提问人:MUSIC HOLIC 提问时间:9/29/2023 更新时间:9/29/2023 访问量:40
在 player.min.js 中查找密钥以解码字符串
find key in player.min.js to decode string
我正在一个流式传输视频的网站上进行逆向工程,发现该网站正在发送 AJAX 请求以获取视频和字幕的来源,就像这样
"sources": "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",
"tracks": [
"file": "https://cc.2cdns.com/8c/20/8c20331ffd2997b702ef06421609d381/eng-2.vtt",
"label": "English",
"kind": "captions",
"default": true
"file": "https://cc.2cdns.com/8c/20/8c20331ffd2997b702ef06421609d381/eng-3.vtt",
"label": "English - English (CC)",
"kind": "captions"
"encrypted": true,
"server": 29
这里的源是一个编码的字符串,经过一些研究,我发现他们正在使用 AES 加密,并且他们正在使用密钥来解码,这是在 player.min.js 中,或者他们正在该文件中生成密钥,这个文件被缩小了,它的标题是
content-type:application/javascript; charset=UTF-8
我使用了 unminify,结果是这样的
function P(t, B) {
var E = W();
return (
(P = function (b, i) {
b = b - 0x7b;
var S = E[b];
if (P["JAQmvP"] === undefined) {
var G = function (v) {
var q = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789+/=";
var X = "",
O = "";
for (var Y = 0x0, H, y, w = 0x0; (y = v["charAt"](w++)); ~y && ((H = Y % 0x4 ? H * 0x40 + y : y), Y++ % 0x4) ? (X += String["fromCharCode"](0xff & (H >> ((-0x2 * Y) & 0x6)))) : 0x0) {
y = q["indexOf"](y);
for (var f = 0x0, d = X["length"]; f < d; f++) {
O += "%" + ("00" + X["charCodeAt"](f)["toString"](0x10))["slice"](-0x2);
return decodeURIComponent(O);
(P["vtivXi"] = G), (t = arguments), (P["JAQmvP"] = !![]);
var T = E[0x0],
p = b + T,
c = t[p];
return !c ? ((S = P["vtivXi"](S)), (t[p] = S)) : (S = c), S;
P(t, B)
(function (t, B) {
function SS(t, B) {
return P(B - 0x3e8, t);
function Si(t, B) {
return J(B - 0x28, t);
function Sb(t, B) {
return C(B - -0x29, t);
var E = t();
while (!![]) {
try {
var b =
(-parseInt(Sb("a52$", 0x74c)) / 0x1) * (parseInt(Si(0xd0b, 0x78c)) / 0x2) +
(parseInt(Sb("evHJ", 0xac2)) / 0x3) * (-parseInt(Sb("4Nr5", 0xb12)) / 0x4) +
parseInt(SS(0x44, 0x8e2)) / 0x5 +
(parseInt(SS(0x1894, 0x135b)) / 0x6) * (-parseInt(Sb("CoF$", 0x5a0)) / 0x7) +
parseInt(Si(0xd9, 0x26e)) / 0x8 +
(parseInt(SS(0xe07, 0x9ee)) / 0x9) * (-parseInt(Si(0xac6, 0x246)) / 0xa) +
(-parseInt(Sb("2vY(", 0x448)) / 0xb) * (-parseInt(Sb("M[Gg", 0x702)) / 0xc);
if (b === B) break;
else E["push"](E["shift"]());
} catch (i) {
})(W, 0x44fea),
(!(function (tx, tj) {
function th(iy, iw) {
function SG(t, B) {
return P(t - -0x4, B);
return iw[SG(0x464, 0xd3b)]();
function tm() {
function Sc(t, B) {
return C(B - -0x27c, t);
function ST(t, B) {
return P(t - 0x24b, B);
function Sp(t, B) {
return J(t - 0x325, B);
