我需要 20x20 图像形式的 ai(感知器)数据,手动创建它会变慢。我如何训练它?

I need data for my ai (perceptron) in the form of 20x20 images.creating it by hand is to slow. how I train it?

提问人:kot ucheniy 提问时间:7/27/2023 更新时间:7/27/2023 访问量:33


我在 python 中复制了第一个 perceptron(ai),它使用一个 20x20 矩阵,其中 1 和 0 作为输入(1=白色,0=黑色)。我为它制作了 4 个图像矩阵,但我花了半个小时才制作它们。 人工智能应该区分由图像矩阵上的 1 组成的矩形和圆形,因此仅仅做出随机选择是行不通的。


python 图像 矩阵 感知器


0赞 Community 7/27/2023
0赞 tintin98 7/27/2023
因此,您需要大小为 20x20 的 2D 矩阵,其中的形状为正方形和圆形,由 1 和 0 定义?


0赞 tintin98 7/27/2023 #1

我假设您正在尝试生成 20x20 的圆形和矩形图像。

为此,请使用 OpenCV 绘图工具。教程可以在这里找到。

我对此进行了编码,并检查了运行时间,用于生成每个圆和矩形的 50 个样本的最大 0.05 秒

import cv2 as cv
import numpy as np
import time

h, w = 20, 20           #the image dimensions

start = time.time()

#code to generate circle
sample_count = 50       #give number of sample as per your requirement
circle_sample = []      #contains images of circles
circle_added = []       #contains circles added to the samples
while len(circle_sample) != sample_count:

    #choose center
    centerX = np.random.randint(0, h)
    centerY = np.random.randint(0, w)

    #calculate an upper limit for radius such that circle does not exceed the image dimensions
    #take the upper limit as minimum space in all 4 directions of the center 
    radius_upper_limit = min([centerX, h-centerX, centerY, w-centerY])

    #choose radius...I want more than 5 pixels radius
    if radius_upper_limit > 5:
        radius = np.random.randint(5, radius_upper_limit)
        #define this cirle with centerX, centerY and radius and check whether this has already been included or not
        circle = (centerX, centerY, radius)
        if circle not in circle_added:
            img = np.zeros((h, w), dtype=np.uint8)          #take a background image of all 1s

            #use drawing tool to draw the circle on the image
            circle_img = cv.circle(img, (centerX, centerY), radius, 1, cv.FILLED)

#code to generate squares
sample_count = 50               #give number of sample as per your requirement
rect_sample = []                #contains images of rectangles
rect_added = []                 #contains rectangles added to the samples
while len(rect_sample) != sample_count:
    #choose top-left corner of the rectangle 
    top = np.random.randint(0, h)
    left = np.random.randint(0, w)

    #calculate the upper limit for height (vertical direction) and width (horizontal direction)
    height_upper_limit = min(top, h-top)
    width_upper_limit = min(left, w-left)

    #find bottom-right (opposite of top-left corner) corner....I want rect with more than 25 pixel area
    if height_upper_limit>5 and width_upper_limit>5:
        bottom = np.random.randint(5, height_upper_limit)
        right = np.random.randint(5, width_upper_limit)

        #define rectanlge by top-left and bottom-right corners and check whether this has already been added or not
        rect = (left, top, right, bottom)
        if rect not in rect_added:
            img = np.zeros((h, w), dtype=np.uint8)

            #use drawing tool to draw rectangle on image
            rect_img = cv.rectangle(img, (left, top), (right, bottom), 1, cv.FILLED)

end = time.time()
exec_time = end-start
print("Execution Time: {:.2f} seconds".format(exec_time))



  1. 我不会选择半径小于或等于 5 像素的圆和面积小于或等于 25 像素的矩形。
  2. 我正在设置一个上限,以便圆形或矩形对象不超过图像尺寸。
  3. 填充颜色为 1,这是您想要的。如果要可视化图像,则必须将图像矩阵标量乘以 255 或将图像填充颜色更改为 255。
  4. 你得到的是一个图像列表,即 2D in 和 of size .如果需要,您可以保存这些图像。np.ndarraycircle_samplerect_sample20X20
  5. 值上的一个点 - 它本质上是将 -1 传递给 OpenCV 中绘图函数中的参数,这意味着“填充形状”。对于正值,它将绘制给定厚度的轮廓。cv.FILLEDthickness