为什么爆炸会在一段时间内显示上述结果 php

Why explode shows the above results in a while php

提问人:Desarrollo Creo 提问时间:8/15/2023 最后编辑:Desarrollo Creo 更新时间:8/15/2023 访问量:57



$queryselectprocesses ="SELECT * FROM laziness_config_processes WHERE busid = $buss ";
$execqueryselectprocesses = sqlsrv_query($con_laziness, $queryselectprocesses);

while($fila = sqlsrv_fetch_array($execqueryselectprocesses,SQLSRV_FETCH_ASSOC)){
$modalities_select = $fila['modalities'];
$institutions_select = $fila['institutions'];

#the 导致 $modalities_select = AB, CD 的 while 的第一个输出

#the 结果为 $institutions_select = CAR, MOTORCYCLE 的第一个 while 输出

#the 导致 $modalities_select = FG, HI 的 while 的第二个输出

#the 导致 $institutions_select = BIKE, HELMET 的第二个 while 输出

$queryselectprocesses ="SELECT * FROM laziness_config_processes WHERE busid = $buss ";
$execqueryselectprocesses = sqlsrv_query($con_laziness, $queryselectprocesses);

while($fila = sqlsrv_fetch_array($execqueryselectprocesses,SQLSRV_FETCH_ASSOC)){
$modalities_select = $fila['modalities'];
$institutions_select = $fila['institutions'];

$mods = explode(',', $modalities_select);
for ($i = 0; $i < count($mods); $i++){
    $mods[$i] = trim($mods[$i]);
foreach ($mods as $value) {
    if ($value != '-1' and trim($value) != '') {
        $mod .= "'" . trim($value). "',";
if (trim($mod) != '') {
   $mod = substr($mod, 0, strlen($mod)-1);
   $mod = " modality in ( $mod ) ";

$insts = explode(',', $institutions_select);
for ($i = 0; $i < count($insts); $i++){
    $insts[$i] = trim($insts[$i]);
foreach ($insts as $value) {
        if ($value != '-1' and trim($value) != '') {
         $inst .= "'" . trim($value). "',";
if (trim($inst) != '') {
      $inst = substr($inst, 0, strlen($inst)-1);
      $inst = " institution in ( $inst ) ";

$query = " select * from tb_model where $mod and $inst ";
echo $query;


#The 结果是第一个 while 输出 $query = select * from tb_study where modality in ( 'AB','CD' ) 和 institution in ( 'CAR', 'MOTO' )

#但是,$query = 从 tb_study 中选择 * 的第二个输出的结果,其中模态在 ( 模态在 ( 'AB','CD' ) 'FG','HI' ) 和 institution in ( institution in ( 'CAR','MOTORCYCLE' ) 'BIKE','HELMET' )

#The 结果应该在 $query while 的 while 的第二个输出中输出 = select * from tb_study where modity in ( 'FG','HI' ) 和 institution in ( 'BICYCLE','HELMET' ) )

php while-loop 爆炸



1赞 Boorsuk 8/15/2023 #1

您必须在 while 循环开始时重置$mod。此代码说明了您的问题。


$showcase = function($resetMod = false) {
    $step = 0;
    $mod  = '';
    while($step++ < 2) {
        if($resetMod) {
            $mod = '';
        for($i = 0; $i < 2; $i++) {
            $mod .= $i;
        echo $mod . ' ';

echo $showcase();
echo "\r\n";
echo $showcase(true);



0赞 Desarrollo Creo 8/15/2023
我没有想过重置值,非常感谢您的帮助。它是通过将其添加到while的开头来解决的,如下所示: while($fila = sqlsrv_fetch_array($execqueryselectprocesses,SQLSRV_FETCH_ASSOC)){ $mod = ''; $inst = '';但是,如果我做准备好的发言,谢谢朋友。
0赞 Desarrollo Creo 8/15/2023 #2


while($fila = sqlsrv_fetch_array($execqueryselectprocesses,SQLSRV_FETCH_ASSOC)){
    $mod = '';
    $inst = '';
