为什么 Excel 说我的 ActiveX 对象不在工作表上?

Why is Excel saying that my ActiveX object is not on the Worksheet?

提问人:St3althPatchin 提问时间:8/17/2023 更新时间:8/17/2023 访问量:51


我正在尝试使用 BarcodeTools 的数据矩阵 ActiveX 对象,以便能够在我的 excel 工作表上创建数据矩阵代码。我希望在条形码中编码的数据是通过我的用户消息探测数据。这是因为我正在寻找打印它以供以后扫描。无论出于何种原因,我都无法让 excel 验证我的工作表上是否有 ActiveX 对象。


我不确定使用此ActiveX工具是否缺少某些内容。特别是因为当宏运行时,我仍然需要打印条形码。但它不是使用用户将创建的字符串进行编码的。我知道条形码工具已将其条形码设置为添加的 ActiveX 对象。当我右键单击条形码时,我可以看到它的属性。我只是不确定为什么当我为链接单元格 A1 设置时条形码没有获取代码,什么也没发生。当我尝试更改该属性和数据编码属性时,没有任何变化。

Public Sub CreateAndPrintLabel()
    Dim createLabel As VbMsgBoxResult
    Dim labelInfo As String
    Dim sPath As String
    Dim ObjDoc As Object

    ' Step 1: Ask the user if they wish to create a label
    createLabel = MsgBox("Do you wish to create a label?", vbYesNo)

    If createLabel = vbYes Then
       ' Step 2: Prompt for each parameter
        licensePlate = InputBox("Enter License Plate:")
        partNumber = InputBox("Enter Part Number:")
        Description = InputBox("Enter Description:")
        ExpirationDate = InputBox("Enter Expiration Date:")

        ' Step 3: Validate and display entered information
        labelInfo = licensePlate & " | " & partNumber & " | " & Description & " | " & ExpirationDate
        confirmMsg = "Is the following information correct?" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & labelInfo
        confirmed = MsgBox(confirmMsg, vbYesNo) = vbYes

        ' Step 4: Allow correction or confirmation
        If Not confirmed Then
            ' Provide an option to go through the steps again if the information was incorrect
            Call CreateAndPrintLabel
            Exit Sub
        End If
        ' Store labelInfo in cell A1 on Sheet1
        ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Value = labelInfo
        ' Check if Data Matrix data matches the content in cell A1
        Dim dataMatrixControl1 As OLEObject
        On Error Resume Next
        Set dataMatrixControl1 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").OLEObjects("DataMatrixCtrl.1")
        On Error GoTo 0

        If Not dataMatrixControl1 Is Nothing Then
            If dataMatrixControl1.Object.DataToEncode = labelInfo Then
                ' Step 5: Print the label using Brother printer
                Set ObjDoc = CreateObject("bpac.Document")
                sPath = "C:\Users\giovanni.fontanetta\Documents\My Labels\Matrix.lbx"
                ' Open lbx file
                If ObjDoc.Open(sPath) Then
                    ' Set text for the entire label
                    ObjDoc.SetText 0, dataMatrixContent

                    ' Print the label
                    ObjDoc.StartPrint "", bpoDefault
                    ObjDoc.PrintOut 1, bpoDefault

                    ' Close lbx file
                    MsgBox "Failed to open label file."
                End If
                MsgBox "Data Matrix content does not match A1."
            End If
            MsgBox "ActiveX Data Matrix control not found on the sheet."
        End If
    End If
End Sub

Sub Print_Label()
    Dim bRet As Boolean
    Dim sPath As String
    Dim ObjDoc As bpac.Document
    Set ObjDoc = CreateObject("bpac.Document")
    sPath = "C:\Users\giovanni.fontanetta\Documents\My Labels\Matrix.lbx"
    'Open lbx file
    bRet = ObjDoc.Open(sPath)
    If (bRet <> False) Then

        ' Start Print-Setting
        ObjDoc.StartPrint "", bpoDefault
        ObjDoc.PrintOut 1, bpoDefault

        ' Finish Print-Setting.iStart the printing.j
        ' Close lbx file
    End If
End Sub

Excel VBA 条码打印 DataMatrix BarcodeType-39


0赞 FaneDuru 8/17/2023
0赞 St3althPatchin 8/17/2023
我将转到“开发人员”选项卡>在activeX选项中插入>“更多工具”>然后选择“DataMatrix Ctrl类”。完成后,我可以在键盘上画画
0赞 Tim Williams 8/17/2023
这能给你任何有用的线索吗?Dim obj As Object: For Each obj In ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").OLEObjects: Debug.Print obj.Name:Next
0赞 St3althPatchin 8/17/2023
0赞 Tim Williams 8/18/2023
当您运行我发布的代码时,请查看 VB 编辑器中的“即时”窗格(如果尚未打开,则按 Ctrl+G 显示)- 您在那里看到了什么?

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