tZ[ST(0xd34, 0x8b4)] ? (tZ[ST(0xc4f, 0x608)](Sp(0x11ae, 0x12a4), BG, !0x1), tx[Sc("&%kp", 0x5a5)](Sc("#]pw", 0x435), BG, !0x1)) : (tZ[Sc("LZ0(", 0x5da)](Sp(0x1401, 0xf4a), BG), tx[ST(0x4c3, 0x8e5)]("onload", BG));
var tD,
tQ = typeof tj,
tZ = tx[Sv(0xc03, 0x10e8)],
tW = tx[Sv(-0x638, 0x15b)],
tJ = tx[Sv(0x1a3, 0x3ee)],
tP = tx["$"],
tC = {},
tg = [],
tL = Sv(0xd0f, 0x809),
ts = tg[Sq(-0x61b, -0x4c)],
tF = tg[SX("1xgS", 0x1d2)],
tU = tg[Sq(0x838, -0x7a)],
to = tg[Sq(0x179, -0x54)],
B0 = tC["toString"],
B1 = tC[Sv(0x488, 0x41a)],
B2 = tL[Sq(0xeca, 0xdd3)],
B3 = function (iy, iw) {
return new B3["fn"]["init"](iy, iw, Bp);
B4 = /[+-]?(?:\d*\.|)\d+(?:[eE][+-]?\d+|)/[Sq(0x182, 0x27b)],
B5 = /\S+/g,
B6 = /^[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+|[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+$/g,
B7 = /^(?:(<[\w\W]+>)[^>]*|#([\w-]*))$/,
B8 = /^<(\w+)\s*\/?>(?:<\/\1>|)$/,
B9 = /^[\],:{}\s]*$/,
BB = /(?:^|:|,)(?:\s*\[)+/g,
BE = /\\(?:["\\\/bfnrt]|u[\da-fA-F]{4})/g,
Bb = /"[^"\\\r\n]*"|true|false|null|-?(?:\d+\.|)\d+(?:[eE][+-]?\d+|)/g,
Bi = /^-ms-/,
BS = /-([\da-z])/gi,
BG = function (iy) {
function SY(t, B) {
return Sq(t, B - 0xeb);
function SO(t, B) {
return SX(B, t - 0x463);
function SH(t, B) {
return Sv(B, t - -0x2cd);
(!tZ[SO(0x99f, "0&%k")] && SY(0x11d3, 0xddd) !== iy[SH(-0x191, -0x1ad)] && SH(0xe96, 0x69e) !== tZ[SO(0xb54, "TnUj")]) || (tm(), B3[SH(0xd70, 0xccd)]());
function BT(iy) {
function Sy(t, B) {
return Sq(t, B - 0x526);
var iw = iy["length"],
ik = B3[Sy(0x668, 0x315)](iy);
function Sw(t, B) {
return Sv(B, t - -0x16b);
return !B3[Sy(0x116a, 0x146b)](iy) && (!(0x1 !== iy[Sw(0x388, 0x1fb)] || !iw) || "array" === ik || (Sw(0x184, -0xe3) !== ik && (0x0 === iw || ("number" == typeof iw && 0x0 < iw && iw - 0x1 in iy))));
(B3["fn"] = B3[SX("Hl7h", 0xbde)] = {
jquery: tL,
constructor: B3,
init: function (iy, iw, ik) {
function Sk(t, B) {
return Sq(B, t - 0x74);
var iu, iV;
function Sd(t, B) {
return Sv(t, B - 0x2fc);
if (iy) {
if (Sf("a52$", 0xfa2) != typeof iy)
return iy[Sd(0x67, 0x7ef)]
? ((this[Sd(0x159e, 0x1177)] = this[0x0] = iy), (this[Sd(0x162d, 0x1188)] = 0x1), this)
: B3[Sk(-0x3f, -0x5ac)](iy)
? ik[Sd(0xcb8, 0x1339)](iy)
: (iy["selector"] !== tj && ((this[Sk(0x33a, 0xc1e)] = iy[Sk(0x33a, 0x196)]), (this["context"] = iy["context"])), B3[Sf("%y2K", 0xcf9)](iy, this));
if (!(iu = "<" === iy["charAt"](0x0) && ">" === iy[Sk(0x886, 0x1fe)](iy[Sf("evHJ", 0x115)] - 0x1) && 0x3 <= iy[Sf("hbSa", 0xc6e)] ? [null, iy, null] : B7[Sf("T2%Q", 0x128)](iy)) || (!iu[0x1] && iw))
