我在使用 dbeaver 将 CSV 文件导入我的数据库时遇到问题

I have a problem importing a CSV file into my database using dbeaver

提问人:Mohamed Elbana 提问时间:11/5/2023 更新时间:11/5/2023 访问量:64


这是我第一次使用 dbeaver,当我导入数据时,出现以下错误消息:

Error occurred during batch insert
(you can disable batch insert in order to skip particular rows).

SQL Error [22001]: Batch entry 178 INSERT INTO public.banklist ("Bank Name","City","State",cert,"Acquiring Institution","Closing Date",fund)
    VALUES ('Coastal Bank','Cocoa Beach','FL',34898,'Florida Community Bank, a division of Premier American Bank, N.A.','6-May-11',10364) was aborted: ERROR: value too long for type character varying(64)  Call getNextException to see other errors in the batch.

我尝试导入的 CSV 文件是从以下 URL 下载的:https://www.fdic.gov/resources/resolutions/bank-failures/failed-bank-list/


数据库 PostgreSQL CSV dbeaver


0赞 Gyro Gearloose 11/5/2023
查看错误消息。它说“错误:类型字符 varying(64) 的值太长”,而您的“佛罗里达银行......”只是一个字符超出了该限制。
0赞 Mohamed Elbana 11/5/2023
@GyroGearloose 我正在看它,但我不知道我该怎么办
2赞 Adrian Klaver 11/5/2023
0赞 Mohamed Elbana 11/5/2023

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