提问人:redmuffin 提问时间:11/9/2023 最后编辑:redmuffin 更新时间:11/9/2023 访问量:23
为什么我的 Gibbs 采样器没有收敛到真实的参数值?
Why is my Gibbs Sampler not converging to true parameter values?
我模拟了根据以下模型生成的时间序列数据:y_ij = alpha_i + epsilon_i,其中 i=1 或 2.,j=1,...,100。(错误epsilon_i假定为行为良好)。时间序列数据在 tau=50 处有一个变化点,其中 i=2。我正在尝试对数据使用吉布斯采样,看看我是否可以让 MCMC 收敛到我最初设置的真实参数值(只有制度 1 和 2 表示 alpha_1 和 alpha_2,误差方差sig2_1和 sig2_2),但是,尽管链中进行了多次迭代,但我还是收敛到与这些值不同的值。前面的发行版如下所述,我使用的代码遵循它,结果在底部。任何帮助将不胜感激:
alpha_1 ~ N((sumdata1/sig2_1 + mu0_1/ssquared0_1)/(tau/sig2_1 + 1/ssquared0_1),
1/(tau/sig2_1 + 1/ssquared0_1))
alpha_2 ~ N((sumdata2/sig2_2 + mu0_2/ssquared0_2)/(n-tau)/sig2_2 + 1/ssquared0_2),
1/(n-tau)/sig2_2 + 1/ssquared0_2))
sig2_1 ~ InvGamma(zeta1 + tau/2, delta1 + sumsq1/2)
sig2_2 ~ InvGamma(zeta2 + (n-tau)/2, delta2 + sumsq2/2)
#Where sumdatai is the sum of the y's for regime i=1 or 2 and ssquared0_i and mu0_i are prior
#hyperparameters for alpha_i. sumsqi is the sum of squared differences between the y's from regime i
#and the corresponding estimated mean alpha_i. deltai and zetai are hyperparameters for sig2_i.
# Set parameters
# Generate time series data
Epsilon <- c(rnorm(tau, mean = 0, sd = sqrt(sig2_1)),
rnorm(n - tau, mean = 0, sd = sqrt(sig2_2)))
y <- rep(0, n)
for (i in 1:n)
if (i <= tau) {
y[i] <- alpha_1 + Epsilon[i]
} else {
y[i] <- alpha_2 + Epsilon[i]
# Plot the time series data
#plot(1:n, Y, type = "l", xlab = "Time", ylab = "Y", main = "Time Series with Change- Point")
#abline(v = tau, col = "red", lty = 2) # Plot change-point line
#write functions to simulate from full conditionals, inputting the mean and
#variance parameters from the full conditionals and finally with rnorm
#we take a draw from the normal distribution with mean mu1 and variance ssquared1
#to take a sample for alpha1 and alpha2
update_alpha1 = function(sumdata1, sig2_1, mu0_1, ssquared0_1, tau) {
sumdata1 = sum(y[1:tau])
ssquared1 = (1.0/((tau/sig2_1) + (1.0/ssquared0_1)))^2
mu1 = ssquared1*((sumdata1/sig2_1) + (mu0_1/ssquared0_1))
rnorm(n=1, mean=mu1, sd=ssquared1)
update_alpha2 = function(sumdata2, sig2_2, mu0_2, ssquared0_2, tau) {
sumdata2 = sum(y[(tau + 1):n])
ssquared2 = (1.0/((n-tau)/sig2_2) + 1.0/(ssquared0_2))^2
mu2 = ssquared2*((sumdata2/sig2_2) + (mu0_2/ssquared0_2))
rnorm(n=1, mean=mu2, sd=ssquared2)
#we input parameters from the full conditional for sig2_1 and sig2_2
#in the first three lines we perform the calculations described by the
#full conditionals and finally we draw from an inverse gamma distribution
#using out_gamma
update_sig2_1 = function(zeta1, delta1, tau, y, alpha_1){
shape1 = zeta1 + (tau/2.0)
sumsq =sum((y[1:tau]-alpha_1)^2)
rate1 = delta1 + (sumsq1)/2.0
out_gamma1 = rgamma(n=1, shape=shape1, rate=rate1)
update_sig2_2 = function(n, zeta2, delta2, tau, y, alpha_2){
shape2 = zeta2 + ((n - tau)/2.0)
sumsq2 = sumsq2=sum((y[(tau + 1):100]-alpha_2)^2)
rate2 = delta2 + (sumsq2)/2.0
out_gamma2 = rgamma(n=1, shape=shape2, rate=rate2)
#Create a function for the Gibbs Sampling with arguments y = data vector, n_iter = number of iterations we want to sample for,
#init=initial values of the parameters we set, prior=list with prior hyperparameters
gibbs = function(y=y, n_iter=n_iter, init, prior) {
n = length(y)
#Vectors of length n_iter for draws of parameters
alpha1_out = numeric(n_iter)
alpha2_out = numeric(n_iter)
sig2_1_out = numeric(n_iter)
sig2_2_out = numeric(n_iter)
#Gibbs sampling will update alphas and sigmas by trading off, sampling
#back and forth given the other parameter so we need to initialise one of the
#variables to get this started from each regime
#Gibbs Sampler
#side note: can speed up computation time by using vectorised code rather than for loops
for (i in 1:n_iter) {
#next two steps update sigma1^2 and sigma2^2 respectively we need to take
#draws from the full conditional distribution given the prior hyperparameters
#which are stored in a list so need '$' to access it. These steps update
#sig2_1 and sig2_2 so we can go back and update alpha1 and alpha2 again.
