我正在使用 lxml.html 在 HTML 文件中添加新标签,然后对其进行操作,但它似乎不起作用

I'm working with lxml.html Adding new tags in the HTML file and then manipulating it but it doesn't seems to be working

提问人:Shubham Gupta 提问时间:10/27/2021 最后编辑:Samsul IslamShubham Gupta 更新时间:10/27/2021 访问量:14


for y in row_data:
    say = html.fromstring(
        str(html.tostring(y)).lstrip("b'").replace('">', '"><span>').replace('</td>', '</span></td>').rstrip("'"))

#[x.attrib['style'] for x in row_data if number.search(x.text_content()) and not date_pattern.search(x.text_content())]
for x in row_data:
    if number.search(x.text_content()) and not date_pattern.search(x.text_content()):
        x.attrib['style'] = x.attrib['style']+"color:orange;"
        #x.set('<span class="Numbers">', value=x.text_content())
        x.set('class="Numbers"', value=x.text_content())

    elif date_pattern.findall(x.text_content()):
        x.attrib['style'] = x.attrib['style']+"color:red;"
        x.set('class="Dates"', value=x.text_content())
html 解析 lxml .html


0赞 Shubham Gupta 10/27/2021
我正在处理一个包含 TD 和 TR 的表格 HTML 文件。我使用下面的代码片段来提取值 # 获取 html 元素单元格以区分 range(1, len(tr_elements)) 中的行): table_tr = tr_elements[row] # print(table_tr) # column_count = 0 对于 table_tr.iterchildren() 中的列: # print(len(table_tr.iterchildren())) data = column.text_content() if data != u'\xa0': if data != '$': #print(type(data)) row_data.append(column)
0赞 Shubham Gupta 10/27/2021
# 获取 range(1, len(tr_elements)) 中行的 HTML 元素单元格: table_tr = tr_elements[row] for column in table_tr.iterchildren(): data = column.text_content() if data != u'\xa0': if data != '$': row_data.append(column)
0赞 Community 10/27/2021

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