如何使用python docx库在现有文档中的第二个表格之后在现有word文档中添加新表格?

How to add new tables in existing word document after second table in existing document using python docx libary?

提问人:Nandini Matam 提问时间:11/8/2023 最后编辑:Nandini Matam 更新时间:11/9/2023 访问量:24


在这里,我使用下面的代码在现有 Word 文档中使用 Python DOCX 的第二个表格之后添加新表格,我想插入新行,它不会使用下面的代码发生,请对此有所帮助

from docx import Document
# Open an existing document
doc = Document('existing.docx')
# Access the first table in the document
reference_table =doc.tables[1]
num_duplicates = 5
def duplicate_table(no_rows,no_cols,doc):
    # Create a new table with the same number of rows and columns as the reference table
    new_table = doc.add_table(rows=no_rows, cols=no_cols,style="Table Grid")
    return new_table
for i in range(num_duplicates):
    # Duplicate the table
    # duplicated_table = doc.add_table(rows=len(reference_table.rows), cols=len(reference_table.columns))
    # Copy the content from the original table to the new table
    for row_index, row in enumerate(duplicated_table.rows):
        for cell_index, cell in enumerate(row.cells):
            cell.text = "row"+str(row_index)+'column'+str(cell_index)
python-docx 文本提取


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