在 Pandas 中将自定义标题添加到数据框并将其转换为 HTML

Add custom title to a data-frame in Pandas and convert it to HTML

提问人:Hemant Kumar 提问时间:5/26/2019 更新时间:5/26/2019 访问量:2920


我正在从目录列表中读取某些 csv 文件,即 actual_results 和 expected_results。现在,我用actual_results浏览每个 csv,并在 expected_results 中比较 csv。然后我想将整个数据显示为 HTML 格式,如下所示

我已经编写了一些代码来实际清理数据,然后比较实际和预期 csv 的数据帧。


import pandas as pd
import sys
from glob import glob
import os
import itertools

# compareCSV takes in two args as path of the two csv files to compare
def compare(expectedList,actualList):
    dfList = list()
    for (csv1,csv2) in itertools.zip_longest(expectedList,actualList):
        df1_ctr[df1_ctr.columns[1:]] = [x.split('\t') for x in df1_ctr['mean(ms)']]
        df2_ctr[df2_ctr.columns[1:]] = [x.split('\t') for x in df2_ctr['mean(ms)']]
        print("Dataframe for Expected List for file : {} is \n {}".format(csv1,df1))
        print("Dataframe for Actual List for file: {} is \n {}".format(csv2,df2))
        d3=df1.loc[:,:] # Dataframe 1
        d4=df2.loc[:,:] # Dataframe 2
        print("Deviation between file {} and {} is :\n {}".format(csv1,csv2,d5))
        #Final Data frame
    #print("Final Data frame: \n{}".format(dfList))
    # for data in dfList:
    #     print("data at index: \n{}".format(data))

if __name__ == "__main__":
    #file1=sys.argv[1]  # FileName1
    #file2=sys.argv[2]  #FileName2
    #compareCSV(file1,file2) # Compare CSV files passed in as paramters

我目前有一些多余的打印声明。 上述代码的输出如下:

Dataframe for Expected List for file : CT_QRW_25.csv is 
    100%Q   mean(ms)   P50(ms)     P99(ms)   p99.9(ms)  #Samples
0    NaN   0.038973  0.044939    0.091076    0.363859   1760108
1    NaN   0.050652  0.044963    0.094738    0.402525   1354233
2    NaN   0.046500  0.045020    0.108138    0.320636    123448
3    NaN   1.872630  0.599966   33.313200  172.040000  21954617
4    NaN  37.752900  0.600484  603.063000  805.340000   2708258
Dataframe for Actual List for file: CT_QRW_25.csv is 
    100%Q   mean(ms)   P50(ms)     P99(ms)   p99.9(ms)  #Samples
0    NaN   0.038973  0.044939    0.091076    0.363859   1760108
1    NaN   0.050652  0.044963    0.094738    0.402525   1354233
2    NaN   0.046500  0.045020    0.108138    0.320636    123448
3    NaN   1.872630  0.599966   33.313200  172.040000  21954617
4    NaN  37.752900  0.600484  603.063000  805.340000   2708258
Deviation between file CT_QRW_25.csv and CT_QRW_25.csv is :
    100%Q  mean(ms)  P50(ms)  P99(ms)  p99.9(ms)  #Samples
0    NaN       0.0      0.0      0.0        0.0       0.0
1    NaN       0.0      0.0      0.0        0.0       0.0
2    NaN       0.0      0.0      0.0        0.0       0.0
3    NaN       0.0      0.0      0.0        0.0       0.0
4    NaN       0.0      0.0      0.0        0.0       0.0
Dataframe for Expected List for file : CT_W_14.csv is 
    100%Q  mean(ms)  P50(ms)  P99(ms)  p99.9(ms)   #Samples
0    NaN       NaN      NaN      NaN        NaN        NaN
1    NaN       NaN      NaN      NaN        NaN        NaN
2    NaN       NaN      NaN      NaN        NaN        NaN
3    NaN       NaN      NaN      NaN        NaN        NaN
4    NaN   97.8025  17.8492  725.619    891.455  5304765.0
Dataframe for Actual List for file: CT_W_14.csv is 
    100%Q  mean(ms)  P50(ms)  P99(ms)  p99.9(ms)   #Samples
0    NaN       NaN      NaN      NaN        NaN        NaN
1    NaN       NaN      NaN      NaN        NaN        NaN
2    NaN       NaN      NaN      NaN        NaN        NaN
3    NaN       NaN      NaN      NaN        NaN        NaN
4    NaN   97.8025  17.8492  725.619    891.455  5304765.0
Deviation between file CT_W_14.csv and CT_W_14.csv is :
    100%Q  mean(ms)  P50(ms)  P99(ms)  p99.9(ms)  #Samples
0    NaN       NaN      NaN      NaN        NaN       NaN
1    NaN       NaN      NaN      NaN        NaN       NaN
2    NaN       NaN      NaN      NaN        NaN       NaN
3    NaN       NaN      NaN      NaN        NaN       NaN
4    NaN       0.0      0.0      0.0        0.0       0.0

目标: 由于我目前拥有的语句是打印语句,因此如果我想将其转换为 HTML,我将无法使其动态化。我的目标是将其输出到 HTML 文件中。或者,即使有一种自定义方法可以在数据框中添加行作为标题,也可以。此外,如果偏差大于 10%,那么我想以红色显示单元格。如果有人遇到过这种情况,那就太好了,请帮帮我。任何帮助将不胜感激。

html python-3.x pandas csv 数据科学



3赞 pnovotnyq 5/26/2019 #1

Pandas 有一个特殊的样式对象,可以使用其方法导出为 HTML,也可以使用 excel 导出为 。您可以使用 CSS 来设置表格格式并添加标题,如下所示:.render.to_excel

def highlight_high(series, threshold, colour):
    return ['background-color:'+ colour.lower() if threshold <= i else 'background-color: white' for i in series]

# df.style.apply creates a pandas.io.formats.style.Styler object from a DataFrame
highlighted = df.style.apply(highlight_high, axis=0, subset=pd.IndexSlice[:,'P50(ms)'], colour = 'red', threshold = 0.5)
# adding a caption
highlighted = highlighted.set_caption('Highlighted P50')
# render() generates the HTML for the Styler object
with open('table.html', 'w') as f:

我不确定该给什么颜色,所以我选择了你的. 用于 Series/DataFrame 样式和元素。样式函数的输入和输出形状必须匹配。Dataframe for Actual ListStyler.applyStyler.applymap

  • 使用subsetpd.IndexSlice
  • 设置阈值threshold
  • 选择 HTML 颜色colour
  • 添加标题.set_caption
  • 导出为 HTML 或.render.to_excel

