提问人:PParker 提问时间:10/19/2023 最后编辑:desertnautPParker 更新时间:10/21/2023 访问量:67
Cluster people based on spatial coordinates with constraints
我有一个熊猫数据帧。列 和 表示人员的空间坐标。df
import pandas as pd
data = {
"latitude": [49.5619579, 49.5619579, 49.56643220000001, 49.5719721, 49.5748542, 49.5757358, 49.5757358, 49.5757358, 49.57586389999999, 49.57182530000001, 49.5719721, 49.572026, 49.5727859, 49.5740071, 49.57500899999999, 49.5751017, 49.5751468, 49.5757358, 49.5659508, 49.56611359999999, 49.5680586, 49.568089, 49.5687609, 49.5699217, 49.572154, 49.5724688, 49.5733994, 49.5678048, 49.5702381, 49.5707702, 49.5710414, 49.5711228, 49.5713705, 49.5723685, 49.5725714, 49.5746149, 49.5631496, 49.5677449, 49.572268, 49.5724273, 49.5726773, 49.5739391, 49.5748542, 49.5758151, 49.57586389999999, 49.5729483, 49.57321150000001, 49.5733375, 49.5745175, 49.574758, 49.5748055, 49.5748103, 49.5751023, 49.57586389999999, 49.56643220000001, 49.5678048, 49.5679685, 49.568089, 49.57182530000001, 49.5719721, 49.5724688, 49.5740071, 49.5757358, 49.5748542, 49.5758151, 49.5758151, 49.5758151, 49.5758151, 49.5758151, 49.5758151, 49.5758151, 49.5758151, 49.5619579, 49.5628938, 49.5630028, 49.5633175, 49.56397639999999, 49.5642962, 49.56643220000001, 49.5679685, 49.570056, 49.5619579, 49.5724688, 49.5745175, 49.5748055, 49.5748055, 49.5748542, 49.5748542, 49.5751023, 49.5751023],
"longitude": [10.9995758, 10.9995758, 10.9999593, 10.9910787, 11.0172739, 10.9920322, 10.9920322, 10.9920322, 11.0244747, 10.9910398, 10.9910787, 10.9907713, 10.9885155, 10.9873742, 10.9861229, 10.9879312, 10.9872357, 10.9920322, 10.9873409, 10.9894231, 10.9882496, 10.9894035, 10.9887881, 10.984756, 10.9911384, 10.9850981, 10.9852771, 10.9954673, 10.9993329, 10.9965937, 10.9949475, 10.9912959, 10.9939141, 10.9916605, 10.9983124, 10.992722, 11.0056254, 10.9954016, 11.017472, 11.0180908, 11.0181911, 11.0175466, 11.0172739, 11.0249866, 11.0244747, 11.0200454, 11.019251, 11.0203055, 11.0183162, 11.0252416, 11.0260046, 11.0228523, 11.0243391, 11.0244747, 10.9999593, 10.9954673, 10.9982288, 10.9894035, 10.9910398, 10.9910787, 10.9850981, 10.9873742, 10.9920322, 11.0172739, 11.0249866, 11.0249866, 11.0249866, 11.0249866, 11.0249866, 11.0249866, 11.0249866, 11.0249866, 10.9995758, 11.000319, 10.9990996, 10.9993819, 11.004145, 11.0039476, 10.9999593, 10.9982288, 10.9993409, 10.9995758, 10.9850981, 11.0183162, 11.0260046, 11.0260046, 11.0172739, 11.0172739, 11.0243391, 11.0243391]
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
我想根据人们的空间坐标对他们进行聚类。每个集群必须正好包含 9 人。但是,我想避免具有相同空间坐标的人滑入同一个集群。可能会发生这种情况,因为数据集包含一些完全相同的位置坐标,因此会自动分配给同一聚类。因此,目标是在聚类时防止这种情况发生。在随后的过程中,可能需要自动将人员转移到相邻的集群。
!pip install k-means-constrained
from k_means_constrained import KMeansConstrained
coordinates = np.column_stack((df["latitude"], df["longitude"]))
# Define the number of clusters and the number of points per cluster
n_clusters = len(df) // 9
n_points_per_cluster = 9
# Perform k-means-constrained clustering
kmc = KMeansConstrained(n_clusters=n_clusters, size_min=n_points_per_cluster, size_max=n_points_per_cluster, random_state=42)
# Get cluster assignments
df["cluster"] = kmc.labels_
duplicate_rows = df[df.duplicated(subset=["cluster", "latitude", "longitude"], keep=False)]
duplicate_indices = duplicate_rows.index.tolist()
# Group by specified columns and count occurrences
count_occurrences = df.iloc[duplicate_indices].groupby(['latitude', 'longitude', 'cluster']).size().reset_index(name='count')
print("Number of rows with identical values in specified columns:")
Number of rows with identical values in specified columns:
latitude longitude cluster count
0 49.5619579000000030 10.9995758000000006 0 2
1 49.5748054999999965 11.0260046000000003 9 2
2 49.5748541999999972 11.0172738999999993 9 2
3 49.5751022999999975 11.0243391000000006 9 2
4 49.5757357999999968 10.9920322000000006 0 3
5 49.5758150999999998 11.0249866000000001 7 8
我们总共有 (8+3+2+2+2+2) 人与来自同一栋楼的邻居聚集在一起。我想尽量减少这个数字。 或更少对我来说很好。它并不完美,但我可以处理它。但是(例如索引 5)是不行的。同一聚类中具有相同空间坐标的人太多。count = 2
count > 2
