提问人:Daniel Russell 提问时间:11/2/2023 最后编辑:Daniel Russell 更新时间:11/2/2023 访问量:49
VBA Filing emails to network archive based on folder name skipping some entries
有一些代码是我从一堆答案中拼凑出来的,这些代码主要做我想要的:从选定的 Outlook 文件夹中获取电子邮件,找到合适的位置将其放在我公司的主驱动器上并将其保存在那里,然后将电子邮件移动到存档文件夹。
该过程现在无法正确存档某些电子邮件,将它们保留在项目目录中,以便在再次运行宏时重新归档。它以前可能一直在这样做,但我没有注意到。该宏似乎也跳过了所选 outlook 文件夹的某些子文件夹,我不知道为什么。
Public Sub FileSelectedFolder()
Dim nNameSpace As Object 'Outlook.Namespace
Dim mFolderSelected As Object 'Outlook.MAPIFolder
Set nNameSpace = GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set mFolderSelected = nNameSpace.PickFolder
ProcessFolder mFolderSelected
End Sub
Private Sub ProcessFolder(objParent As Object)
Dim objFolder As Object 'Outlook.MAPIFolder
Dim objMail As Object
Dim strName As String
'Runs the filing macro on every subfolder of the selected folder.
If (objParent.Folders.Count > 0) Then
For Each objFolder In objParent.Folders
SaveWREmailstoMPF objFolder
Next objFolder
End If
End Sub
Sub SaveWREmailstoMPF(FolderName As Outlook.MAPIFolder)
Dim ns As Outlook.NameSpace
Dim folArchiveFolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder
Dim strArray() As String, strWR As String, strRegion As String, strMPFBaseDir As String, strCorrespondenceDir As String, strMPFFullDir As String
Dim strMPFGetDir As String, strPathExists As String, OpenLinkAddress As String, Retval As String, strCategory As String
Dim objMailObject As Object
strMPFBaseDir = "\\CompanyName\Projects\" 'Sets the basic directory parameters for saving to the project folder that are used for all projects
strCorrespondenceDir = "\Correspondence"
Set ns = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI") 'Sets the namespace
'Set FolderName = Application.ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder 'Gets the currently selected folder in Outlook CURRENTLY TESTING LOOPING SO THIS IS COMMENTED OUT
'This section parses the folder name in Outlook, and determines the subdirectory to save the file to
'Checks to see if the folder name is for a Work request, and stops the macro if it isn't
If Left(FolderName, 2) <> "WR" Then
MsgBox "Inappropriate Folder selected - Not a Work Request folder", vbCritical
Exit Sub
'Splits the folder name to return the WR number, Region Code, and Address
strArray = Split(FolderName, " - ")
End If
strWR = strArray(0)
Debug.Print strArray(0)
Debug.Print strArray(1)
Debug.Print strArray(2)
'This turns the abbreviation into the string for the MPF location and stores it for later use:
Select Case strArray(1)
Case "FN"
strRegion = "Far_North"
Debug.Print strRegion
Case "N"
strRegion = "North"
'Debug.Print strRegion
Case "C"
strRegion = "Central"
'Debug.Print strRegion
Case "S"
strRegion = "South"
'Debug.Print strRegion
Case "W"
strRegion = "West"
'Debug.Print strRegion
Case "FS"
strRegion = "Far_South"
'Debug.Print strRegion
Case Else
MsgBox "Region code is not valid", vbCritical
End Select
strMPFGetDir = strMPFBaseDir & "\" & strRegion & "\" & strWR & "*" 'Combines the parsed strings to get the wildcard location for the directory
strPathExists = Dir(strMPFGetDir, vbDirectory) ' This returns subdirectory resulting from wildcard search, which has to be inserted into the actual destination folder link
If strPathExists = "" Then
Retval = MsgBox("Cannot find Folder " & Chr(13) & strMPFGetDir & "." & Chr(13) & "File has NOT saved.", vbCritical, "Master Drive Directory")
Exit Sub
Debug.Print PathExists
strMPFFullDir = strMPFBaseDir & "\" & strRegion & "\" & PathExists & strCorrespondenceDir
Debug.Print strMPFFullDir
'The following counts the number of emails in the Correspondence Directory:
Dim strIsMsg As String
Dim intEmailCount As Integer
strIsMsg = Dir(strMPFFullDir & "\" & "*.msg")
Do While strIsMsg <> ""
intEmailCount = intEmailCount + 1
strIsMsg = Dir
'At the end of this process, intEmailCount is the number of .msg files saved in the correspondence directory, and 1 can be added to it and then appended to the filename.