return (!iw || iw[Sf("9dAZ", 0x1224)] ? iw || ik : this[Sk(-0x14a, -0x364)](iw))[Sf("HCSw", 0x2b0)](iy);
if (iu[0x1]) {
if (
((iw = iw instanceof B3 ? iw[0x0] : iw),
B3["merge"](this, B3[Sk(0xd38, 0xe72)](iu[0x1], iw && iw[Sd(0x2c2, 0x7ef)] ? iw[Sd(0xb7c, 0xe9b)] || iw : tZ, !0x0)),
B8[Sf("KYF(", 0x889)](iu[0x1]) && B3["isPlainObject"](iw))
) {
for (iu in iw) B3[Sf("VUmD", 0x115c)](this[iu]) ? this[iu](iw[iu]) : this["attr"](iu, iw[iu]);
} else {
if ((iV = tZ[Sf("%y2K", 0x26f)](iu[0x2])) && iV["parentNode"]) {
if (iV["id"] !== iu[0x2]) return ik["find"](iy);
(this[Sd(0xce3, 0x1188)] = 0x1), (this[0x0] = iV);
(this[Sd(0x13c1, 0x1177)] = tZ), (this[Sd(0xd97, 0xd71)] = iy);
function Sf(t, B) {
return SX(t, B - 0x228);
return this;
selector: "",
length: 0x0,
size: function () {
function Su(t, B) {
return Sq(t, B - 0x302);
return this[Su(0x10ec, 0xfe5)];
toArray: function () {
function SV(t, B) {
return Sq(t, B - 0x67f);
return tU[SV(0x14eb, 0xf8c)](this);
get: function (iy) {
function Sr(t, B) {
return Sq(B, t - 0x84);
function SR(t, B) {
return SX(t, B - 0x24e);
return null == iy ? this[Sr(0x35d, -0x2ee)]() : iy < 0x0 ? this[this[SR("evHJ", 0x13b)] + iy] : this[iy];
pushStack: function (iy) {
iy = B3[Sl(0x9c7, "QLs)")](this["constructor"](), iy);
function Se(t, B) {
return Sq(B, t - 0x2c1);
function Sl(t, B) {
return SX(B, t - 0x2c5);
return (iy[Se(0xfe6, 0x13fc)] = this), (iy[Sl(0xe74, "zeT$")] = this[Se(0xc36, 0xfc2)]), iy;
each: function (iy, iw) {
return B3["each"](this, iy, iw);
ready: function (iy) {
function SM(t, B) {
return SX(t, B - -0x92);
return B3["ready"][SM("Ovtz", 0x9c4)]()["done"](iy), this;
slice: function () {
function SI(t, B) {
return Sv(t, B - 0x3cb);
return this[SI(0x759, 0x939)](tU["apply"](this, arguments));
first: function () {
return this["eq"](0x0);
last: function () {
return this["eq"](-0x1);
eq: function (iy) {
var iw = this[SN("@T%s", -0x128)],
iy = +iy + (iy < 0x0 ? iw : 0x0);
function SN(t, B) {
return SX(t, B - 0x10);
function Sa(t, B) {
return Sq(t, B - 0x59d);
return this[Sa(0xf8d, 0xc6b)](0x0 <= iy && iy < iw ? [this[iy]] : []);
map: function (iy) {
function Sz(t, B) {
return Sq(t, B - -0xeb);
return this[Sz(0x621, 0x5e3)](
B3["map"](this, function (iw, ik) {
function SK(t, B) {
return P(B - 0x11b, t);
return iy[SK(0x984, 0x1053)](iw, ik, iw);
end: function () {
function SA(t, B) {
return SX(B, t - 0x418);
function Sx(t, B) {
return Sq(B, t - 0x60b);
return this[SA(0xeb5, "HCSw")] || this[Sx(0x44d, 0x943)](null);
push: tF,
sort: [][Sv(0x2bc, 0xacf)],
splice: [][Sv(0x441, 0x9ac)],