sig2_1_now = update_sig2_1(y=y, alpha_1=alpha1_now, zeta1=prior$zeta1, delta1=prior$delta1, tau=prior$tau)
sig2_2_now = update_sig2_2(n=n, y=y, alpha_2=alpha2_now, zeta2=prior$zeta2, delta2=prior$delta2, tau=prior$tau)
#now we update alpha1 and alpha2
alpha1_now = update_alpha1(sumdata1=sumdata1, sig2_1 = sig2_1_now, mu0_1 = prior$mu0_1, ssquared0_1 = prior$ssquared0_1, tau=prior$tau) #data needs to inform these parameters
alpha2_now = update_alpha2(sumdata2=sumdata2, sig2_2 = sig2_2_now, mu0_2 = prior$mu0_2, ssquared0_2 = prior$ssquared0_2, tau=prior$tau) #think of data generating part then posterior
#data needs to get into full conditionals
#tau_now = update_tau(n=n, tau=tau_now, sig2_1=sig2_1_now, sig2_2=sig2_2_now, y=y, alpha1=alpha1_now, alpha2=alpha2_now)
#We have updated and now we must save our updated parameters
sig2_1_out[i] = sig2_1_now
sig2_2_out[i] = sig2_2_now
alpha1_out[i] = alpha1_now
alpha2_out[i] = alpha2_now
#out_tau[i] = tau_now
#now we output results, combining 5 vectors (sig2_1_out, sig2_2_out, alpha1_out, alpha2_out, tau_out)
#into a matrix using cbind
post <- cbind(alpha1=alpha1_out, alpha2=alpha2_out, sig2_1=sig2_1_out, sig2_2=sig2_2_out) #tau=out_tau)
#for the prior, the Gibbs function accepts it as a list
prior = list()
#ssquared0_1 is a representation of confidence in our choice of prior mean
#mu1 for alpha1 etc.
prior$mu0_1 = 0#1.0
prior$mu0_2 = 0#7.0
prior$ssquared0_1 = 10 #1.0
prior$ssquared0_2 = 10 #1.8
prior$tau = 42
#This parametrization of the Inverse Gamma Distribution is
#the scaled inverse Chi-squared distribution, with n1_0, sig2_1_0 and n2_0,
#sig2_2_0 the two parameters for each respectively (sigma_1^2 and sigma_2^2).
#We are now free to enter our prior effective sample size (info contained
#in the chain, how much independent draws we would have to take from the
#stationary distribution to have equivalent information). Once we specify prior
#effective sample size and our prior guesses for sig2_1 and sig2_2 our
#parameters zeta and delta will be automatically determined.
prior$n1_0 = 2*prior$zeta1 #prior effective sample size for sigma_1^2, it is
#two times the zeta1 parameter
prior$n2_0 = 2*prior$zeta2 #prior effective sample size for sigma_2^2, it is
#two times the zeta2 parameter therefore:
prior$zeta1 = 0.01
prior$zeta2 = 0.01
prior$delta1 = 0.01 #(prior$n1_0*prior$sig2_1_0)/2.0 #the relationship between our prior point estimate for sig2_1
#and delta 1 is this
prior$delta2 = 0.01 #(prior$n2_0*prior$sig2_2_0)/2.0 #the relationship between our prior point estimate for sig2_1
#and delta 2 is this
prior$sig2_1_0=1.0 #prior point estimate for sigma_1^2
prior$sig2_2_0=1.2 #prior point estimate for sigma_2^2
#Choose an initial value for alpha1 to get the sampler started, create the
#variables we are going to pass to our Gibbs function
init$alpha1 = 1.5
init$alpha2 = 2.5
#set up sampler specifying y, number of iterations, initial values list, prior hyperparameters
post = gibbs(y=y, n_iter=n_iter, init=init, prior=prior)
Iterations = 1:10000
Thinning interval = 1
Number of chains = 1
Sample size per chain = 10000
1. Empirical mean and standard deviation for each variable,
plus standard error of the mean:
Mean SD Naive SE Time-series SE
alpha1 0.2246 0.05307 0.0005307 0.0005307
alpha2 1.9485 0.12237 0.0012237 0.0009630
sig2_1 5.1990 1.19878 0.0119878 0.0122971
sig2_2 9.5833 1.93015 0.0193015 0.0148634
2. Quantiles for each variable:
2.5% 25% 50% 75% 97.5%
alpha1 0.1458 0.1874 0.2162 0.2526 0.3517
alpha2 1.7703 1.8630 1.9266 2.0120 2.2476
sig2_1 3.3649 4.3542 5.0182 5.8550 8.0327
sig2_2 6.3770 8.2385 9.3699 10.7054 13.9536
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