R 将列表转换为 Data.Frame 或表格

R Convert List Into Data.Frame or Table

提问人:bvowe 提问时间:4/5/2020 最后编辑:MichaelChiricobvowe 更新时间:4/6/2020 访问量:791


list1 = list(


我有“list1”中“list1”中的每个项目都等于一个人 4 年的成绩、班级、分数。 因此,“list1”有 5 名学生,每个学生有 12 条记录(成绩、班级和分数这三个变量中的每一个都有 4 条记录)。我希望将“list1”转换为“data1”,这是一个长数据文件,其中“ID”等于“list1”中的列表项编号。时间等于记录的时间(每个学生有 4 个时间度量),成绩等于 list1 中所有元素中的前 4 个数据点,Class 等于接下来的 4 个数据点,Score 等于最后 4 个。



R 列表 DataFrame Data.Table



1赞 tmfmnk 4/5/2020 #1


map_dfr(.x = list1, 
        ~ as.data.frame(matrix(.x, 4, 3)) %>%
         setNames(c("Grade", "Class", "Score")), .id = "ID") %>%
 group_by(ID) %>%
 mutate(Time = 1:n())

   ID    Grade Class Score  Time
   <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <int>
 1 1         4     1     3     1
 2 1         5     1     1     2
 3 1         6     1     3     3
 4 1         7     1     3     4
 5 2         3     2     1     1
 6 2         4     2     4     2
 7 2         5     2     2     3
 8 2         6     2     1     4
 9 3         1     1     3     1
10 3         2     1     2     2
11 3         3     1     1     3
12 3         4     1     1     4
13 4         5     1     4     1
14 4         6     1     4     2
15 4         7     1     4     3
16 4         8     1     3     4
17 5         2     2     2     1
18 5         3     2     1     2
19 5         4     2     2     3
20 5         5     2     1     4
1赞 Ronak Shah 4/5/2020 #2

使用基础 R,我们可以遍历每个列表的索引并创建一个数据帧。list1

do.call(rbind, lapply(seq_along(list1), function(i) 
        data.frame(ID = i, Time = 1:4, Grade = list1[[i]][1:4], 
                    Class = list1[[i]][5:8], Score = list1[[i]][9:12])))

#   ID Time Grade Class Score
#1   1    1     4     1     3
#2   1    2     5     1     1
#3   1    3     6     1     3
#4   1    4     7     1     3
#5   2    1     3     2     1
#6   2    2     4     2     4
#7   2    3     5     2     2
#8   2    4     6     2     1
#9   3    1     1     1     3
#10  3    2     2     1     2
#11  3    3     3     1     1
#12  3    4     4     1     1
#13  4    1     5     1     4
#14  4    2     6     1     4
#15  4    3     7     1     4
#16  4    4     8     1     3
#17  5    1     2     2     2
#18  5    2     3     2     1
#19  5    3     4     2     2
#20  5    4     5     2     1


0赞 bvowe 4/5/2020
1赞 Ronak Shah 4/5/2020
1赞 Sathish 4/5/2020 #3

使用 1000 万个数据点


list1 = list(

big_list <- unlist(mget(x = rep('list1', 100000)), recursive = FALSE)

代码: - 使用 Base-R: split()

  col_levels <- rep(c('Grade', 'Class', 'Score'), each = 4)

  for(x in seq_along(big_list)){
    big_list[[x]] <- do.call('cbind', list(ID = x, Time = 1:4, 
                                        do.call('cbind', split(big_list[[x]], col_levels))))

  final_df <- do.call('rbind', big_list)      

# user  system elapsed 
# 82.86    0.31   83.78

比较:使用 data.table


  # 4 = # of Times per ID&Column (assuming your table is rectangular)
  out = CJ(ID = 1:length(big_list), Time = 1:4)
  # relies on ID being an integer, so that ID = 1 --> list1[[1]]
  #   gives ID=1's data
  out[ , by = ID, c('Grade', 'Class', 'Score') := {
    as.data.table(matrix(big_list[[ .BY$ID ]], ncol = 3L))

# user  system elapsed 
# 76.22    0.25   76.80


# [1] 2000000      5

#      ID Time Class Grade Score
# [1,]  1    1     1     4     3
# [2,]  1    2     1     5     1
# [3,]  1    3     1     6     3
# [4,]  1    4     1     7     3
# [5,]  2    1     2     3     1
# [6,]  2    2     2     4     4
2赞 MichaelChirico 4/5/2020 #4