(B3["fn"]["init"][SX("Z[cy", 0x25a)] = B3["fn"]),
(B3[Sv(0x2ac, 0x7d8)] = B3["fn"][Sq(0x4e4, 0xc87)] = function () {
var iy,
ir = arguments[0x0] || {},
iR = 0x1,
il = arguments[Sj(0x11a5, 0x18c6)],
iM = !0x1;
function Sh(t, B) {
return Sq(B, t - 0x164);
for (Sj(0x357, 0x33f) == typeof ir && ((iM = ir), (ir = arguments[0x1] || {}), (iR = 0x2)), Sh(0xe6b, 0xa23) == typeof ir || B3["isFunction"](ir) || (ir = {}), il === iR && ((ir = this), --iR); iR < il; iR++)
if (null != (iu = arguments[iR])) {
for (ik in iu)
(iV = ir[ik]),
(iw = iu[ik]),
ir !== iw &&
(iM && iw && (B3[Sh(0x36f, 0x497)](iw) || (iy = B3["isArray"](iw)))
? ((iV = iy ? ((iy = !0x1), iV && B3["isArray"](iV) ? iV : []) : iV && B3["isPlainObject"](iV) ? iV : {}), (ir[ik] = B3[Sj(0xaf1, 0x26e)](iM, iV, iw)))
: iw !== tj && (ir[ik] = iw));
function Sj(t, B) {
return Sv(B, t - 0x319);
return ir;
noConflict: function (iy) {
function SD(t, B) {
return Sq(t, B - -0x12e);
function Sm(t, B) {
return SX(t, B - 0x472);
return tx["$"] === B3 && (tx["$"] = tP), iy && tx[Sm("LZ0(", 0xa82)] === B3 && (tx[SD(0x794, 0xe55)] = tJ), B3;
isReady: !0x1,
readyWait: 0x1,
holdReady: function (iy) {
function SQ(t, B) {
return Sq(t, B - 0x5c2);
iy ? B3[SQ(0xdd7, 0x6d5)]++ : B3[SQ(0x1191, 0x1183)](!0x0);
ready: function (iy) {
function SZ(t, B) {
return SX(B, t - 0x3a2);
function SW(t, B) {
return Sq(B, t - -0x127);
if (!0x0 === iy ? !--B3[SZ(0x49e, "jq#i")] : !B3[SW(0x8e1, 0x6e6)]) {
if (!tZ[SW(0xb09, 0x106a)]) return setTimeout(B3["ready"]);
((B3[SZ(0xcdc, "stUl")] = !0x0) !== iy && 0x0 < --B3["readyWait"]) || (tD["resolveWith"](tZ, [B3]), B3["fn"][SW(0xf8, -0x51)] && B3(tZ)["trigger"](SZ(0xb2f, "stUl"))[SW(0x48d, 0x19)]("ready"));
isFunction: function (iy) {
function SJ(t, B) {
return SX(t, B - 0x1c9);
return SJ(")V63", 0x9a5) === B3[SJ("CoF$", 0xe16)](iy);
Array[Sq(0x11e4, 0xe79)] ||
function (iy) {
function SP(t, B) {
return Sq(t, B - 0x4e1);
return SP(0x16b5, 0x132e) === B3[SP(0x19, 0x2d0)](iy);
isWindow: function (iy) {
function SC(t, B) {
return Sq(t, B - 0x10);
return null != iy && iy == iy[SC(0xf8b, 0xbb5)];
isNumeric: function (iy) {
return !isNaN(parseFloat(iy)) && isFinite(iy);
type: function (iy) {
function Sg(t, B) {
return Sq(t, B - -0x135);
function SL(t, B) {
return Sv(B, t - -0x2d1);
return null == iy ? iy + "" : Sg(0x31d, 0xbd2) == typeof iy || Sg(0x496, 0xcb3) == typeof iy ? tC[B0[SL(0xc03, 0x133b)](iy)] || "object" : typeof iy;
isPlainObject: function (iy) {
if (!iy || Ss(0xc80, 0x7a3) !== B3[Ss(-0x298, -0x6d9)](iy) || iy[SF(0x785, 0x74b)] || B3[Ss(0xebe, 0x143b)](iy)) return !0x1;
