使用 Puppeteersharp 实现 fake-audio-capture 以使用音频文件作为我的麦克风输入

using Puppeteersharp to implement fake-audio-capture to use an audio file as my microphone input

提问人:Ijaz Ahmed 提问时间:7/16/2023 更新时间:7/16/2023 访问量:86


我想使用 Puppeteersharp 来实现 --fake-audio-capture 以使用音频文件作为我的麦克风输入。


我正在使用 Chrome 和 PuppeteerSharp,我愿意降级到不同版本的 chromium 或 Puppeteersharp。

我使用以下代码进行了尝试,stackoverflow 上的帖子都没有正确回答:

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using PuppeteerSharp;

namespace PuppeteerProgram
    class Program
        static async Task Main(string[] args)
            var launchOptions = new LaunchOptions
                ExecutablePath = @"C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe",
                Args = new[] {

            var browserWSEndpoint = "ws://localhost:9223/devtools/browser/f8564ed5-23e5-4bea-a058-c646b56c575f";
            var options = new ConnectOptions
                BrowserWSEndpoint = browserWSEndpoint

            var browser = await Puppeteer.LaunchAsync(launchOptions);

            var pages = await browser.PagesAsync();
            var page = pages[0];

            Console.WriteLine("Clicking on microphone button...");
            await page.ClickAsync("div.record-btn"); // clicking record btn on some website

            Console.WriteLine("Stop Recording...");
            await page.ClickAsync("div.record-btn"); // clicking record btn again to stop recording

            Console.WriteLine("Voice recorded successfully.");

            Console.WriteLine("Waiting for 10 seconds...");
            await Task.Delay(10000);

            //await browser.CloseAsync(); // commented since I don't want the browser to close


C# .NET WebRTC Chromium 傀儡师-夏普


0赞 Vivek Nuna 7/16/2023
0赞 Ijaz Ahmed 7/18/2023
'--use-file-for-fake-audio-capture=' 如何在 Puppeteersharp 中实现 thiis one

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