提问人:Helgeduelbeck Prabu 提问时间:8/19/2023 更新时间:8/19/2023 访问量:17
I need help on jquery to reduce the height of $(document).height() on Chrome and Edge when mobile virtual keyboard appears, like on Firefox and Opera
我的问题 当移动虚拟键盘出现在移动浏览器上时,滚动应该只在文本区域编辑器中处于活动状态,而不是整个 html 页面。 我做了什么来解决这个问题,仅在Firefox和Opera上取得了成功。Chrome 和 Edge 什么也没发生。 我需要帮助。
<div style="height:100px;">
<label id="info" style="display:none"></label>
<div style="position: fixed;top:101px;width:100%;" >
<textarea id="chaptercontent"></textarea>
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
var initialHeight = window.visualViewport.height; // initial height at first sight
var headerDiv = 100; // prepare div for header
var textareaHeight = Math.round( initialHeight - headerDiv ); // textarea's height formula
var virKeyb = 0; // virtual keyboard's height when hide
infoStat(); // info for all height status
var toxHeight = window.visualViewport.height - 100; // current textarea's height
$('.tox-tinymce').css({'height':toxHeight}); // change current textarea's height
virKeyb = Math.round( initialHeight - window.visualViewport.height );
if(virKeyb > 150){ // found virtual keyboard's height, assuming more than 150 pixel
$('body').css({'height':'100%'}); // refresh the body's height to adapt
document.body.style.height = toxHeight + 100 + 'px'; // another way to recalc doc's height
// if doc height > win height
if($(document).height() > window.visualViewport.height){ // if doc's height still more height than viewport height
// don't know next
} else $('body').css({'height':'100%'}); // refresh body's height when viewport change size
selector: '#chaptercontent', width: '100%', height: textareaHeight,
function infoStat(){
$("#info").html('winWidth:' + Math.round(window.visualViewport.width) + ';winHeight:' +
Math.round(window.visualViewport.height) + '\r\ntxtHeight:'+textareaHeight+';txt:'+
Math.round($('.tox-tinymce').height()) +
';doc:'+$(document).height() + ';virKeyb:'+virKeyb);
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