try {
if (iy[SU(0x66f, "@T%s")] && !B1["call"](iy, SU(0xcea, "LZ0(")) && !B1[SU(0xbbe, ")V63")](iy[SU(0xf6e, "a52$")][SU(0x1008, "&YJx")], "isPrototypeOf")) return !0x1;
} catch (ik) {
return !0x1;
function SU(t, B) {
return SX(B, t - 0xb8);
function Ss(t, B) {
return Sq(B, t - -0x87);
for (var iw in iy);
function SF(t, B) {
return Sv(t, B - 0x258);
return iw === tj || B1[SU(0x289, "jsZE")](iy, iw);
isEmptyObject: function (iy) {
for (var iw in iy) return !0x1;
return !0x0;
error: function (iy) {
throw Error(iy);
parseHTML: function (iy, iw, ik) {
function Sn(t, B) {
return SX(B, t - -0xff);
if (!iy || So(0xa46, 0xb3f) != typeof iy) return null;
function So(t, B) {
return Sv(t, B - -0x310);
So(-0x921, -0x2d2) == typeof iw && ((ik = iw), (iw = !0x1)), (iw = iw || tZ);
var iu = B8[Sn(-0x1ff, "T2%Q")](iy),
ik = !ik && [];
function G0(t, B) {
return Sq(t, B - 0x143);
return iu ? [iw[Sn(0xa43, "a52$")](iu[0x1])] : ((iu = B3[So(0x7d5, 0x444)]([iy], iw, ik)), ik && B3(ik)[So(-0x5f3, -0x4d)](), B3[G0(0x932, 0x459)]([], iu[Sn(0xd31, "Z[cy")]));
parseJSON: function (iy) {
function G2(t, B) {
return Sv(t, B - -0x76);
function G3(t, B) {
return Sq(t, B - 0xd1);
function G1(t, B) {
return SX(B, t - -0x1a2);
return tx[G1(0x818, "Ovtz")] && tx["JSON"][G1(0xca7, "&%kp")]
? tx[G2(0x9a0, 0xc57)][G3(0x10b1, 0xc0d)](iy)
: null === iy
? iy
: "string" == typeof iy && (iy = B3["trim"](iy)) && B9[G1(0x2c2, "QLs)")](iy[G2(0xf0b, 0xef3)](BE, "@")[G3(0x1a2, 0x774)](Bb, "]")[G1(0xabb, "HCSw")](BB, ""))
? Function(G1(0x503, "MtUi") + iy)()
: (B3[G3(-0x266, -0xa2)](G3(0x382, 0x324) + iy), tj);
parseXML: function (iy) {
var iw;
if (!iy || G4(0x11b7, 0x1124) != typeof iy) return null;
function G4(t, B) {
return Sv(B, t - 0x368);
function G6(t, B) {
return Sq(t, B - 0x4fe);
function G5(t, B) {
return SX(t, B - -0x141);
try {
tx[G5("cE0%", 0x569)] ? (iw = new DOMParser()[G4(0xb3c, 0xaf5)](iy, G5("4Nr5", 0x98b))) : (((iw = new ActiveXObject(G4(0xa3d, 0xde4)))[G4(0xd44, 0xcfc)] = G6(0xc0a, 0xfa6)), iw["loadXML"](iy));
} catch (ik) {
iw = tj;
return (iw && iw[G6(0xc11, 0x5a3)] && !iw[G6(0xf21, 0x142e)](G6(0x5f7, 0x816))[G6(0x1429, 0x11e1)]) || B3["error"]("Invalid\x20XML:\x20" + iy), iw;
noop: function () {},
globalEval: function (iy) {
function G7(t, B) {
return SX(B, t - -0x1cd);
iy &&
B3[G7(0x9d2, "#]pw")](iy) &&
tx["execScript"] ||
function (iw) {
function G8(t, B) {
return P(t - -0xf9, B);
function G9(t, B) {
return J(B - -0x335, t);
tx[G8(0x131, 0x451)][G9(0xcf3, 0x876)](tx, iw);
答: 暂无答案