提问人:Saira 提问时间:7/26/2023 更新时间:7/26/2023 访问量:78
How to add error-checking for VLOOKUP in VBA
我正在将一些 excel 公式移动到 Visual Basic 以节省一些文件空间。 我正在努力的一个方面是添加一些错误检查。
我有一个公式(在第 23/W 列中):=IF(ISERROR(VLOOKUP(W2, auditdata!A:D, 1, FALSE)),“房间未审核”, “房间审核”)your text
我已经重新编写为Visual Basic代码,但我正在努力添加“On Error”语句。 我使用这些说明作为参考:https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/office/vba/language/reference/user-interface-help/on-error-statement
实际上,公式有点复杂 - 我需要检查两列的值,如果两者都存在于我正在检查的表数组中,则返回“audited”,否则“not audited”。我正在简化问题,以便更好地理解。
在两种情况下可能会发生错误:如果选中的单元格为空,或者它具有其他数据表中不存在的值。VBA 错误是 运行时错误“1004”:
Sub CheckRoomAudited_Method()
Dim AuditCheckCell As Range 'cell where the vlookup results are returned
Dim TotaltoCheck As Long 'last row in the column to check
TotaltoCheck = Worksheets("RoomUse").Range("A2").End(xlDown).Row 'using first column as some data missing in lookup range column
Dim EndofAuditRange As Long
EndofAuditRange = Worksheets("auditdata").Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row 'this in the TableArray that will be checked
Dim AuditCheckColumn As Range 'column where the vlookup results are returned
Set AuditCheckColumn = Worksheets("RoomUse").Range(Worksheets("RoomUse").Cells(2, 23), Worksheets("RoomUse").Cells(TotaltoCheck, 23)) 'seemed long-winded to specify but could not get it to work otherwise
Dim VlookupValueColumn As Range 'need to check values in this column to see if they exist in other sheet
Set VlookupValueColumn = Worksheets("RoomUse").Range(Worksheets("RoomUse").Cells(2, 37), Worksheets("RoomUse").Cells(TotaltoCheck, 37))
Dim TableArrayRange As Range 'TableArray that will be checked
Set TableArrayRange = Worksheets("auditdata").Range(Worksheets("auditdata").Cells(1, 1), Worksheets("auditdata").Cells(EndofAuditRange, 4))
For Each AuditCheckCell In AuditCheckColumn
'loop through column number 37 ("AK:AK") and check whether each value exist in the other table/sheet
'write the value if it exist or "room not audited" if it does not exist in column 23/W
AuditCheckCell.Value = WorksheetFunction.VLookup(AuditCheckCell.Offset(0, 14), TableArrayRange, 1, False)
Next AuditCheckCell
End Sub
基本上有两种方法可以从 VBA 执行:第一种是您正在使用的方法 (),另一种是 .VLookup
如果找不到值,则引发运行时错误。您需要使用 -Statements 自行捕获此错误:On Error
Dim myValue As Variant
myValue = "(not found)" ' Or whatever value you want to put into the cell if not found
On Error Resume Next
myValue = WorksheetFunction.VLookup(AuditCheckCell.Offset(0, 14), TableArrayRange, 1, False)
On Error Goto 0
AuditCheckCell.Value = myValue
不会引发运行时错误。相反,如果未找到该值,它将返回错误值。当您将该值写入单元格时,该单元格将显示 - 这正是 Excel 公式中 VLookup-Function 返回的内容。在 VBA 中,您可以使用函数 来检查这一点,或者更具体地说, .#N/A
Dim myValue As Variant
myValue = Application.VLookup(AuditCheckCell.Offset(0, 14), TableArrayRange, 1, False)
if IsNA(myValue) Then
AuditCheckCell.Value = "(not found)"
AuditCheckCell.Value = myValue
End If
For Each AuditCheckCell In AuditCheckColumn
'loop through column number 37 ("AK:AK") and check whether each value exist in the other table/sheet
'write the value if it exist or "room not audited" if it does not exist in column 23/W
' Default value
AuditCheckCell.Value = "room not audited"
' Try to lookup the value
On Error Resume Next
AuditCheckCell.Value = WorksheetFunction.VLookup(AuditCheckCell.Offset(0, 14), TableArrayRange, 1, False)
On Error GoTo 0
Next AuditCheckCell
if iserror(result_variable) then
With Worksheets("RoomUse"): Set AuditCheckColumn = .Range(.Cells(2, 23), .Cells(TotaltoCheck, 23)): End With
AuditCheckCell.Value = Application.IfError(Application.VLookup(AuditCheckCell.Offset(0, 14), TableArrayRange, 1, False), "Not Existing")