
Go through a text file. Count the emails sent by each distinct email address and print the email address along with the count of emails

提问人:Mayur Dhandarphale 提问时间:8/8/2023 最后编辑:Mayur Dhandarphale 更新时间:8/9/2023 访问量:14



file1 = open("mbox-short.txt")
daywise_mail_count = dict()
for line in file1:
  words= line.split()
  if len(words) == 0 or words[0] !='From': continue
  word = words[1]
  if word not in daywise_mail_count:
    daywise_mail_count[word]= 1
    daywise_mail_count[word] += 1
print (daywise_mail_count)
Keymax = max(zip(daywise_mail_count.values(), daywise_mail_count.keys()))
print (keymax)

尝试了上面的代码并得到了以下输出: {'[email protected]': 2, '[email protected]': 3, '[email protected]': 4, '[email protected]': 2, '[email protected]': 5, '[email protected]': 3, '[email protected]': 1, '[email protected]': 1, '[email protected]': 1, '[email protected]': 4, '[email protected]': 1} 5

最后一个输出应为 发送者最多的电子邮件数量为:“[email protected]”:5 发送的电子邮件最少数量为:“[email protected]”:1

python-3.x 字典 文件



0赞 Andrej Kesely 8/9/2023 #1


# your dictionary from the question:
daywise_mail_count = {
    "[email protected]": 2,
    "[email protected]": 3,
    "[email protected]": 4,
    "[email protected]": 2,
    "[email protected]": 5,
    "[email protected]": 3,
    "[email protected]": 1,
    "[email protected]": 1,
    "[email protected]": 1,
    "[email protected]": 4,
    "[email protected]": 1,

mx_email, mx_count = max(daywise_mail_count.items(), key=lambda k: k[1])
mn_email, mn_count = min(daywise_mail_count.items(), key=lambda k: k[1])

print(f"Maximum emails were sent by: {mx_email} {mx_count}")
print(f"Minimum emails were sent by: {mn_email} {mn_count}")


Maximum emails were sent by: cwe[email protected] 5
Minimum emails were sent by: [email protected] 1