提问人:Philippe sillon 提问时间:11/17/2023 最后编辑:Philippe sillon 更新时间:11/17/2023 访问量:21
无法使用 Powewshell 创建 AWS ClientVPNEndPoint
Unable to create AWS ClientVPNEndPoint with Powewshell
我想在 Windows 10 专业版上使用 Powershell 模块 AWSPowerShell.NetCore 版本 4.1.385 创建 ClientVPNEndPoint。
$serverCertificat = Get-ACMCertificateList | where-object { $_.DomainName -eq "server" }
$clientCertificat = Get-ACMCertificateList | where-object { $_.DomainName -eq "client1.domain.tld" }
$Authentication = new-object Amazon.EC2.Model.ClientVpnAuthenticationRequest
$Authentication.Type = Amazon.EC2.ClientVpnAuthenticationType.CertificateAuthentication
$Authentication.MutualAuthentication = new-object Amazon.EC2.Model.CertificateAuthenticationRequest
$Authentication.MutualAuthentication.ClientRootCertificateChainArn = $clientCertificat.CertificateArn
New-EC2ClientVpnEndpoint -ClientCidrBlock "" `
-ServerCertificateArn $serverCertificat.CertificateArn `
-AuthenticationOption @($Authentication) `
-DnsServer @("","") `
-vpcid (Get-EC2VPC).VpcId `
-ConnectionLogOptions_Enabled $false
Line |
8 | … tion.Type = Amazon.EC2.ClientVpnAuthenticationType.CertificateAuthent …
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
| The term 'Amazon.EC2.ClientVpnAuthenticationType.CertificateAuthentication' is not recognized as a name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or executable program.
Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
Line |
12 | New-EC2ClientVpnEndpoint -ClientCidrBlock "" `
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
| Authentication type is required but is missing in the request
using System;
using Amazon.Runtime;
namespace Amazon.EC2
// Token: 0x02000032 RID: 50
public class ClientVpnAuthenticationType : ConstantClass
// Token: 0x060005C6 RID: 1478 RVA: 0x00012B61 File Offset: 0x00010D61
public ClientVpnAuthenticationType(string value) : base(value)
// Token: 0x060005C7 RID: 1479 RVA: 0x00012B6A File Offset: 0x00010D6A
public static ClientVpnAuthenticationType FindValue(string value)
return ConstantClass.FindValue<ClientVpnAuthenticationType>(value);
// Token: 0x060005C8 RID: 1480 RVA: 0x00012B72 File Offset: 0x00010D72
public static implicit operator ClientVpnAuthenticationType(string value)
return ClientVpnAuthenticationType.FindValue(value);
// Token: 0x040000B5 RID: 181
public static readonly ClientVpnAuthenticationType CertificateAuthentication = new ClientVpnAuthenticationType("certificate-authentication");
// Token: 0x040000B6 RID: 182
public static readonly ClientVpnAuthenticationType DirectoryServiceAuthentication = new ClientVpnAuthenticationType("directory-service-authentication");
// Token: 0x040000B7 RID: 183
public static readonly ClientVpnAuthenticationType FederatedAuthentication = new ClientVpnAuthenticationType("federated-authentication");
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