R 中的双循环:使用 .name_repair 指定修复?

Double Loops in R: Use .name_repair to specify repair?

提问人:stats_noob 提问时间:11/24/2022 更新时间:11/27/2022 访问量:196


我在 R 中有这个数据集:


myFun <- function(n = 5000) {
  a <- do.call(paste0, replicate(5, sample(LETTERS, n, TRUE), FALSE))
  paste0(a, sprintf("%04d", sample(9999, n, TRUE)), sample(LETTERS, n, TRUE))

col1 = myFun(100)
col2 = myFun(100)
col3 = myFun(100)
col4 = myFun(100)
group <- c("A","B","C","D")
group = sample(group, 100, replace=TRUE)

example = data.frame(col1, col2, col3, col4, group)

       col1       col2       col3       col4 group
1 SKZDZ9876D BTAMF8110T LIBFV6882H ZFIPL4295E     A
2 NXJRX7189Y AIZGY5809C HSMIH4556D YJGJP8022H     C
3 XPTZB2035P EEKXK0873A PCPNW1021S NMROS4134O     A
4 LJMCM3436S KGADK2847O SRMUI5723N RDIXI7301N     B
5 ADITC6567L HUOCT5660P AQCNE3753K FUMGY1428B     D
6 BAEDP8491P IAGQG4816B TXXQH6337M SDACH5752D     C

我编写了这个循环,比较了 (col1,col2) 和 (col3,col4) 的所有组合之间的不同字符串距离度量:

method = c("osa", "lv", "dl", "hamming", "lcs", "qgram", "cosine", "jaccard", "jw","soundex")


results = list()

for (i in 1:length(method))


method_i = method[i]
name_1_i = paste0("col1_col_2", method_i)
 name_2_i = paste0("col3_col_4", method_i)

p1_i = stringdistmatrix(col1, col2, method =  method_i, useNames = "string") %>%
            as_tibble(rownames = "a") %>%
            pivot_longer(-1, names_to = "b", values_to = name_1_i)

p2_i = stringdistmatrix(col3, col4, method =  method_i, useNames = "string") %>%
            as_tibble(rownames = "a") %>%
            pivot_longer(-1, names_to = "b", values_to = name_2_i)

p1_i = p1_i[,3]
p2_i = p2_i[,3]

final_i = cbind(p1_i, p2_i)

results[[i]] = final_i

final = do.call(cbind.data.frame, results)
final = cbind(col1,col2, col3,col4, final)

average_col1_col2_dist = (final$col1_col_2osa  + final$col1_col_2lv + final$col1_col_2dl      + final$col1_col_2hamming + final$col1_col_2lcs +     final$col1_col_2qgram  + final$col1_col_2cosine    + final$col1_col_2jaccard + final$col1_col_2jw   + final$col1_col_2soundex)/10

 average_col3_col4_dist =  ( final$col3_col_4osa     +    final$col3_col_4lv       +     final$col3_col_4dl  +     final$col3_col_4hamming +  final$col3_col_4lcs +  final$col3_col_4qgram  +   final$col3_col_4cosine +    final$col3_col_4jaccard  +    final$col3_col_4jw     +   final$col3_col_4soundex)/10

final = data.frame( col1, col2, col3, col4, average_col1_col2_dist,  average_col3_col4_dist)
final = scale(final)


results = list()

for (i in 1:length(method))
for (j in 1:length(unique(example$group))



groups_j = unique(example$group[j])
my_data_i = file[which(file$fsa == groups_j  ), ]

method_i = method[i]
name_1_i = paste0("col1_col_2", method_i)
 name_2_i = paste0("col3_col_4", method_i)

p1_i = stringdistmatrix(my_data_i$col1, my_data_i$col2, method =  method_i, useNames = "string") %>%
            as_tibble(rownames = "a") %>%
            pivot_longer(-1, names_to = "b", values_to = name_1_i)

p2_i = stringdistmatrix(my_data_i$col3, my_data_i$col4, method =  method_i, useNames = "string") %>%
            as_tibble(rownames = "a") %>%
            pivot_longer(-1, names_to = "b", values_to = name_2_i)

p1_i = p1_i[,3]
p2_i = p2_i[,3]

final_i = cbind(p1_i, p2_i)
 results[[i]] = final_i


final = do.call(cbind.data.frame, results)
final = cbind(col1,col2, col3,col4, final)

