3   Description 4
1       Abc             123             Red             Yes
2       Def             456             Blue            Yes
3       Ghi             789             Orange          Yes
4       Jkl             0               Yellow          No

下面是 ID 2 的匹配数据示例。

form image

VBA Excel 代码

Private Sub id_Change()
Dim id As Variant, rowcount As Integer, foundcell As Range
id = Me.id.value
    rowcount = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(Rows.count, 1).End(xlUp).row
        With ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:A" & rowcount)
        Set foundcell = .Find(what:=id, LookIn:=xlValues)
          If Not foundcell Is Nothing Then                
                desc1.value = .Cells(foundcell.row, 2) 'I would like to name this as Description 1
                desc2.value = .Cells(foundcell.row, 3) 'I would like to name this as Description 2
                desc3.value = .Cells(foundcell.row, 4) 'I would like to name this as Description 3
                desc4.value = .Cells(foundcell.row, 5) 'I would like to name this as Description 4
                 desc1.value = ""
                 desc2.value = ""
                 desc3.value = ""
                 desc4.value = ""
            End If
        End With
End Sub


Excel VBA 标头 范围


2赞 Scott Craner 11/7/2023
代替 并使用 并对其他进行调整。Application.Match("Description 1",.Range("A1:F1"),0)2
0赞 Shiela 11/7/2023
0赞 Ratler 11/7/2023
澄清一下,当您说“动态”时,是否只是顺序(列号)可以更改?标题(“描述 1”等)是否总是相同的,它们是否总是四个/固定数字?
0赞 Shiela 11/7/2023
@Ratler是的,只是列的顺序可以改变,是的,它们总是 4,是的,标题总是相同的
2赞 Scott Craner 11/7/2023
你总是可以做到的Application.Match("Description 1",.Range("A1:ZZ1"),0)


2赞 Tim Williams 11/7/2023 #1

编辑:切换回 Find() 以匹配行....


Private Sub id_Change()
    Dim id As Variant, headers As Object, ws As Worksheet, f As range
    id = Me.id.Value
    Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1")
    Set headers = AllHeaders(ws, 1) 'get column headers from first row
    Set f = ws.Columns(headers("ID")).Find(id, Lookat:=xlWhole, _
    If Not f Is Nothing Then
        With f.EntireRow
            desc1.Value = .Cells(headers("Description 1"))
            desc2.Value = .Cells(headers("Description 2"))
            desc3.Value = .Cells(headers("Description 3"))
            desc4.Value = .Cells(headers("Description 4"))
        End With
        desc1.Value = ""
        desc2.Value = ""
        desc3.Value = ""
        desc4.Value = ""
    End If
End Sub

'Return a Dictionary mapping all headers on row `rw` of sheet `ws`
'   to their column positions.  Assumes all headers are unique.
Function AllHeaders(ws As Worksheet, rw As Long) As Object
    Dim dict As Object, v As String, c As Range
    Set dict = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
    dict.comparemode = 1 'vbTextCompare: case-insensitive
    For Each c In ws.Range(ws.Cells(rw, 1), ws.Cells(rw, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft)).Cells
        v = c.Value
        If Len(v) > 0 Then dict.Add v, c.Column 'map headers to column number
    Next c
    Set AllHeaders = dict
End Function


0赞 Shiela 11/7/2023
0赞 Tim Williams 11/7/2023
如果您的 ID 是数字,那么也许可以尝试id = CLng(Me.id.Value)
0赞 Shiela 11/7/2023