如何创建这个复杂的 Javascript 变量

How do I create this complex Javascript variable

提问人:Marcos Camargo 提问时间:11/17/2023 最后编辑:Marcos Camargo 更新时间:11/17/2023 访问量:77


我想创建一个复杂的 Javascript 变量,如下所示:

var e = {record: {role: {individual: {tag: value}}}};

其中 record、role、individual 和 value 是来自数组的变量。 最后,它应该看起来像这样:

var e = {1: {2: {1: {name: Joseph Quincy}
                    {age: 20}    

                 2: {name: Mary Poppins}
                    {age: 40}

                 3: {name: Sebastian Quincy}
                    {age: 60}

            {3: {1: ... and so forth


name_1_2_1 Joseph Jones
name_1_2_2 Mary Poppins
name_1_2_3 Sebastian Quincy
age_1_2_1 20
age_1_2_2 40
age_1_2_3 60

这些数组看起来像 Joseph Jones name_1_2_1:

key_value_ary = (name_1_2_1, Joseph James);
tag_rri_ary = (name, _1_2_1);
r_r_i_ary = (1, 2, 1);


value      = key_value_ary[1]; -> Joseph Jones
tag        = tag_rri_ary[0];   -> name
record     = r_r_i_ary[0];     -> 1
role       = r_r_i_ary[1];     -> 2
individual = r_r_i_ary[2];     -> 1

我已经创建了所有这些对象,但我不知道如何写入最终变量“e”。 我有下面的代码可以找出不同的值。我一次只写一行,因此记录可能已经存在于上一个条目中。

if (r_r_i_ary.length == 3) {
        var tag = tag_rri_ary[0];
        console.log("TAG", tag);
        var value = key_value_ary[1];
        console.log("VALUE", value);
        const a = {};
        a[tag] = value; // tag value
        console.log("AAA", a);
        const b = {};
        var individual = r_r_i_ary[2]; // individual
        b[individual] = a;
        console.log("BBB", b);
        const c = {};
        var role = r_r_i_ary[1]; // role
        c[role] = b;
        console.log("CCC", c);
        const d = {};
        var record = r_r_i_ary[0]; // record
        d[record] = c;
        console.log("DDD", d);


    "4": {
        "1": {
            "2": {
                "will_plac": "Atibaia, São Paulo, Brasil"



JavaScript 对象


0赞 tkausl 11/17/2023
0赞 cyberbrain 11/17/2023
0赞 Marcos Camargo 11/17/2023
d 不是因为它每次都覆盖。一个角色中有多个人,一个记录中有多个角色。我不知道如何在不破坏变量“e”的情况下继续添加更多变量。
0赞 cyberbrain 11/17/2023
你也许真的想拥有吗?var e = [{record: [{role: [{individual: [{tag: value}]}]}]}];
0赞 Marcos Camargo 11/17/2023
@cyberbrain 我不希望有数组,而只是对象。


1赞 Valery 11/17/2023 #1

// Will use named capturing groups to parse each line
const lineRegex = new RegExp(
  "^(?<tag>\\w+)" +        // Match and capture the tag in the beginning of the line (word characters)
  "_(?<record>\\d+)" +     // Match and capture the record (digits)
  "_(?<role>\\d+)" +       // Match and capture the role (digits)
  "_(?<individual>\\d+)" + // Match and capture the individual (digits)
  "\\s+" +                 // Match one or more whitespace characters
  "(?<value>.+)$"          // Match and capture the value (any characters until the end of the line)

function parse(input) {
  return input
    // get each line separately
    // parse it with a regex
    .map((line) => line.match(lineRegex).groups)
    // reduce the parsed lines to the required shape
    .reduce((agg, parsed) => {
      const out = {...agg};
      if (typeof out[parsed.record] === 'undefined') {
        // Make sure there is a record to append to
        out[parsed.record] = {};
      if (typeof out[parsed.record][parsed.role] === 'undefined') {
        // Make sure there is a role in the record to append to
        out[parsed.record][parsed.role] = {};
      if (typeof out[parsed.record][parsed.role][parsed.individual] === 'undefined') {
        // Make sure there is an individual to assign values to
        out[parsed.record][parsed.role][parsed.individual] = {};
      // Store the actual value for the tag
      out[parsed.record][parsed.role][parsed.individual][parsed.tag] = parsed.value;
      return out;
    }, {});

const data = `name_1_2_1 Joseph Jones
name_1_2_2 Mary Poppins
name_1_2_3 Sebastian Quincy
age_1_2_1 20
age_1_2_2 40
age_1_2_3 60`;



0赞 Marcos Camargo 11/17/2023
谢谢!它有效。out ={...agg}
1赞 Djave 11/17/2023 #2

与 Valery 类似,但首先我将数据结构化为一种有用的方式:

    "route": [
    "key": "age",
    "val": "60"


然后,我使用一个带有 while 循环的函数在设置该值之前处理键的数组。route

const data = [
  `name_1_2_1 Joseph Jones`,
  `name_1_2_2 Mary Poppins`,
  `name_1_2_3 Sebastian Quincy`,
  `age_1_2_1 20`,
  `age_1_2_2 40`,
  `age_1_2_3 60`,

const keyedData = data.map(line => {
  const bits = line.split(" ");
  const route = bits.shift(); // name_1_2_1

  const keyBits = route.split("_"); // [name, 1, 2, 1]
  const key = keyBits.shift(); // name
  return {
    route: keyBits,
    val: bits.join(' ') // the left over `Joseph Jones`

function buildObject(data){
  const finalObject = {}
  data.forEach(item => {
    // Reset the target for this item to the `root` object
    let target = finalObject;
      let routeFragment = item.route.shift();
      // If the target doesn't have a property on this key, create one
        target[routeFragment] = {};
      // Now set the new target 
      target = target[routeFragment];
    // Finally, update that value.
    target[item.key] = item.val;
  return finalObject

const result = buildObject(keyedData);


0赞 Marcos Camargo 11/20/2023
当我查看由 keyedData 创建的对象时,作为数组的路由是空的。它按原样工作,但路由不应为空。这是我在控制台上看到的为什么它是空的?谢谢![{"route": [], "key": "age", "val": "40 anos"},
0赞 Djave 11/20/2023
控制台会在您查看该变量时显示该变量,而不是在控制台记录该变量时显示该变量。如果您将控制台 .log 更改为,您将在那一刻看到它。如果您对控制台的工作原理以及 javascript 如何引用基元以外的对象更感兴趣,您可以对此进行研究。console.log(JSON.stringify(keyedData));