提问人:Sabrina Hatch 提问时间:6/12/2023 更新时间:6/12/2023 访问量:36
如何在 Python 中跟踪对象 + 迭代对象并就地更新列表
How to keep track of objects in Python + iterating over objects and updating a list in place
我正在尝试实现 Max-Min Fairness 算法,无论出于何种原因,当我遍历代码时,它都会清空不饱和流的数量。似乎当我尝试更新我的列表时,那就是事情出错的时候。我不确定我在这里做错了什么?有没有办法在迭代时跟踪 python 中的指针并查看对象的值?
# A Python implementation of MmF via the water filling algorithm to demonstrate rate allocation solutions for congestion control and throughput efficiency
def maxMinFair():
###-------------------------------- CLASSES --------------------------------###
# create class Flow and add attributes to each flow
# source (which link it starts at)
# dest (which link it ends at)
# rate (current rate the flow is at)
class Flow:
def __init__(self, source, dest, rate):
self.source = source
self.dest = dest
self.rate = rate
# create class Link and add attributes to each link such as
# fol (array of active flows on link)
# cap (current available capacity on link)
class Link:
def __init__(self, fol, cap):
self.fol = fol
self.cap = cap
###-------------------------------- VARIABLES --------------------------------###
##hardcode infrastructure
# links in network initialized with empty array for fol
b1 = Link([], 1)
b2 = Link([], 1)
t1 = Link([], 1)
t2 = Link([], 1)
# flows in network
f1 = Flow(b1, t1, 0)
f2 = Flow(b1, t1, 0)
f3 = Flow(b1, t2, 0)
f4 = Flow(b2, t2, 0)
# update values for fol now that they have been initialized
b1 = Link([f1, f2, f3], 1)
b2 = Link([f4], 1)
t1 = Link([f1, f2], 1)
t2 = Link([f3, f4], 1)
## initialize variables
# set of unsaturated flows
unsat_flows = [f1, f2, f3, f4]
# set of saturated flows
sat_flows = []
# set of unsaturated links
unsat_links = [b1, b2, t1, t2]
# set of saturated links
sat_links = []
iter = 0
# while loop to continue alg while there are unsat flows
while (len(unsat_flows) != 0):
iter += 1
print(str(iter) + " this is the iteration")
temp = []
temp2 = []
# break after 3rd iteration
# need to remove the flows that have already been saturated
# when considering the the calculation for rate inc
# for each unsat link, check each fol to see if it's saturated. If yes, update link's fol attribute by removing the sat link from the list of x.fol
for i in unsat_links:
for x in i.fol:
if x in unsat_flows:
var = (i.cap / len(temp2))
min_inc = min(temp)
# for x in unsat_links:
# var = (x.cap / len(temp2))
# temp.append(var)
# print(temp)
# min_inc = min(temp)
for x in unsat_flows:
x.rate = x.rate + min_inc
# calculates the capacity of the links and updates their attributes
for x in unsat_links:
x.cap = 1 - sum([i.rate for i in x.fol])
# iterate over the list and if the cap is zero, append to the sat links list and delete from the unsat links list
arraySize1 = len(unsat_links)
i = 0
while i < arraySize1:
if unsat_links[i].cap == 0:
del unsat_links[i]
arraySize1 -= 1
i += 1
# iterate over the list and if the flow is an attr of a sat link, append to the sat flows list and delete from the unsat flows list
arraySize2 = len(unsat_flows)
a = 0
while a < arraySize2:
if (unsat_flows[a].dest in sat_links) or (unsat_flows[a].source in sat_links):
del unsat_flows[a]
arraySize2 -= 1
a += 1
if len(unsat_flows) == 0:
print("Yay! We finished the water filling algorithm!")
for x in sat_flows:
print("This is flow: " + str(x))
print("the rate of the flow is" + x.rate)
print("the source link of the flow is" + x.source)
print("the destination link of the flow is" + x.dest)
for x in sat_links:
print("This is link: " + str(x))
print("the available capacity of the link is" + x.cap)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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