如何在 R 中将两个数据框中的数据绘制为堆积条形图?

How to plot data from two data frames together as a stacked bar chart in R?

提问人:slow_learner 提问时间:10/15/2022 最后编辑:Peterslow_learner 更新时间:10/16/2022 访问量:72


我有两个数据帧,分别称为 和 ,其中包含特定地区相应日期的男性和女性的一系列 covid 感染日期和值。我将它们单独绘制为dbDateSubMSortNacionaldbDateSubMSortNacional

contagiosH=barplot(dbDateSubHSortNacional$total[1:5], names.arg = dbDateSubHSortNacional$fecha[1:5], cex.names=0.759, , cex.axis=1, main = "Masculino", xlab="Fechas yy-mm-dd" , ylab="Número de contagios", col = rainbow(5), border = "white", ylim=c(0, 5000))
text(contagiosH, dbDateSubHSortNacional$total[1:5], dbDateSubHSortNacional$total[1:5])

contagiosM=barplot(dbDateSubMSortNacional$total[1:5], names.arg = dbDateSubMSortNacional$fecha[1:5], cex.names=0.759, , cex.axis=1, main = "Femenino", xlab="Fechas yy-mm-dd" , ylab="Número de contagios", col = rainbow(5), border = "white", ylim=c(0, 5000))
text(contagiosM, dbDateSubMSortNacional$total[1:5], dbDateSubMSortNacional$total[1:5])

我想知道是否可以将它们绘制为附图中的图表。Graph to be emulated


barplot(datos, beside=F, col=rainbow(5), legend.text = row.names(datos),
        args.legend=list(title ="RRSS preferidas", x="top", inset=c(0, -0.45)))


barplot(dbDateSubMSortNacional$total[1:5], dbDateSubHSortNacional$total[1:5], names.arg = dbDateSubMSortNacional$fecha[1:5], cex.names=0.759, , cex.axis=1,  col = rainbow(5), border = "white", ylim=c(0, 4000))



fecha <- c("2022-01-01","2022-01-02","2022-01-03", "2022-01-04", "2022-01-05", "2022-01-06", "2022-01-07")
total <- c(1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13)

dbDateSubMSortNacional <- data.frame(fecha, total);

total <- c(2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14)

dbDateSubHSortNacional <- data.frame(fecha, total);



返回错误Error in cbind(total.2022 - 1 - 10, total.2022 - 1 - 11, total.2022 - : object 'total.2022' not found

barplot(cbind(total.2022-01-10, total.2022-01-11, total.2022-01-04, total.2022-01-05, total.2022-01-12) ~ set, data = combined_wide, col = rainbow(5))
R 数据帧


0赞 slow_learner 10/15/2022
@Peter 请告诉我我所做的编辑是否适合您
0赞 Peter 10/15/2022
谢谢:应该包含在?say 和 say 之间有什么联系?redFavdatosdbDateSubHSortNacionaldatos
0赞 slow_learner 10/16/2022
@Peter我只是发布图像,以便可以看到问题 问题是语法。至少在我的计算机中,R 无法将符号识别为数据帧名称的 par。-
0赞 Peter 10/16/2022
0赞 slow_learner 10/16/2022
@Peter 谢谢你的建议。我已经实施了建议的更改


1赞 jdobres 10/15/2022 #1


dbDateSubHSortNacional$set <- 'H'
dbDateSubMSortNacional$set <- 'M'
combined <- rbind(dbDateSubHSortNacional, dbDateSubMSortNacional)

       fecha total set
1     Monday     2   H
2    Tuesday     4   H
3  Wendesday     6   H
4  Thuersday     8   H
5     Friday    10   H
6   Saturday    12   H
7     Sunday    14   H
8     Monday     1   M
9    Tuesday     3   M
10 Wendesday     5   M
11 Thuersday     7   M
12    Friday     9   M
13  Saturday    11   M
14    Sunday    13   M

如果要使用 绘制此数据,首先将数据转换为“宽”格式会更容易:barplotreshape

combined_wide <- reshape(combined, direction = 'wide', idvar = 'set', timevar = 'fecha')

  set total.Monday total.Tuesday total.Wendesday total.Thuersday total.Friday total.Saturday total.Sunday
1   H            2             4               6               8           10             12           14
8   M            1             3               5               7            9             11           13


barplot(cbind(total.Monday, total.Tuesday, total.Wendesday, total.Thuersday, total.Friday) ~ set, data = combined_wide, col = rainbow(5))

enter image description here

您还可以使用 ggplot2 创建类似的图,而无需扩大数据集:


ggplot(data = subset(combined, !(fecha %in% c('Saturday', 'Sunday'))), aes(x = set, y = total, fill = fecha)) +

enter image description here


0赞 slow_learner 10/16/2022
谢谢你的回答。但是,我有一个问题,在我的原始数据中,数据帧的名称定义为 yyyy-mm-dd,因此,我必须写入才能到达绘图,并且我收到错误:.我会附上这个问题的截图,希望你能再次帮助我。barplot(cbind(total.2022-01-10, total.2022-01-11, total.2022-01-04, total.2022-01-05, total.2022-01-12) ~ set, data = combined_wide, col = rainbow(5))Error in cbind(total.2022 - 1 - 10, total.2022 - 1 - 11, total.2022 - : object 'total.2022' not found
1赞 Peter 10/16/2022 #2

A 和解决方案,后跟一个基本 R 条形图选项:dplyrggplot

library(dplyr, warn = FALSE)

df1 <- bind_rows(dbDateSubHSortNacional, dbDateSubMSortNacional)

  geom_col(aes(x = set, y = total, fill = fecha))

#get data into wide format:

df2 <-
  df1 |>
  pivot_wider(names_from = fecha, values_from = total)

barplot(cbind(`2022-01-10`, `2022-01-11`, `2022-01-04`,`2022-01-05`, `2022-01-12`, `2022-01-17`, `2021-12-19`)~set, 
        data = df2 , 
        xlim = c(0,1),
        width = 0.30,
        col = rainbow(7),
        xlab = "Sex",
        ylab = "Frequency",
        legend.text = colnames(df2)[-1],
        args.legend = list(x = "topright"))

创建于 2022-10-15 使用 reprex v2.0.2


fecha <- c("2022-01-10","2022-01-11","2022-01-04","2022-01-05", "2022-01-12","2022-01-17", "2021-12-19")
total <- c(1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13)

dbDateSubMSortNacional <- data.frame(fecha, total)

total <- c(2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14)

dbDateSubHSortNacional <- data.frame(fecha, total);

dbDateSubHSortNacional$set <- 'H'
dbDateSubMSortNacional$set <- 'M'