克隆的表单元素 -> ID 更新为数字 -> 获取下拉列表的值

Cloned Form elements -> Ids updated with a number -> Get value of the dropdown

提问人:Leeya 提问时间:9/7/2023 更新时间:9/7/2023 访问量:62


根据下拉列表中选择的数字克隆表单。克隆表单上的选择和输入字段 ID 会更新为一个数字,例如 OrderType1、OrderType2 等。现在我需要检索下拉列表 OrderType1 的值并显示一个 div。


            $.fn.duplicate = function (count, cloneEvents) {
                var tmp = [];
                for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
                    $.merge(tmp, this.clone(cloneEvents).get());
                return this.pushStack(tmp);

            //SELECT CHANGE FUNCTION (on change get value and clone)
            $('#case').change(function () {  // on change...
                var numOfClones = $(this).val();    // get value...

                $('#holder').html('');              // empty holder if there are some old clones
                $('#caseNumber.new').each(function (idx) {
                    idx = $(this).index() + 1;
                    $('select', this).each(function () {
                        $(this).attr('name', $(this).attr('name') + idx).attr('id', $(this).attr('name'));
                    $('input', this).each(function () {
                        $(this).attr('name', $(this).attr('name') + idx).attr('id', $(this).attr('name'));
                    $('#caseNumbering', this).each(function () {
                        $(this).text("Case Number " + idx++);


            $("#orderType-req1").change(function (event) {
                alert("You have Selected  :: " + $(this).val());


C# jQuery 函数 克隆 onchange


0赞 76484 9/7/2023
0赞 Leeya 9/7/2023
我正在处理订单。有 10 个案例编号的下拉列表。下面是客户输入下订单的字段。每个项目的定量以及 orderType 。如果从下拉列表中选择 4,则这些数量和订单类型将重复 4 次,以便客户为每个案例填写。上面的代码用于复制 caseNumber。并为每个字段的 ID 分配数字值。我面临的问题是 orderType 字段,这是一个带有 Commercial 和其他值的下拉列表。假设案例 2,客户选择其他,将显示一个隐藏的文本字段供客户输入详细信息。
0赞 Leeya 9/7/2023
$(“#orderType-req1”).change(function (event) { if (this.value == 'Other:') { $(“#orderTypeOtherDiv”).show(“blind”#orderTypeOtherDiv);在克隆之前不起作用,id 为 OrderType。所以 4 个克隆意味着我有 OrderType1、OrderType2、OrderType3 和 OrderType4,当单独设置这些值时,会在 jquery 中执行一些操作
0赞 Leeya 9/7/2023


0赞 76484 9/7/2023 #1


问题在于,动态克隆了 Order Type 元素的 and 属性,因此您没有绑定事件处理程序的静态选择器。idname<select>

我的建议是向原始属性添加一个属性,该属性将是所有克隆通用的静态属性 - 例如,数据属性,例如 .<select>data-order-type


$(document).on('change', '[data-order-type]', function () {
  const $this = $(this);
  const val = $this.val();

  $this.parent().find('.blind').toggle(val === 'Other');
  alert("You have Selected  :: " + val);


$.fn.duplicate = function(count, cloneEvents) {
   var tmp = [];
   for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
     $.merge(tmp, this.clone(cloneEvents).get());
   return this.pushStack(tmp);

 //SELECT CHANGE FUNCTION (on change get value and clone)
 $('#case').change(function() { // on change...
   var numOfClones = $(this).val(); // get value...

   $('#holder').html(''); // empty holder if there are some old clones
   $('#caseNumber.new').each(function(idx) {
     idx = $(this).index() + 1;
     $('select', this).each(function() {
       $(this).attr('name', $(this).attr('name') + idx).attr('id', $(this).attr('name'));
     $('input', this).each(function() {
       $(this).attr('name', $(this).attr('name') + idx).attr('id', $(this).attr('name'));
     $('#caseNumbering', this).each(function() {
       $(this).text("Case Number " + idx++);


$(document).on('change', '[data-order-type]', function () {
  const $this = $(this);
  const val = $this.val();

  $this.parent().find('.blind').toggle(val === 'Other');
  alert("You have Selected  :: " + val);
#holder {
  border: 1px solid red;

.blind {
  display: none;

.new {
  border: 1px solid blue;
  padding: 10px;
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>

<select id="case">

<div id="caseNumber">
  <select data-order-type name="orderType">
  <input name="OrderType">
  <div class="blind">
      This is hidden stuff.

<div id="holder"></div>


0赞 Leeya 9/7/2023
can it be $this.parent().find('#orderTypeOtherDiv').toggle(val === 'Other'); which is set to display:none. but that doesnt work
0赞 Leeya 9/7/2023
I got it working with your code $(document).on('change', '[data-order-type]', function () { if (this.value == 'Other:') { $(".orderOther").show(); } else { $(".orderOther").hide(); } }); But then Case2, case 3 also shows textfield when Other selected in Case 1. Case2 might be Commercial which should not show the textfield. Help needed.
0赞 76484 9/7/2023
@Leeya This is very difficult to troubleshoot without knowing your HTML structure. In order to limit what element is toggled to just a single clone, I was using . But your HTML may be different. If every clone begins with an element with class , then you could try: (and similarly for )..parent()new$(this).closest('.new').find('.orderOther').show().hide()
0赞 Leeya 9/7/2023
<div id="caseNumber" style="display:none;"><div class="row" style="margin-left:1px;font-weight:bold;font-size:20px;" id="caseNumbering"><br /></div> <div class="row form-group"> <div id="orderType" class="col-12 col-md-6"> @RenderOrderTypeDropdownField(formFields.Find(x => x.FieldName == "orderType-req"))</div><div class="orderOther col-12 col-md-6" id="orderTypeOtherDiv" style="display:none"> @RenderTextField(formFields.Find(x => x.FieldName == "orderTypeOther")) </div> </div>
0赞 Leeya 9/7/2023
@helper RenderOrderTypeDropdownField(FormField formField) { <label for="@formField.FieldName">@formField.FieldLabel</label> <select data-order-type name="@formField.FieldName" id="@formField.FieldName" class="@(Page.Errors.Contains(@formField.FieldName) ? "error " : "form-control ")"> <option value=""> </option> <option value="Commercial" @(fieldValue == "Commercial" ? "selected" : "")>Commercial</option> <option value="Other:" @(fieldValue == "Other:" ? "selected" : "")>Other:</option> </select>}