提问人:Daniel Xu 提问时间:9/16/2023 最后编辑:Vladimir F Героям славаDaniel Xu 更新时间:9/16/2023 访问量:53
用于解决 2D 热棒问题的 Fortran 代码
Fortran code to solve a 2D heat bar problem
在我使用之前,我只是使用转置来转置T_l。代码可以成功 mpirun。但是,在我使用您提供的代码后,代码无法成功 mpirun。以下是我使用后的代码以及终端给我的错误消息。你能通读它们并给我建议来修复错误吗?您可以丢弃子例程,这绝对是正确的,因为唯一更改的部分是 ghost swap 部分,如果我简单地使用转置,不会发生错误。MPI_Type_vector
program asn
use mpi
! Parameter declaration
implicit none
integer :: ierr, processID, totalProcesses, nx, ny, i, j, r_start, r_end, numRows, iterationCount, &
itemax, m_start, m_end, comm_count, lowProcessID, upProcessID, upSendTag, lowSendTag, dims(1), &
request(4),rowDimensions(2),assembleDimensions(2),globalDimensions(2),startPoint(2), rowtype
real(8) :: a, b, dx, dy, maxResidual, localMaxResidual, globalMaxResidual, pi, L
real(8), allocatable :: x(:), y(:), U(:,:), V(:,:), U_l(:,:), V_l(:,:), T(:,:), T_l(:,:),&
T_assemble(:,:), T_l_transpose(:,:), residual(:,:)
logical :: periodicBoundary(1), reorderProcesses
integer :: resized_send_type,resized_receive_type,cart_comm, L_row, typeSize, send_type, recv_type
integer, allocatable :: rowsPerProcess(:), displacement(:)
INTEGER(KIND=MPI_ADDRESS_KIND) :: startMemory, strideMemory
! MPI Initialization:
! Start the MPI environment, get the rank of the current process and the total number of processes.
call MPI_INIT(ierr)
call MPI_COMM_RANK(MPI_COMM_WORLD, processID, ierr)
call MPI_COMM_SIZE(MPI_COMM_WORLD, totalProcesses, ierr)
! Solution Array Initialization:
! Define the dimensions of the solution array and allocate memory for it. Initialize all elements to zero.
nx = 100
ny = 100
allocate(T(ny, nx))
T = 0.0d0
! Physical and Numerical Parameters Initialization:
! Set the domain length, coefficients 'a' and 'b', and calculate grid spacings 'dx' and 'dy'.
L = 1d0
a = 80
b = 0.5d0
pi = 3.14159260
dx = L/(nx-1)
dy = L/(ny-1)
! Position Vector Initialization:
! Allocate memory for position vectors 'x' and 'y' and compute their values based on grid spacings.
do i =1,nx
x(i) = (i-1)*dx
y(i) = (i-1)*dy
end do
! Boundary Conditions Setup:
! Set the boundary values for the solution array 'T' based on a given function.
do i = 1, nx
T(1,i) = -cos(2 * pi * x(i) / L)**2
T(ny,i) = -T(1,i)
end do
! Velocity Field Initialization:
! Allocate memory for velocity fields 'U' and 'V' and compute their values based on given functions.
do i = 1, ny
do j = 1, nx
U(i,j) = sin(pi * x(i) / L) * cos(pi * y(j) / L) &
+sin(2 * pi * x(i) / L) * cos(2 * pi * y(j) / L)
V(i,j) = -cos(pi * x(i) / L) * sin(pi * y(j) / L) &
-cos(2 * pi * x(i) / L) * sin(2 * pi * y(j) / L)
end do
end do
! MPI Topology Creation:
! Create a one-dimensional Cartesian topology for processes and determine neighboring processes.
dims(1) = totalProcesses
periodicBoundary(1) = .false.
reorderProcesses = .true.
call MPI_CART_CREATE(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 1, dims, periodicBoundary, reorderProcesses, cart_comm, ierr)
call MPI_CART_SHIFT(cart_comm, 0, 1, lowProcessID, upProcessID, ierr)
! Domain Decomposition:
! Decompose the computational domain among the available processes based on their rank.
call DomainDecomposition(ny, totalProcesses, processID, r_start, r_end, m_start, m_end)
! Local Solution Array Initialization:
! Allocate memory for local solution arrays and copy the relevant sections from the global solution array.
numRows = r_end-r_start+1
T_l(:,:) = T(r_start:r_end,:)
! Local Velocity Field Initialization:
! Allocate memory for local velocity fields and copy the relevant sections from the global velocity fields.
