提问人:user11448245 提问时间:4/30/2022 最后编辑:user11448245 更新时间:4/30/2022 访问量:234
比较两个 LINQ 查询并获取 datagridview 中的差异 (C#)
Compare two LINQ queries and get differences in a datagridview (C#)
我有两个 C# 查询结果(具有相同的属性)。我想比较它们并在 DataGridview 中显示差异(添加/删除的项目以及修改的属性)。像这样的东西:
public class Item
public int Id { get; set; }
public int Weight { get; set; }
public int Phase { get; set; }
public class ItemComparison
public int Id { get; init; }
public string Weight => GetComparisonString(_weightPrevious, _weightCurrent);
public string Phase => GetComparisonString(_phasePrevious, _phaseCurrent);
public ItemComparison(Item previousItem, Item currentItem)
// TODO Error handling: previousItem and currentItem may
// - both be null
// - both be not null and have different Id values
Id = (previousItem ?? currentItem).Id;
_weightPrevious = previousItem?.Weight;
_weightCurrent = currentItem?.Weight;
_phasePrevious = previousItem?.Phase;
_phaseCurrent = currentItem?.Phase;
private int? _weightPrevious;
private int? _weightCurrent;
private int? _phasePrevious;
private int? _phaseCurrent;
private string GetComparisonString(int? previousValue, int? currentValue)
if (previousValue == currentValue)
return "not changed";
return $"{GetStringOrUnknown(previousValue)} --> {GetStringOrUnknown(currentValue)}";
private string GetStringOrUnknown(int? value)
return value.HasValue ? value.ToString() : "?";
//using System.Collections.Generic;
//using System.Linq;
var updatedItems = queryResult1
previous => previous.Id,
current => current.Id,
(previous, current) => new ItemComparison(previous, current));
var removedItems = queryResult1
.ExceptBy(queryResult2.Select(qr2 => qr2.Id), qr1 => qr1.Id)
.Select(removed => new ItemComparison(removed, null));
var addedItems = queryResult2
.ExceptBy(queryResult1.Select(qr1 => qr1.Id), qr2 => qr2.Id)
.Select(added => new ItemComparison(null, added));
List<ItemComparison> comparisonResult = updatedItems
.OrderBy(item => item.Id)
然后可用于填充您的 .DataGridView
假设 ID 永远不会更改,我的建议是在 ID 上做一个完整的外部联接
- 添加的元素是不在查询 1 中但位于查询 2 中的元素
- 删除的元素是查询 1 中但不再位于查询 2 中的元素
- 更改的元素是同时存在于查询 1 和 2 中的元素,但值不相等。
唉,类 Enumerable 没有用于完全外部连接的扩展方法。幸运的是,创建一个相当容易。如果您不熟悉扩展方法,请考虑阅读扩展方法揭秘(使用方法语法而不是查询语法的另一个很好的理由)
public static IEnumerable<TResult> FullOuterJoin<T1, T2, TKey, TResult>(
this IEnumerable<T1> sequence1,
IEnumerable<T2> sequence2,
Func<T1, TKey> joinKey1Selector,
Func<T2, TKey> joinKey2Selector,
Func<T1, T2, TKey, TResult> resultSelector,
IEqualityComparer<TKey> keyComparer)
// TODO: implement
就像许多 LINQ 方法一样,您可以通过编写多个重载来帮助方法的用户,例如,一个没有 :keyComparer
public static IEnumerable<TResult> FullOuterJoin<T1, T2, TKey, TResult>(
this IEnumerable<T1> sequence1,
IEnumerable<T2> sequence2,
Func<T1, TKey> joinKey1Selector,
Func<T2, TKey> joinKey2Selector,
Func<T1, T2, Tkey, TResult> resultSelector)
return FullOuterJoin(sequence1, sequence2,
joinKey1Selector, joinKey2Selector,
resultSelector, null);
在您的问题中使用 FullOuterJoin
class QueryResult
public int Id {get; set;}
public decimal Weight {get; set;} // maybe other type
public int Phase {get; set;}
IEnumerable<QueryResult> query1 = ...
IEnumerable<QueryResult> query2 = ...
// full outer join query1 and query 2 on Id:
var fullOuterJoin = query1.FullOuterJoin(query2,
queryResult => queryResult.Id, // from every element from query1 take the Id
queryResult => queryResult.Id, // from every element from query2 take the Id
// parameter resultSelector: from every T1 and its matching T2 make one new
// note: T1 or T2 can be null (but not both)
(x, y, key) => new
Id = key,
Added = T1 == null,
Removed = T2 == null,
Changed = T1 != T2,
Original = T1,
Current = T2,
Detect Changes
I think it would be neater to change the properties Added / Removed / Changed into an enum. Create a method for this:
enum ChangeState {Unchanged, Added, Removed, Changed};
ChangeState DetectChange<T>(T x, T y)
return DetectChange(x, y, null); // call the overload with comparer
ChangeState DetectChange<T>(T x, T y, IEqualityComparer<T> comparer)
if (comparer == null) comparer = EqualityComparer<T>.Default;
if (comparer.Equals(x, y)) return ChangeState.Unchanged;
if (x == null) return ChangeState.Added; // because y not null
if (y == null) return ChangeState.Removed; // because x not null
return ChangeState.Changed;
Parameter resultSelector will be like this:
(x, y, key) => new
Id = key,
ChangeState = DetectChange(x, y),
Implementation of Full Outer Join
The implementation is fairly simple:
- Create Dictionaries for sequence1 and sequence2, using TKey as key.
- Get all distinct Keys from both LookupTables
- For every Key, get the element from lookup X and lookup Y. One of these two might be null.
- Use resultSelector to calculate the result
- Yield return the result
public static IEnumerable<TResult> FullOuterJoin<Tx, Ty, TKey, TResult>(
this IEnumerable<Tx> sequenceX,
IEnumerable<Ty> sequenceY,
Func<Tx, TKey> xKeySelector,
Func<Ty, TKey> yKeySelector,
Func<Tx, Ty, TKey, TResult> resultSelector,
IEqualityComparer<TKey> keyComparer)
// TODO: throw exception if any of sequenceX, sequenceY,
// KeySelectors or resultSelector equal null
// if keyComparer equals null, use default comparison technique
if (keyComparer == null) keyComparer = EqualityComparer<TKey>.Default;
// create two lookupTables:
IDictionary<TKey, Tx> dictX = sequence1.ToDictionary(x => joinKey1Selector(x), keyComparer);
IDictionary<TKey, Ty> dictY = sequence1.ToDictionary(y => joinKey2Selector(y), keyComparer);
// get all used Tkey:
IEnumerable<TKey> keysX= dictX.Select(x => x.Key);
IEnumerable<TKey> keysY= dictY.Select(y => y.Key);
IEnumerable<TKey> allUsedKeys = keysX.Union(keyY, keyComparer);
// for every used key, get the x and the y and return a result
foreach(TKey key in allUsedKeys)
dictX.TryGetValue(key, out Tx foundX); // null if not found
dictY.TryGetValue(key, out Ty foundY);
TResult result = resultSelector(foundX, foundY, key);
yield return result;
Problem if IQueryable
Problem: the simple extension method for full outer join does not work with IQueryable, only with IEnumerable.
If you really want that your Database Management System does the full outer join as Queryable, before returning the data to your local process, you'll have to create an extension method that has as input. Maybe this article about Left Outer Join as IQueryable is a good starting point.IQueryable<...>
If I look at the length of the proposed Left Outer Join, I think that it won't be very efficient. Consider to add a method that does the full outer join as SQL statement to your DbContext.