提问人:DONTEN 提问时间:11/16/2023 最后编辑:DONTEN 更新时间:11/18/2023 访问量:55
从 C++ 中的三个密集特征::矩阵中获取常见的第一个零值 indice
Get common first zero-value indice from three dense Eigen::MatrixXi in C++
我有一个 NxN 非负数称为 ,两个 Nx1 非负数称为 和 。我想找到第一个索引 (i, j),使得 和 都是零。Eigen::MatrixXi
cost_matrix(i, j)
这是我当前的代码,它比使用 .Eigen::DenseBase::visit
Eigen::MatrixXi cost_matrix(4,4);
cost_matrix<<1, 2, 3, 0,
5, 0, 0, 8,
9, 8, 7, 6,
0, 2, 1, 5;
Eigen::VectorXi rowCover(4);
Eigen::VectorXi colCover(4);
rowCover << 0, 0, 1, 1;
colCover << 1, 1, 0, 1;
//A data demo. Cost_matrix is a NxN nonnegative int matrix.
//RowCover and colCover are N nonnegative int vector.
int i, j;
cost_matrix.colwise() += rowCover;
cost_matrix.rowwise() += colCover.transpose();
Eigen::Index zeroRow, zeroCol;
int min = find_zero_matrix.transpose().minCoeff(&zeroCol, &zeroRow);
i = zeroRow;
j = zeroCol;
//the result should be
//i = 1
//j = 2
正如@chtz评论中已经建议的那样,Eigen 在这里不会真正帮助您。我们仍然可以尝试找到更快的版本。
* Reference implementation
* Finds lowest row and column (prioritizes low row number)
* where cost_matrix is zero and both row_cover and col_cover are zero
* Returns {-1, -1} if no result is found.
* The input arrays can be overwritten by the implementation as desired
std::pair<int, int> reference(
Eigen::MatrixXi& cost_matrix,
Eigen::VectorXi& row_cover,
Eigen::VectorXi& col_cover) noexcept
int i, j;
cost_matrix.colwise() += row_cover;
cost_matrix.rowwise() += col_cover.transpose();
Eigen::Index zeroRow, zeroCol;
int min = cost_matrix.transpose().minCoeff(&zeroCol, &zeroRow);
i = zeroRow;
j = zeroCol;
if(min) // no result found
return {-1, -1};
return {i, j};
* Overwrite the front of cover with indices where it was zero
* The return value gives the total number of zeros found.
* The values behind that are left in undefined state
static Eigen::Index to_zero_indices(Eigen::VectorXi& cover) noexcept
Eigen::Index outpos = 0;
for(Eigen::Index i = 0, n = cover.size(); i < n; ++i) {
/* Loop body is written to be branchless */
int value = cover[i];
cover[outpos] = static_cast<int>(i);
outpos += ! value;
return outpos;
* Alternative implementation based on sparse probing of the cost matrix
* API-compatible to reference but in practice changes the cover vectors,
* not the cost matrix
std::pair<int, int> probe_indices(
Eigen::MatrixXi& cost_matrix,
Eigen::VectorXi& row_cover,
Eigen::VectorXi& col_cover) noexcept
const Eigen::Index rows_n = to_zero_indices(row_cover);
const Eigen::Index cols_n = to_zero_indices(col_cover);
for(int i: row_cover.head(rows_n))
for(int j: col_cover.head(cols_n))
if(! cost_matrix(i, j))
return {i, j};
return {-1, -1};
为获得最佳结果,请编译 with 以避免在各种索引操作中进行范围检查。-DNDEBUG
矩阵大小 N 约为 20,但每帧将运行多次。0 的百分比约为 1/N(可能每行有几个 0)
我假设这个 1/N 不适用于覆盖向量。否则,您找到甚至一个条目的机会都非常低。我武断地决定用 4/N 作为封面,用 1/N 作为成本矩阵进行测试。
完整的测试和基准测试结果如下。在我的系统上,使用所选参数集,我的版本速度大约快 10 倍,即使我将封面更改为全零,它的速度也快了 7.5 倍。即使在绝对最坏的情况下 - 覆盖全为零,矩阵全为1 - 它的速度仍然是两倍。
#include <Eigen/Dense>
#include <chrono>
#include <iostream>
#include <random>
// using std::default_random_engine, std::bernoulli_distribution
#include <utility>
// using std::pair
* Fill the output with zeros and ones depending on the percentage
* Results are random but reproducible across process executions.
* Input percentage is expected to be between 0 and 1
void fill_pct(Eigen::Ref<Eigen::MatrixXi> out, double pct_ones)
static std::default_random_engine::result_type seed = 0xdeadbeef;
std::default_random_engine rng {seed++};
std::bernoulli_distribution distr {pct_ones};
out = Eigen::MatrixXi::NullaryExpr(
out.rows(), out.cols(),
[&]() -> int { return distr(rng); });
int main()
using clock_t = std::chrono::steady_clock;
const int size = 20;
const double pct_zero = 1. / size;
const double pct_zero_cover = 4. / size;
const int repetitions = 1000000;
Eigen::MatrixXi cost_matrix, matrix_copy;
Eigen::VectorXi row_cover, col_cover, row_copy, col_copy;
clock_t::duration reference_time {}, bench_time {};
for(int i = 0; i < repetitions; ++i) {
cost_matrix.resize(size, size);
fill_pct(cost_matrix, 1. - pct_zero);
matrix_copy = cost_matrix;
for(Eigen::VectorXi* cover: {&row_cover, &col_cover}) {
fill_pct(*cover, 1. - pct_zero_cover);
row_copy = row_cover;
col_copy = col_cover;
clock_t::time_point t1 = clock_t::now();
std::pair<int, int> bench_result = probe_indices(
cost_matrix, row_cover, col_cover);
clock_t::time_point t2 = clock_t::now();
std::pair<int, int> ref_result = reference(
matrix_copy, row_copy, col_copy);
clock_t::time_point t3 = clock_t::now();
bench_time += t2 - t1;
reference_time += t3 - t2;
if(bench_result != ref_result)
std::cout << bench_result.first << " != " << ref_result.first
<< ' ' << bench_result.second << " != " << ref_result.second
<< '\n';
using std::chrono::milliseconds;
std::cout << "Reference " << std::chrono::duration_cast<milliseconds>(
reference_time).count() * 1e-3
<< "\nBench " << std::chrono::duration_cast<milliseconds>(
bench_time).count() * 1e-3
<< '\n';
- 正如注释中所讨论的,最好转置输入并查找第一列具有优先权的第一个条目。然而,只有当矩阵足够大,数据的局部性成为一个更大的问题时,这才真正成为一个大问题
- 我不认为显式矢量化有多大意义。我觉得这可以通过收集指令来完成,但这只有在矩阵通常为零且封面为零的情况下才会真正起作用
- 在行和列覆盖率大多为零的情况下,我们可以反转逻辑并首先扫描矩阵。这也将受益于显式矢量化
我使用显式 AVX512 矢量化进行了一些测试。首先,利用.这稍微快一点,但并不值得。其次,我用一些矢量化扫描优化了上面的最坏情况。在这种特定情况下,它的性能翻了一番,但支持这两种模式并决定是使用扫描还是常规操作,都有足够的开销使常规情况的速度减半。所以不是很有用。to_zero_indices
[0 0 1 1]
{0, 1}