U_l(:,:) = U(r_start:r_end,:)
V_l(:,:) = V(r_start:r_end,:)
! Ghost Cell Communication Initialization:
! Define tags for MPI communication to identify the data being sent/received.
upSendTag = 1
lowSendTag = 2
! Convergence Criteria Initialization:
! Allocate memory for the residual array and set the maximum allowed residual and maximum iteration count.
iterationCount = 0
maxResidual = 1d-5
itemax = 20000
! 2. calculate and update the local domain
! Loop until not converged after large iteration
do while (iterationCount < itemax)
! For red nodes
! The red nodes are updated based on the parity (odd or even) of 'r_start + 1'.
! Depending on the parity, different starting points and steps are used for the update.
! Check the parity of 'r_start + 1'
if (mod(r_start + 1, 2) == 1) then
! If 'r_start + 1' is odd:
! Update the matrix for odd rows starting from the second row and third column.
! The updates are done in steps of 2 for both rows and columns.
call updateMatrix(2, 3, 2, 2, T_l, U_l, V_l, a, b, dx, dy, numRows, nx)
! Update the matrix for even rows starting from the third row and second column.
call updateMatrix(3, 2, 2, 2, T_l, U_l, V_l, a, b, dx, dy, numRows, nx)
! If 'r_start + 1' is even:
! Update the matrix for even rows starting from the second row and second column.
call updateMatrix(2, 2, 2, 2, T_l, U_l, V_l, a, b, dx, dy, numRows, nx)
! Update the matrix for odd rows starting from the third row and third column.
call updateMatrix(3, 3, 2, 2, T_l, U_l, V_l, a, b, dx, dy, numRows, nx)
end if
! Ghost row swap:
! This section of the code deals with the communication of ghost rows between adjacent processes.
! Ghost rows are boundary rows of a local domain that are used to exchange information with neighboring domains.
! Using MPI_Type_vector, we can directly send and receive rows without needing to transpose the matrix.
! Define a new MPI data type for a row of the matrix:
call MPI_Type_vector(1, nx, nx, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, rowtype, ierr)
call MPI_Type_commit(rowtype, ierr)
! Initialize communication count:
comm_count = 0
! Receive ghost row from the lower local domain (if not the first process):
if (processID > 0) then
call MPI_IRECV(T_l(1,:), 1, rowtype, lowProcessID, upSendTag, &
cart_comm, request(comm_count+1), ierr)
comm_count = comm_count + 1
end if
! Send ghost row to the upper local domain (if not the last process):
if (processID < totalProcesses-1) then
call MPI_ISEND(T_l(numRows-1,:), 1, rowtype, upProcessID, upSendTag, &
cart_comm, request(comm_count+1), ierr)
comm_count = comm_count + 1
end if
! Receive ghost row from the upper local domain (if not the last process):
if (processID < totalProcesses-1) then
call MPI_IRECV(T_l(numRows,:), 1, rowtype, upProcessID, lowSendTag, &
cart_comm, request(comm_count+1), ierr)
comm_count = comm_count + 1
end if
! Send ghost row to the lower local domain (if not the first process):
if (processID > 0) then
call MPI_ISEND(T_l(2,:), 1, rowtype, lowProcessID, lowSendTag, &
cart_comm, request(comm_count+1), ierr)
comm_count = comm_count + 1
end if
! Wait for all non-blocking communication operations to complete:
if (comm_count > 0) then
call MPI_WAITALL(comm_count, request, MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE, ierr)
end if
! Free the custom MPI data type:
call MPI_Type_free(rowtype, ierr)
! For black nodes
! The black nodes are updated similarly to the red nodes but with different starting points.
! The parity of 'r_start + 1' determines the starting points for the update.
