在嵌套协程中挣扎着从 while 循环返回数据

Struggling with returning data from a while loop inside nested Coroutine

提问人:1nKy 提问时间:7/12/2023 更新时间:7/12/2023 访问量:37


这是我在stackOverflow上发布的第一个问题!我正在尝试为 Unity 游戏开发 AssetBundle 更新程序。我用于确保一个操作在下一个操作开始之前完成。yield return StartCoroutine()

我正在尝试做的是显示下载的文件在 Textmesh 对象上下载时的百分比。

这是代码。 本身就是从另一个脚本启动的协程。DownloadCoroutineLauncher()

public IEnumerator DownloadCoroutineLauncher(){
        yield return StartCoroutine(InitialSetup());
        //Ensures that we have the correct local file structure.
        yield return StartCoroutine(EnsureFileStructureAndInitialVersionDoc());
        //Just tells us which files to get from remote.
        yield return StartCoroutine(EnsureCorrectPlatform());
        yield return StartCoroutine(FinalizeInitialSetup());
        //At this point we should at the very least have an initial version file.
        //Set up the local version dictionary.
        yield return StartCoroutine(LocalDictionarySetup());
        //Download the version file and set up the remote version dictionary.
        yield return StartCoroutine(DownloadVersionFile());
        //Figure out what new files need to be downloaded or overwritten.
        yield return StartCoroutine(FigureOutWhatToUpdate());
        //Determine files needing deletion.
        yield return StartCoroutine(FigureOutWhatToDelete());
        //Download what needs downloading.
        foreach(KeyValuePair<string,bool> file in whatToUpdate){
            if(file.Value == true){
                yield return StartCoroutine(DownloadAssetBundle(localFiles[file.Key],remoteFiles[file.Key],"Downloading " + file.Key));
        /*Delete what needs deleting. Future Feature.
        foreach(KeyValuePair<string,string> file in whatToDelete){

        //Finally, update the local version doc
        yield return StartCoroutine(UpdateVersionDoc());
        yield return null;


问题出在 DownloadAssetBundle 协程内部。

    IEnumerator DownloadAssetBundle(string localLocation, string remoteLocation, string niceText){
        yield return CurrentItemText.text = niceText; //This returns and updates the TMP text correctly.
        var cert = new ForceAcceptAll();
        UnityWebRequest request = new UnityWebRequest(remoteLocation,UnityWebRequest.kHttpVerbGET);
        request.certificateHandler = cert;
        request.downloadHandler = new DownloadHandlerFile(localLocation);
        yield return request.SendWebRequest();
        while (!request.isDone){
            Debug.Log((request.downloadProgress * 100.0f).ToString() + "%"); //troubleshooting line. Also doesn't trigger.
            ProgressText.text = (request.downloadProgress * 100.0f).ToString() + "%";
            yield return ProgressText; //This does not update as expected.

        yield return null;


C# Unity-游戏引擎 while-loop



0赞 hijinxbassist 7/12/2023 #1

返回的异步操作正在执行耗时的部分,而您正在等待它完成。相反,您应该启动请求并使用 while 循环等待它。SendWebRequest

来自 unity 文档:SendWebRequest

在协程中生成 WebRequestAsyncOperation 将导致协程暂停,直到 UnityWebRequest 遇到系统错误或完成通信。

实质上是从请求操作中删除的。yield return


while (!request.isDone)
    Debug.Log((request.downloadProgress * 100.0f).ToString() + "%"); 
    ProgressText.text = (request.downloadProgress * 100.0f) + "%";
    yield return null;

现在,生成发生在 while 循环内部,而不是在请求操作上。如果需要,您可以存储返回的异步操作,尽管我相信请求对象已经足够好了。SendWebRequest

您从 while 循环内部返回进度文本 ui 元素。
请改用 0 或 null 等待下一帧,如上所示。


0赞 1nKy 7/12/2023
1赞 derHugo 7/12/2023
0赞 1nKy 7/13/2023
我正在从我的家庭服务器运行下载,该服务器目前只有微不足道的 20Mb 上行链路。所以我尽量不要对我的连接造成太大的负担。我有未来的计划来升级它,但我想从手机游戏中获得一些收入,这是从第一开始的。