
A random word generator that has the user type the word to confirm

提问人:jmkmac 提问时间:6/8/2023 最后编辑:A-yjmkmac 更新时间:6/8/2023 访问量:124



def word_list(): 
  import random #Import random function
  words = ['hello',"yes","no","I","look","where","can","he","with","see","do","we","a","you","play","am","what","one","the","this","have","on","want","go","like","and","hurt","to","under","day","is","or","of","it","are","said","big","up","that","little","down","there","my","she","out","good","her","all","yes","make","read","no","they","your\n"]
  question = random.choice(list(words)) #Generates a random word from the list
  print(question) #Displays the word that was generated
  answer = input('Retype the word and press enter:') #User retypes the 
  while True: #Loop that allows user to 
    if answer == question: #If statement that confirms the user spelled the word right
      print('Great job you spelled it correctly!')
      input('Press enter for another word')
      while answer != question:
        print('You spelled that word wrong, please try again!')
        answer = input('Retype the word and press enter:')
python 函数 if-statement while-loop


0赞 jmkmac 6/8/2023
我添加了一个嵌套的 while 循环,现在我可以让它确认正确答案,但不会生成另一个单词。我会尝试一些有目的的建议,并回复大家,谢谢


1赞 guidot 6/8/2023 #1

while True开始一个无休止的循环,所以你必须小心,它终止了。

最简单的解决方案是在分支的末尾添加 a。breakthen


0赞 jmkmac 6/8/2023
0赞 Michael Cao 6/8/2023 #2


此外,将 import 语句保留在函数之外。否则,它会在每次函数运行时执行冗余导入。

import random

def word_list():
    words = [

    question = random.choice(list(words))  # Generates a random word from the list
    print(question)  # Displays the word that was generated
    answer = input("Retype the word and press enter:")  # User retypes the

    # Continue looping until user exits by typing "Quit"

    while answer.lower() != "quit":
        if answer == question:
            print("Great job you spelled it correctly!")

            answer = input('Press enter again for a new word or type "quit" to quit')
            if answer.lower() != "quit":
                question = random.choice(list(words))
                answer = input("Retype the word and press enter:")

        else:  # Has the user re-type the word if it was wrong
            print("You spelled that word wrong, please try again!")
            answer = input("Retype the word and press enter:")
0赞 Lohmar ASHAR 6/8/2023 #3


def word_list(): 
    import random #Import random function
    words = ['hello',"yes","no","I","look","where","can","he","with","see","do","we","a","you","play","am","what","one","the","this","have","on","want","go","like","and","hurt","to","under","day","is","or","of","it","are","said","big","up","that","little","down","there","my","she","out","good","her","all","yes","make","read","no","they","your"]
    play = True
    # a first loop for the game, as it seemed that you wanted it "infinte"
    while play:
        # here starts a round, get a word
        question = random.choice(words) #Generates a random word from the list
        print(question) #Displays the word that was generated
        while True: # loop until the player types the word correctly
            answer = input('Retype the word and press enter: ') #User retypes the 
            if answer == question:
                # the player has answered correctly, award him
                print('Great job you spelled it correctly!')
                # check if the player wants to keep playing
                answer = input('Press enter for another word, write "exit" to stop: ')
                # if the answer was not exit, keep playing 
                play = answer.strip() != "exit"
                # this exit this loop, so it will end the round
                # the answer was wrong 
                print('You spelled that word wrong, please try again!')


0赞 jmkmac 6/8/2023
正是我想要的,谢谢你的建议!我终于想起了嵌套循环。有没有人知道除了 Visio 之外还有什么免费程序可以帮助我更好地规划代码?再次感谢大家!
1赞 JonSG 6/8/2023 #4


import random #Import random function

def word_list(): 
  words = ['hello',"yes","no","I","look","where","can","he","with","see","do","we","a","you","play","am","what","one","the","this","have","on","want","go","like","and","hurt","to","under","day","is","or","of","it","are","said","big","up","that","little","down","there","my","she","out","good","her","all","yes","make","read","no","they","your\n"]
  question = random.choice(list(words)) #Generates a random word from the list
  print(question) #Displays the word that was generated

  answer = input('Retype the word and press enter:') #User retypes the 
  while True: #Loop that allows user to 
    if answer == question: #If statement that confirms the user spelled the word right
      print('Great job you spelled it correctly!')
      input('Press enter for another word')

    print('You spelled that word wrong, please try again!')
    answer = input('Retype the word and press enter:')

while True:


1赞 Abion47 6/8/2023 #5


在此示例中,您不想将 main 放在循环中,因为这不是您要重复的内容。您重复的是告诉用户他们弄错了并再次输入的部分。input


import random

words = ['hello',"yes","no","I","look","where","can","he","with","see","do","we","a","you","play","am","what","one","the","this","have","on","want","go","like","and","hurt","to","under","day","is","or","of","it","are","said","big","up","that","little","down","there","my","she","out","good","her","all","yes","make","read","no","they","your\n"]

def word_list(): 
  question = random.choice(list(words)) #Generates a random word from the list

  print(question) #Displays the word that was generated
  answer = input('Retype the word and press enter:') #User retypes the 

  while answer != question:  
    print('You spelled that word wrong, please try again!')
    answer = input('Retype the word and press enter:')

  print('Great job you spelled it correctly!')


while True:
  input('Press enter for another word')
1赞 Matheus Brito 6/8/2023 #6

问题出在 while 循环中。我将代码重新组织成函数,使其更具可读性。

def replay():

   return input('Play again Yes[Y] or N[N]')

def player_answer(question):

   answer = ''
   correct = False

while answer != question:
    answer = input('Retype the word and press enter:')

if answer == question:
        print('Great job you spelled it correctly!')
        correct = True

return correct

def word_list():
import random #Import random function
words = ['hello',"yes","no","I","look","where","can","he","with","see","do","we","a","you","play","am","what","one","the","this","have","on","want","go","like","and","hurt","to","under","day","is","or","of","it","are","said","big","up","that","little","down","there","my","she","out","good","her","all","yes","make","read","no","they","your\n"]
question = random.choice(list(words)) #Generates a random word from the list
print('Sorted word: ' + question)
return question #Displays the word that was generated

  game_on = True
  #lógica do game
  while True:

while game_on:
    question = word_list()
    answer = player_answer(question)
        play_again = replay()
        if play_again == 'Y':
            question = word_list()
            answer = player_answer(question)
            print("Thanks for play!")
            game_on = False