! Check the parity of 'r_start + 1'
if (mod(r_start + 1, 2) == 1) then
! If 'r_start + 1' is odd:
! Update the matrix for even rows starting from the second row and second column.
call updateMatrix(2, 2, 2, 2, T_l, U_l, V_l, a, b, dx, dy, numRows, nx)
! Update the matrix for odd rows starting from the third row and third column.
call updateMatrix(3, 3, 2, 2, T_l, U_l, V_l, a, b, dx, dy, numRows, nx)
! If 'r_start + 1' is even:
! Update the matrix for odd rows starting from the second row and third column.
call updateMatrix(2, 3, 2, 2, T_l, U_l, V_l, a, b, dx, dy, numRows, nx)
! Update the matrix for even rows starting from the third row and second column.
call updateMatrix(3, 2, 2, 2, T_l, U_l, V_l, a, b, dx, dy, numRows, nx)
end if
! Ghost row swap:
! This section of the code deals with the communication of ghost rows between adjacent processes.
! Ghost rows are boundary rows of a local domain that are used to exchange information with neighboring domains.
! Using MPI_Type_vector, we can directly send and receive rows without needing to transpose the matrix.
! Define a new MPI data type for a row of the matrix:
call MPI_Type_vector(1, nx, nx, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, rowtype, ierr)
call MPI_Type_commit(rowtype, ierr)
! Initialize communication count:
comm_count = 0
! Receive ghost row from the lower local domain (if not the first process):
if (processID > 0) then
call MPI_IRECV(T_l(1,:), 1, rowtype, lowProcessID, upSendTag, &
cart_comm, request(comm_count+1), ierr)
comm_count = comm_count + 1
end if
! Send ghost row to the upper local domain (if not the last process):
if (processID < totalProcesses-1) then
call MPI_ISEND(T_l(numRows-1,:), 1, rowtype, upProcessID, upSendTag, &
cart_comm, request(comm_count+1), ierr)
comm_count = comm_count + 1
end if
! Receive ghost row from the upper local domain (if not the last process):
if (processID < totalProcesses-1) then
call MPI_IRECV(T_l(numRows,:), 1, rowtype, upProcessID, lowSendTag, &
cart_comm, request(comm_count+1), ierr)
comm_count = comm_count + 1
end if
! Send ghost row to the lower local domain (if not the first process):
if (processID > 0) then
call MPI_ISEND(T_l(2,:), 1, rowtype, lowProcessID, lowSendTag, &
cart_comm, request(comm_count+1), ierr)
comm_count = comm_count + 1
end if
! Wait for all non-blocking communication operations to complete:
if (comm_count > 0) then
call MPI_WAITALL(comm_count, request, MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE, ierr)
end if
! Free the custom MPI data type:
call MPI_Type_free(rowtype, ierr)
! update and check stopping criteria
! update iteration notation
iterationCount = iterationCount+1
! calculate the maximum residual on the global domain
! this calculate residual on each local node
do i = 2, numRows-1
do j = 2, ny-1
! residual = B-Ax, where B is RHS of equation, Ax is LHS of equation
residual(i,j) = 0 - a * U_l(i,j) * ((T_l(i+1,j) - T_l(i-1,j)) / (2 * dx)) &
- a * V_l(i,j) * ((T_l(i,j+1) - T_l(i,j-1)) / (2* dy)) &
+ ((T_l(i+1,j) - 2 * T_l(i,j) + T_l(i-1,j)) / dx**2) &
+ ((T_l(i,j+1) - 2 * T_l(i,j) + T_l(i,j-1)) / dy**2) &
+ b * T_l(i,j)
end do
end do
localMaxResidual = maxval(abs(residual)) ! calculate the maximum residual over the local domain
call MPI_ALLREDUCE(localMaxResidual, globalMaxResidual, 1, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,&
MPI_MAX, cart_comm, ierr) !calculate the maximum residual over all domain
! check if the maximum residual is smaller than setted
if (globalMaxResidual < maxResidual) then
end if
end do
Program received signal SIGABRT: Process abort signal.
Backtrace for this error:
Could not print backtrace: executable file is not an executable
Primary job terminated normally, but 1 process returned
a non-zero exit code. Per user-direction, the job has been aborted.
mpirun noticed that process rank 1 with PID 0 on node Daniels-Air exited on signal 6 (Abort trap: 6).
在我使用之前,我只是使用转置来转置T_l。代码可以成功 mpirun。但是,在我使用您提供的代码后,代码无法成功 mpirun。以下是我使用后的代码以及终端给我的错误消息。你能通读它们并给我建议来修复错误吗?您可以丢弃子例程,这绝对是正确的,因为唯一更改的部分是 ghost swap 部分,如果我简单地使用转置,不会发生错误。MPI_Type_vector
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