在获取特定所有 9 个点的唯一聚类方面,您可以执行以下操作:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
data = {
"latitude": [49.5619579, 49.5619579, 49.56643220000001, 49.5719721, 49.5748542, 49.5757358, 49.5757358, 49.5757358, 49.57586389999999, 49.57182530000001, 49.5719721, 49.572026, 49.5727859, 49.5740071, 49.57500899999999, 49.5751017, 49.5751468, 49.5757358, 49.5659508, 49.56611359999999, 49.5680586, 49.568089, 49.5687609, 49.5699217, 49.572154, 49.5724688, 49.5733994, 49.5678048, 49.5702381, 49.5707702, 49.5710414, 49.5711228, 49.5713705, 49.5723685, 49.5725714, 49.5746149, 49.5631496, 49.5677449, 49.572268, 49.5724273, 49.5726773, 49.5739391, 49.5748542, 49.5758151, 49.57586389999999, 49.5729483, 49.57321150000001, 49.5733375, 49.5745175, 49.574758, 49.5748055, 49.5748103, 49.5751023, 49.57586389999999, 49.56643220000001, 49.5678048, 49.5679685, 49.568089, 49.57182530000001, 49.5719721, 49.5724688, 49.5740071, 49.5757358, 49.5748542, 49.5758151, 49.5758151, 49.5758151, 49.5758151, 49.5758151, 49.5758151, 49.5758151, 49.5758151, 49.5619579, 49.5628938, 49.5630028, 49.5633175, 49.56397639999999, 49.5642962, 49.56643220000001, 49.5679685, 49.570056, 49.5619579, 49.5724688, 49.5745175, 49.5748055, 49.5748055, 49.5748542, 49.5748542, 49.5751023, 49.5751023],
"longitude": [10.9995758, 10.9995758, 10.9999593, 10.9910787, 11.0172739, 10.9920322, 10.9920322, 10.9920322, 11.0244747, 10.9910398, 10.9910787, 10.9907713, 10.9885155, 10.9873742, 10.9861229, 10.9879312, 10.9872357, 10.9920322, 10.9873409, 10.9894231, 10.9882496, 10.9894035, 10.9887881, 10.984756, 10.9911384, 10.9850981, 10.9852771, 10.9954673, 10.9993329, 10.9965937, 10.9949475, 10.9912959, 10.9939141, 10.9916605, 10.9983124, 10.992722, 11.0056254, 10.9954016, 11.017472, 11.0180908, 11.0181911, 11.0175466, 11.0172739, 11.0249866, 11.0244747, 11.0200454, 11.019251, 11.0203055, 11.0183162, 11.0252416, 11.0260046, 11.0228523, 11.0243391, 11.0244747, 10.9999593, 10.9954673, 10.9982288, 10.9894035, 10.9910398, 10.9910787, 10.9850981, 10.9873742, 10.9920322, 11.0172739, 11.0249866, 11.0249866, 11.0249866, 11.0249866, 11.0249866, 11.0249866, 11.0249866, 11.0249866, 10.9995758, 11.000319, 10.9990996, 10.9993819, 11.004145, 11.0039476, 10.9999593, 10.9982288, 10.9993409, 10.9995758, 10.9850981, 11.0183162, 11.0260046, 11.0260046, 11.0172739, 11.0172739, 11.0243391, 11.0243391]
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
def grouping(lat_lon: np.ndarray, df: pd.core.frame.DataFrame, results: list):
# First calculate the distance from a given point to all the rest
distances = ((df - lat_lon)**2).sum(axis=1)**0.5
# Sort these values so that they are closest -> furthest
distances = distances.sort_values()
# Take the top 9 (this will include the point itself
top_9 = distances.index.values[:9]
# Store the results in a list
# Remove the values that are now in a cluster from
# the dataframe, so that you don't add points to
# multiple clusters
df = df.drop(index = top_9)
# Then, while there is still data left to cluster
if len(df) != 0:
# recurse this function with the next lat-lon point
return grouping(df.iloc[0].values, df, results)
# Otherwise if there is no data left
return results
tmp_df = df.copy(deep=True)
clusters = grouping(tmp_df.iloc[0].values, tmp_df, [])
[array([ 0, 81, 72, 1, 74, 73, 75, 78, 2]),
array([ 3, 59, 10, 58, 9, 24, 11, 33, 31]),
array([ 4, 87, 86, 63, 42, 41, 83, 48, 40]),
array([ 5, 6, 7, 17, 62, 35, 15, 12, 32]),
array([ 8, 53, 44, 71, 70, 69, 68, 67, 66]),
array([13, 61, 16, 14, 26, 60, 25, 82, 23]),
array([18, 19, 20, 21, 57, 22, 37, 55, 27]),
array([28, 80, 79, 56, 34, 29, 54, 30, 77]),
array([36, 76, 38, 39, 46, 45, 47, 51, 52]),
array([43, 64, 65, 88, 89, 49, 50, 84, 85])]
这些结果应该以初始点在第 0 位进行组织 - 除非存在重复项,在这种情况下可能会存在一些问题(尽管根据我们如何选择初始点可能会很好)。
要演示每组固定 9 个点的问题:
for idx, vals in enumerate(clusters):
yx = df.iloc[vals].values
plt.scatter(yx[:,1], yx[:,0], c=f'C{idx}')
这些问题可以通过更改集群的点顺序来缓解(例如,随机排列它们,然后重新运行,直到你得到看起来不错的东西),但如果你有大量数据,它可能会变得很费力。您可以通过创建一种识别它的方法来实现自动化。例如,您可以使用这些点创建一个 geopandas 数据帧,并为每个聚类形成一个凸包,并检查是否有重叠 - 如果有,请随机播放并重复聚类。但它不会特别有效。