# could also do something like paste0('student', 1:5) for clarity,
#   and adjust patterns() below accordingly
setnames(list1, paste0(1:5))
# 4 = # of values of Time
list1[ , colid := rep(c('Grade', 'Class', 'Score'), each = 4L)]
# 3 = # of columns "stacked" in each student's column initially
list1[ , Time := rep(1:4, 3L)]
# first, reshape long
list1[ , melt(.SD, measure.vars = patterns('^[0-9]+'), variable.name = 'ID',
              variable.factor = FALSE)
       # now, reshape to the final format
       ][ , dcast(.SD, ID + Time ~ colid, value.var = 'value')]
#         ID  Time Class Grade Score
#     <char> <int> <num> <num> <num>
#  1:      1     1     1     4     3
#  2:      1     2     1     5     1
#  3:      1     3     1     6     3
#  4:      1     4     1     7     3
#  5:      2     1     2     3     1
#  6:      2     2     2     4     4
#  7:      2     3     2     5     2
#  8:      2     4     2     6     1
#  9:      3     1     1     1     3
# 10:      3     2     1     2     2
# 11:      3     3     1     3     1
# 12:      3     4     1     4     1
# 13:      4     1     1     5     4
# 14:      4     2     1     6     4
# 15:      4     3     1     7     4
# 16:      4     4     1     8     3
# 17:      5     1     2     2     2
# 18:      5     2     2     3     1
# 19:      5     3     2     4     2
# 20:      5     4     2     5     1
#         ID  Time Class Grade Score



# 4 = # of Times per ID&Column (assuming your table is rectangular)
out = CJ(ID = 1:length(list1), Time = 1:4)
# relies on ID being an integer, so that ID = 1 --> list1[[1]]
#   gives ID=1's data
out[ , by = ID, c('Grade', 'Class', 'Score') := {
  as.data.table(matrix(list1[[ .BY$ID ]], ncol = 3L))


out = CJ(ID = 1:length(list1), Time = 1:4)
out[ , by = ID, c('Grade', 'Class', 'Score') := {
  student_data = list1[[.BY$ID]]
  lapply(1:3, function(j) student_data[4L*(j-1) + 1:4])
2赞 Cole 4/6/2020 #5


mat = matrix(0, nrow = length(list1) * 4L, ncol = 5L, dimnames = list(NULL, c("ID", "Time", "Grade", "Class", "Score")))

rw = 0L
times = 1:4

for (i in seq_along(list1)) {
  l = list1[[i]]
  new_rw = length(l) / 3
  inds = seq_len(new_rw) + rw

  mat[inds, 1L] = i
  mat[inds, 2L] = times
  mat[inds, 3:5] = matrix(l, ncol = 3L)

  rw = new_rw + rw


n = length(list1)
matrix(unlist(list1, use.names = FALSE)[rep(rep(1:4, n) + 12 * rep(0:(n-1L), each = 4), 3) + rep(c(0, 4, 8), each = n * 4L)], ncol = 3)


  " NumericMatrix rcpp_combo(List x) {
  NumericMatrix out(x.size() * 4, 5);
  int init = 0;

  for (int i = 0; i < x.size(); i++) {
    NumericVector tmp = x(i);
    int ID = i + 1;
    for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
      int ind = j + init;

      out(ind, 0) = ID;
      out(ind, 1) = j + 1;
      out(ind, 2) = tmp(j);
      out(ind, 3) = tmp(4 + j);
      out(ind, 4) = tmp(8 + j);
    init += 4;

使用 @Sathish 的基准测试,这些方法介于 0.05 到 2 秒之间。

big_list <- unlist(mget(x = rep('list1', 100000)), recursive = FALSE)

##   user  system elapsed 
##   0.07    0.00    0.06 

  n = length(big_list)
  mat2 = matrix(unlist(big_list, use.names = FALSE)[rep(rep(1:4, n) + 12 * rep(0:(n-1L), each = 4), 3) + rep(c(0, 4, 8), each = n * 4L)], ncol = 3)
##   user  system elapsed 
##   0.20    0.02    0.22 

big_list <- unlist(mget(x = rep('list1', 100000)), recursive = FALSE)
mat = matrix(0, nrow = length(big_list) * 4L, ncol = 5L, dimnames = list(NULL, c("ID", "Time", "Grade", "Class", "Score")))
rw = 0L
times = 1:4
for (i in seq_along(big_list)) {
  l = big_list[[i]]
  new_rw = length(l) / 3
  inds = seq_len(new_rw) + rw
  mat[inds, 1L] = i
  mat[inds, 2L] = times
  mat[inds, 3:5] = matrix(l, ncol = 3L)
  rw = new_rw + rw
##   user  system elapsed 
##   2.08    0.03    2.21