提问人:nickn17 提问时间:3/7/2023 最后编辑:genpfaultnickn17 更新时间:3/9/2023 访问量:59
使用 ifstream 传递字符串时出错?
Error with passing string using ifstream?
我正在尝试使用程序来加载 obj 文件并显示它。运行程序时,我得到 else 语句打印,因为它无法打开文件,有什么想法吗?
int Model_OBJ::Load(char* filename)
string line;
ifstream objFile (filename);
if (objFile.is_open()) // If obj file is open, continue
objFile.seekg (0, ios::end); // Go to end of the file,
long fileSize = objFile.tellg(); // get file size
objFile.seekg (0, ios::beg); // we'll use this to register memory for our 3d model
vertexBuffer = (float*) malloc (fileSize); // Allocate memory for the verteces
Faces_Triangles = (float*) malloc(fileSize*sizeof(float)); // Allocate memory for the triangles
normals = (float*) malloc(fileSize*sizeof(float)); // Allocate memory for the normals
int triangle_index = 0; // Set triangle index to zero
int normal_index = 0; // Set normal index to zero
while (! objFile.eof() ) // Start reading file data
getline (objFile,line); // Get line from file
if (line.c_str()[0] == 'v') // The first character is a v: on this line is a vertex stored.
line[0] = ' '; // Set first character to 0. This will allow us to use sscanf
sscanf(line.c_str(),"%f %f %f ", // Read floats from the line: v X Y Z
TotalConnectedPoints += POINTS_PER_VERTEX; // Add 3 to the total connected points
if (line.c_str()[0] == 'f') // The first character is an 'f': on this line is a point stored
line[0] = ' '; // Set first character to 0. This will allow us to use sscanf
int vertexNumber[4] = { 0, 0, 0 };
sscanf(line.c_str(),"%i%i%i", // Read integers from the line: f 1 2 3
&vertexNumber[0], // First point of our triangle. This is an
&vertexNumber[1], // pointer to our vertexBuffer list
&vertexNumber[2] ); // each point represents an X,Y,Z.
vertexNumber[0] -= 1; // OBJ file starts counting from 1
vertexNumber[1] -= 1; // OBJ file starts counting from 1
vertexNumber[2] -= 1; // OBJ file starts counting from 1
* Create triangles (f 1 2 3) from points: (v X Y Z) (v X Y Z) (v X Y Z).
* The vertexBuffer contains all verteces
* The triangles will be created using the verteces we read previously
int tCounter = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < POINTS_PER_VERTEX; i++)
Faces_Triangles[triangle_index + tCounter ] = vertexBuffer[3*vertexNumber[i] ];
Faces_Triangles[triangle_index + tCounter +1 ] = vertexBuffer[3*vertexNumber[i]+1 ];
Faces_Triangles[triangle_index + tCounter +2 ] = vertexBuffer[3*vertexNumber[i]+2 ];
* Calculate all normals, used for lighting
float coord1[3] = { Faces_Triangles[triangle_index], Faces_Triangles[triangle_index+1],Faces_Triangles[triangle_index+2]};
float coord2[3] = {Faces_Triangles[triangle_index+3],Faces_Triangles[triangle_index+4],Faces_Triangles[triangle_index+5]};
float coord3[3] = {Faces_Triangles[triangle_index+6],Faces_Triangles[triangle_index+7],Faces_Triangles[triangle_index+8]};
float *norm = this->calculateNormal( coord1, coord2, coord3 );
tCounter = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < POINTS_PER_VERTEX; i++)
normals[normal_index + tCounter ] = norm[0];
normals[normal_index + tCounter +1] = norm[1];
normals[normal_index + tCounter +2] = norm[2];
triangle_index += TOTAL_FLOATS_IN_TRIANGLE;
TotalConnectedTriangles += TOTAL_FLOATS_IN_TRIANGLE;
objFile.close(); // Close OBJ file
cout << "Unable to open file";
return 0;
答: 暂无答案
while (! objFile.eof() )
ifstream objFile("cow.obj")