average_col1_col2_dist = (final$col1_col_2osa  + final$col1_col_2lv + final$col1_col_2dl      + final$col1_col_2hamming + final$col1_col_2lcs +     final$col1_col_2qgram  + final$col1_col_2cosine    + final$col1_col_2jaccard + final$col1_col_2jw   + final$col1_col_2soundex)/10

 average_col3_col4_dist =  ( final$col3_col_4osa     +    final$col3_col_4lv       +     final$col3_col_4dl  +     final$col3_col_4hamming +  final$col3_col_4lcs +  final$col3_col_4qgram  +   final$col3_col_4cosine +    final$col3_col_4jaccard  +    final$col3_col_4jw     +   final$col3_col_4soundex)/10

final = data.frame( col1, col2, col3, col4, average_col1_col2_dist,  average_col3_col4_dist)
final = scale(final)


! Column 1 must be named.
Use .name_repair to specify repair.
Caused by error in `repaired_names()`:
! Names can't be empty.
x Empty name found at location 1.



R 循环


1赞 Limey 11/24/2022
完全避免外环。将内部循环放入函数中。然后用于应用您的内部循环。类似 .在 R 中,一个好的经验法则是“如果我正在考虑使用循环,可能有更好的方法”。我认为这是一个很好的例子。group_mapexample %>% group_by(group) %>% group_map(myInnerLoopFun)for
1赞 jay.sf 11/24/2022
0赞 stats_noob 11/24/2022
0赞 stats_noob 11/24/2022
@jay.sf :谢谢!如有必要,我可以删除第一个问题 - 我不确定我使用的方法是否正确。谢谢!
0赞 stats_noob 11/25/2022
@jay.sf :有什么想法我该怎么做吗?


6赞 Kat 11/27/2022 #1





for(this in that) 
   for(this in that)

括号嵌套了 for 语句的内容。你需要

for(this in that) {
   for(this in that) {

# or this works
for(this in that) 
   for(this in that)


for(i in method) { # i is a string

# versus

for(i in 1:length(method)) { # i is an integer


for(j in 1:length(unique(example$group)) # end parentheses missing!

# should have been

for(j in 1:length(unique(example$group)))

# easier to see like this:

for(j in 1:length(

您知道吗?可以将 RStudio 设置为使用“彩虹括号”,这非常适合确保不会错过右括号或括号。转到“工具”->“全局选项”->代码(弹出窗口中的左侧菜单)->显示(菜单弹出窗口中的顶部菜单)&“彩虹括号”是列表中的最后一项。这是我当前外观设置的样子:enter image description here


# this selects jth row, then looks for unique values
groups_j = unique(example$group[j]) 

# you need to get the unique values, then iterate
group_j = unique(example$group)[j] 

# the j goes outside the call for unique()

在此代码中,您编写了 和 .我假设这等价于 和 ,因为我没有 中的任何内容。filefile$fsaexampleexample$groupfile


my_data_i = example[which(example$group == group_j), ] # this would work
my_data_i <- filter(example, groups == group_j)        # this would work
my_data_i <- example[group == group_j, ]               # this would work
my_data_i <- example[example$group == group_j, ]       # this would work

如果迭代了组而不是索引,则可以跳过创建,这是您唯一使用的 。group_jj

for(j in unique(example$group)) {
    my_data_i <- example[example$group == j, ]

当您单独使用 和 发送结果时,每次迭代都会覆盖数据。iij



results[[1]] <- group 1, method 1
results[[1]] <- rbind(results[[1]], [group 2, method 1])

# or 

results[[1]][[1]] <- group 1, method 1
results[[1]][[2]] <- group 2, method 1



if(j < 2) {
  results[[i]] <- final_i
} else {
  results[[i]] <- rbind(results[[i]], final_i) 

如果您使用 ,则可以使用以下命令:for(j in unique(example$group))

if(isTRUE(j == unique(example$group)[1])) { # isTRUE() to avoid null errors 
  results[[i]] <- final_i
} else {
  results[[i]] <- rbind(results[[i]], final_i) 


