
To convert Gregorian date to solar date-I showed with such errors

提问人:Ali norouzi 提问时间:6/19/2023 更新时间:6/19/2023 访问量:39


我有这个将 DateTime 波斯语转换为英语的脚本 - 我有错误代码。

  public ActionResult addvisit(int docid, int visitid, string visitdatetime, string pid)
            int intpid = 0;

            if (pid != "")
                var p = context.Table_Patient.Where(x => x.NationalCode == pid).SingleOrDefault();
                if (p == null)
                    return Json(new { status = 2, nv = 0 }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);  //no NashnalCode
                    intpid = p.pkID;

            string[] vdatetime = visitdatetime.Split(' ');
            string[] vdate = vdatetime[0].Split('/');
            string[] vtime = vdatetime[1].Split(':');

            int y = MyExtensions.PersianToEnglish(vdate[0]);
            int m = MyExtensions.PersianToEnglish(vdate[1]);
            int d = MyExtensions.PersianToEnglish(vdate[2]);
            int h = MyExtensions.PersianToEnglish(vtime[0]);
            int min = MyExtensions.PersianToEnglish(vtime[1]);

            PersianCalendar a = new PersianCalendar();

            DateTime a = PC.ToDateTime(y, m, d, h, min, 0, 0);

            Double Duration = context.View_PerDoctorsID.Where(x => x.fkDocID == docid && x.fkVisitID == visitid).Select(x => x.Duration).Single();

            Table_Visit nv = new Table_Visit();

            nv.fkDocID = docid;
            nv.SDate = a;
            nv.EDate = a.AddMinutes(Duration);
            if (pid == null)

                nv.fkPID = null;
                nv.fkPID = intpid;
            nv.fkVisitStatus = 1;
            nv.fkVTID = visitid;
            var thisvisit = context.View_Visit.Where(x => x.fkDocID == docid && x.fkVTID == visitid && x.SDate == nv.SDate && x.EDate == nv.EDate).SingleOrDefault();

我有错误 a =pc ?



严重性代码说明 项目文件行抑制状态

错误 CS0128 在此范围内已定义名为“a”的局部变量或函数 hospital D:\Cili\hospital\Controllers\HomeController.cs 266 活动

严重性代码说明 项目文件行抑制状态

错误 CS0103 名称“PC”在当前上下文中不存在 hospital D:\Cili\hospital\Controllers\HomeController.cs 266 活动

严重性代码说明 项目文件行抑制状态

错误 CS0029 无法隐式将类型“System.Globalization.PersianCalendar”转换为“System.DateTime” 医院 D:\Cili\hospital\Controllers\HomeController.cs 273 活动

严重性代码说明 项目文件行抑制状态

错误 CS7036 没有给出对应于“Calendar.AddMinutes(DateTime, int)”医院 D:\Cili\hospital\Controllers\HomeController.cs所需的正式参数“minutes”的参数 274 活动


我定义了将数字变量 persain 转换为英语的类

 public static class MyExtensions
        public static int PersianToEnglish(this string persianStr)
            Dictionary<char, char> LettersDictionary = new Dictionary<char, char>
                ['۰'] = '0',
                ['۱'] = '1',
                ['۲'] = '2',
                ['۳'] = '3',
                ['۴'] = '4',
                ['۵'] = '5',
                ['۶'] = '6',
                ['۷'] = '7',
                ['۸'] = '8',
                ['۹'] = '9',
                ['0'] = '0',
                ['1'] = '1',
                ['2'] = '2',
                ['3'] = '3',
                ['4'] = '4',
                ['5'] = '5',
                ['6'] = '6',
                ['7'] = '7',
                ['8'] = '8',
                ['9'] = '9'

            foreach (var item in persianStr)
                persianStr = persianStr.Replace(item, LettersDictionary[item]);
            return int.Parse(persianStr);


JavaScript C# jQuery 日期时间


1赞 Dmitry Bychenko 6/19/2023
是的,您尝试定义了两次:.这就是编译器抱怨的原因:是类型或aPersianCalendar a = new PersianCalendar(); DateTime a = PC.ToDateTime(y, m, d, h, min, 0, 0);aPersianCalendarDateTime
0赞 Ali norouzi 6/19/2023
0赞 Dmitry Bychenko 6/19/2023
你能说说最初的问题吗?例如,“我有一个波斯日期作为格式......例如: 我想从中得到 2023 年 6 月 18 日”string۱۴۰۲ یکشنبه ۲۸ خردادDateTime
0赞 RobG 6/19/2023
Javascript 和 jquery 标签与 c# 标签有些不兼容。

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