'Use intEmailCount + 1. Do intEmailCount + 1 after each saved .msg
intEmailCount = intEmailCount + 1 'the number for the email is added.
End If
'The following creates a filename for each object in the selected Outlook folder, then calls the Save Function to save the .msg
Dim strFileName As String
Dim objItem As Object
For Each objItem In FolderName.Items
If objItem.Class = 43 Then 'Checks that the item is an Outlook Mail Item
If objItem.Sender Like "*company.com" Then 'If an email is something that I've sent, this appellation:
strFileName = intEmailCount & Chr(46) & Chr(32) & Format(objItem.SentOn, "yyyymmdd") & Chr(32) & _
Format(objItem.SentOn, "HH.MM") & Chr(32) & objItem.SenderName & " - " & objItem.Subject
Else 'If an email has been received, then this appellation:
strFileName = intEmailCount & Chr(46) & Chr(32) & Format(objItem.ReceivedTime, "yyyymmdd") & Chr(32) & _
Format(objItem.ReceivedTime, "HH.MM") & Chr(32) & objItem.SenderName & " - " & objItem.Subject
End If
'This replaces inappropriate characters in the filename string
strFileName = Replace(strFileName, Chr(58) & Chr(41), "")
strFileName = Replace(strFileName, Chr(58) & Chr(40), "")
strFileName = Replace(strFileName, Chr(34), "-")
strFileName = Replace(strFileName, Chr(42), "-")
strFileName = Replace(strFileName, Chr(47), "-")
strFileName = Replace(strFileName, Chr(58), "-")
strFileName = Replace(strFileName, Chr(60), "-")
strFileName = Replace(strFileName, Chr(62), "-")
strFileName = Replace(strFileName, Chr(63), "-")
strFileName = Replace(strFileName, Chr(124), "-")
'Saves the file with in the MPF directory with the updated filename, as an outlook message, provided it hasn't already been archived
strCategory = objItem.Categories
If Not strCategory = "Archived" Then
objItem.SaveAs strMPFFullDir & "\" & strFileName & ".msg", olMSG
End If
'Increases the Email Count to append numbers to the filenames sequentially
intEmailCount = intEmailCount + 1
End If
Next objItem
'The following then archives all the saved messages in the WR folder into the Archive subfolder so that they're not filed again
Dim olItems As Outlook.Items
Dim olMailItem As Outlook.MailItem
Dim i As Long
Set FolderName = Application.ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder
Set folArchiveFolder = FolderName.Folders("Archive")
Set olItems = FolderName.Items
Set olMailItem = olItems.GetFirst()
olItems.Sort Property:="ReceivedTime", Descending:=True
For i = olItems.Count To 1 Step -1
Set olMailItem = olItems.GetFirst()
Set olMailItem = olItems(i)
strCategory = olMailItem.Categories
If Not strCategory = "Archived" Then
olMailItem.Categories = "Archived"
olMailItem.Move folArchiveFolder
End If
Next i
Set olItems = Nothing
Set FolderName = Nothing
Set folArchiveFolder = Nothing
Set olMailItem = Nothing
Set folArchiveFolder = Nothing
Set olMailItem = Nothing
Exit Sub
End Sub
我在 VBA 方面不是很有经验,并且一直在尝试让这个宏作为一种学习体验。
这个网站上有来自其他几个项目的零碎代码 - 如果我应该提到我从哪里得到东西,不确定使用其他人代码的礼仪,我深表歉意。
我希望这个宏可以自动获取所选Outlook文件夹的子文件夹中的所有电子邮件,按照发送/接收日期的顺序将它们保存到正确的网络目录中,然后将它们存档在Outlook中,这样它们就不会再次归档,因为公司希望每封电子邮件都以数字命名, 并按粗略的时间顺序排列。
答: 暂无答案
Option Explicit
For Each