results = list()
for (i in 1:length(method)) {  # bracket missing here; it was in the wrong place
  for (j in 1:length(unique(example$group))) { # missing a parentheses here
    # { # this needs to be after each for statement
    # groups_j = unique(example$group[j]) # you have selected the jth row, not the jth unique
    group_j = unique(example$group)[j] # the selection goes outside the call for unique()
    # use things like print or message to check what your function does
    # print(group_j)
    # message('this is a message ', group_j) # notice the different color in the console?
    my_data_i <- example[group == group_j, ] # this would work
    method_i = method[i]
    name_1_i = paste0("col1_col_2", method_i)
    name_2_i = paste0("col3_col_4", method_i)
    p1_i = stringdistmatrix(my_data_i$col1, my_data_i$col2, method =  method_i, useNames = "string") %>%
      as_tibble(rownames = "a") %>%
      pivot_longer(-1, names_to = "b", values_to = name_1_i)
    p2_i = stringdistmatrix(my_data_i$col3, my_data_i$col4, method =  method_i, useNames = "string") %>%
      as_tibble(rownames = "a") %>%
      pivot_longer(-1, names_to = "b", values_to = name_2_i)
    p1_i = p1_i[,3]
    p2_i = p2_i[,3]
    final_i = cbind(p1_i, p2_i)
    # results[[i]] = final_i # you replace this content everytime you change groups
    # you need to append the values between groups (assuming you want one column per test type)
    # first append, then combine
    if(j < 2) { # use < instead of == to avoid null error
      results[[i]] <- final_i
    } else {
      results[[i]] <- rbind(results[[i]], final_i) 


我添加了一些检查和平衡,使其更具动态性。您可以将任意数量的列、方法或组发送到 。grpComp

这使用 、 和 。tidyversegluestringdist



strD <- function(c1, c2, mm) { # input column 1; column 2; measurement method
  res <- stringdistmatrix(c1, c2, method = mm, useNames = 'string')
  f_res <- matrix(res) # extract values and flatten


grpComp <- function(fr, methods, grp) { # data frame of columns to compare,
  # methods to use, groups (vector same length as df rows)
  cnames <- names(fr)
  if(length(cnames) %% 2 != 0) {
    message('there are an uneven number of columns to compare')
    break # something's wrong
  if(length(grp) != nrow(fr)) {
    message('there groups vector length must match number of rows in the data')
    break # something's wrong
  # extract distances
  dists <- map(
    function(j) {
      str_ds <- map_dfc(    # by column sets  
        seq(from = 1, to = length(cnames), by = 2),
        function(i) {
          str_gr <- map_dfr( # by group
            function(k) {
              as.data.frame(list(  # has to be list for `col.names` to work
                strD(fr[grp == k, cnames[i]],
                     fr[grp == k, cnames[i + 1]], j)), 
                optional = F, row.names = NULL, 
                col.names = paste0("c", i, i+1, '_', j))
            })        # combine groups by rows
        })            # combine methods by columns
    }) %>% do.call(cbind, .)
  ncnames <- names(dists) %>% substr(1, 3) %>% unique() # determine unique col groups
  for(m in ncnames) { # get averages for each comparison set
    dists <- mutate(dists, 
                    "ave_{m}" := rowMeans(across(contains(m))) %>% scale())
  dists <- select(dists, contains('ave'))


test5 <- grpComp(example[, 1:4], methods, example$group)


strComp <- function(fr, methods) { # data frame of columns to compare, methods to use
  cnames <- names(fr)
  if(length(cnames) %% 2 != 0) {
    message('there are an uneven number of columns to compare')
    break # something's wrong
  # extract distances
  dists <- map(
    function(j) {
      str_ds <- map_dfc(
        seq(from = 1, to = length(cnames), by = 2),
        function(i) {
          as.data.frame(list(  # has to be list for `col.names` to work
            strD(fr[, cnames[i]], fr[, cnames[i + 1]], j)), optional = F, 
            col.names = paste0("c", i, i+1, '_', j))
    }) %>% do.call(cbind, .)
  ncnames <- names(dists) %>% substr(1, 3) %>% unique() # determine unique col groups
  for(k in ncnames) { # get averages for each comparison set
    dists <- mutate(dists, 
                    "ave_{k}" := rowMeans(across(contains(k))) %>% scale())
  dists <- select(dists, contains('ave'))


test4 <- strComp(example[, 1:4], methods)


0赞 stats_noob 11/27/2022
@Kat:非常感谢!如果您有兴趣 - 这是我发布的一个关于这种方法的数学有效性的相关问题!math.stackexchange.com/questions/4583994/......
0赞 stats_noob 11/27/2022
有什么方法可以帮我修复我写的原始代码吗?我试图学习如何在 R 中设置“双循环”......非常感谢!
1赞 Kat 11/27/2022
0赞 stats_noob 11/27/2022