提问人:thedrooster 提问时间:4/16/2023 最后编辑:thedrooster 更新时间:4/16/2023 访问量:28
C++ 中的感知器表代码 在某些情况下返回不正确的值
Perceptron Table Code in C++ Returning incorrect value in some instances
我需要帮助。我正在尝试为我的机器学习课程编写 C++ 感知器电缆。我了解表格本身以及与之相关的方程式。
我的问题是,为什么在某些情况下,我的值会以极小的数字返回给我?在第一张图片中,将是我的输出,您会注意到我的一些体重值为 -3E-27。
Perceptron acting as an OR Gate
Epoch Inputs Desired Initial Actual Error Final
1 0.,0. 0. 0.3,-0.1 0 0. 0.3,-0.1
1 0.,1. 1. 0.3,-0.1 0 -1. 0.2,-0.2
1 1.,0. 1. 0.2,-0.2 0 -1. 0.1,-0.3
1 1.,1. 1. 0.1,-0.3 0 -1. -3.e-17,-0.4
Epoch Inputs Desired Initial Actual Error Final
2 0.,0. 0. -3.e-17,-0.4 0 -1. -3.e-17,-0.4
2 0.,1. 1. -3.e-17,-0.4 0 -1. -0.1,-0.5
2 1.,0. 1. -0.1,-0.5 0 -1. -0.2,-0.6
2 1.,1. 1. -0.2,-0.6 0 -1. -0.3,-0.7
Epoch Inputs Desired Initial Actual Error Final
3 0.,0. 0. -0.3,-0.7 0 -1. -0.3,-0.7
3 0.,1. 1. -0.3,-0.7 0 -1. -0.4,-0.8
3 1.,0. 1. -0.4,-0.8 0 -1. -0.5,-0.9
3 1.,1. 1. -0.5,-0.9 0 -1. -0.6,-1.
Epoch Inputs Desired Initial Actual Error Final
4 0.,0. 0. -0.6,-1. 0 -1. -0.6,-1.
4 0.,1. 1. -0.6,-1. 0 -1. -0.7,-1.
4 1.,0. 1. -0.7,-1. 0 -1. -0.8,-1.
4 1.,1. 1. -0.8,-1. 0 -1. -0.9,-1.
Epoch Inputs Desired Initial Actual Error Final
5 0.,0. 0. -0.9,-1. 0 -1. -0.9,-1.
5 0.,1. 1. -0.9,-1. 0 -1. -1.,-1.
5 1.,0. 1. -1.,-1. 0 -1. -1.,-2.
5 1.,1. 1. -1.,-2. 0 -1. -1.,-2.
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
int main()
double threshold = .2;
double learningRate = .1;
int thresholdResult = 0;
double x1Inputs[4] = { 0, 0, 1, 1 };
double x2Inputs[4] = { 0, 1, 0, 1 };
double DesiredOutputs[4] = { 0,1,1,1 };
double sum = 0;
double weightOne = .30;
double weightTwo = -.10;
double weightOneFinal = 0;
double weightTwoFinal = 0;
double error = 0;
bool isError = false;
cout << " Perceptron acting as an OR Gate " << endl;
cout << "-------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) // iterates through each epoch
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) // iterates through each array
isError = false; // resets the Error check bool to false
sum = (x1Inputs[i] * weightOne) + (x2Inputs[i] * weightTwo); // Does initial weight and input comparison and sets threshold value for comparison
if (sum < threshold)
thresholdResult = 0;
else if (sum >= threshold)
thresholdResult = 1;
if (thresholdResult != DesiredOutputs[i]) // if these don't match caclulate error and set error checker to true
error = thresholdResult - DesiredOutputs[i];
isError = true;
if (isError == true) // !!!THIS IS WHERE THE ERROR OCCURS!!! calculates new weights if error checker is true otherwise sets the final weights to starting weights
weightOneFinal = weightOne + (learningRate * error * 1.0);
weightTwoFinal = weightTwo + (learningRate * error * 1.0);
else if (isError == false)
weightOneFinal = weightOne;
weightTwoFinal = weightTwo;
if (i == 0)
cout << " Epoch Inputs Desired Initial Actual Error Final " << endl;
cout << "-------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
cout << setprecision(1) << showpoint << setw(4) << j + 1 << setw(8) << x1Inputs[i] << "," << x2Inputs[i] << setw(8) << DesiredOutputs[i] << setw(8) << weightOne << "," << weightTwo << setw(5) << thresholdResult << setw(10) << error << setw(8) << weightOneFinal << "," << weightTwoFinal << "\n\n";
weightOne = weightOneFinal; // sets main weights to final weights
weightTwo = weightTwoFinal;
return 0;
我多次尝试单步执行整个程序,但由于某种原因,在嵌套 for 循环的第三次迭代中,WeightFinalOne 的值更改为 -3E-27,我对此没有任何解释。
答: 暂无答案
上一个:Python 中的切片工作原理