提问人:Alyda96 提问时间:7/6/2023 最后编辑:Alyda96 更新时间:7/7/2023 访问量:33
Problems with referencing and calling methods in another class
我不确定如何在高尔夫球手类中设置方法。这个类调用另一个名为 ScoreCard 的类的其他方法,所以我也会在这里包括该类。 玩家等级:
public class Player
private String name;
private ScoreCard card;
private int longestDrive;
private int fullDriveYards;
private int fullDrives;
private int drivesOnTarget;
public Player(String PlayerName)
if (PlayerName == null)
this.name = "Unknown";
this.name = PlayerName;
this.card = new ScoreCard;
this.longestDrive = 0;
this.fullDriveYards = 0;
this.fullDrives = 0;
this.drivesOnTarget = 0;
// This is the method I need help on
public void recordPlayer(int hole, int strokes, int driveYds, String location)
// make sure the hole number is valid
this.card = new ScoreCard();
if (true)
// replace condition below with a test for valid hole
// I will list the conditions in a second after I am done showing the classes
// record player's score on this hole
// use this.card and call on a ScoreCard method
this.card.recordScore(0, 0);
// define the conditions under which values of each of the int-type
// variables are adjusted and the new values they will have
public String getName()
return this.name;
public int getLongestDrive()
return this.longestDrive;
public int getFullDrives()
return this.fullDrives;
public int fullDriveYds()
return this.fullDriveYards;
public double computeFullAvg()
return 0.0;
public int getDrivesOnTarget()
return this.drivesOnTarget;
public double computeAccuracy()
return 0.0;
public String toString()
String playerReport = this.card.toString();
// add their driving statitics
playerReport = playerReport + "\nLongest Full Drive: " +
playerReport = playerReport + "\nAverage Full Drive: " +
playerReport = playerReport + "\nDriving Accuracy: " +
下面是 ScoreCard 类:
public class ScoreCard
private int totalStrokes;
private int versusPar;
private LinkedList<Integer> playerScoreCard;
public ScoreCard()
// initialise instance variables
totalStrokes = 0;
versusPar = 0;
playerScoreCard = new LinkedList<Integer>();
public void recordScore(int inHole, int inStrokes)
// put your code here
if ((inHole >= 1) && (inHole <= playerScoreCard.size() + 1)) {
playerScoreCard.add(inHole - 1, inStrokes);
totalStrokes += inStrokes;
versusPar += (inStrokes - Course.getHole(inHole).getPar());
public int getHolesPlayed()
return playerScoreCard.size();
public int getTotalStrokes()
return totalStrokes;
public int getVersusPar()
return versusPar;
public String toString()
return "Holes Played: " + getHolesPlayed() + "\n" +
"Total Strokes: " + getTotalStrokes() + "\n" +
"Versus Par: " + getVersusPar();
现在,这里是 Player 类 recordPlay 方法的条件: recordPlay 方法调用相关 ScoreCard 实例的方法,以记录球员在球洞上的得分。IT 还使用以下规则调整其他实例变量的值:
- 仅当记录的位置为“球道”或“果岭”时,才认为驱动器在目标上。
- 如果满足以下条件,则驱动器计为完整驱动器:a) 它被记录在足够长度的孔上(任何长度为 400 码或更大,并使用 isFullDriveHole) b) 驱动器位置在目标上。
- 只有完整的驱动器才被认为是最长的驱动器
除了 recordPlay 方法之外,我几乎完成了所有事情,这真的给我带来了一些麻烦
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