
Script is not Finding End of File from Data Input File

提问人:Fitch 提问时间:3/27/2022 最后编辑:Burhan AliFitch 更新时间:3/28/2022 访问量:58


我希望这是有道理的。我有一个 Python 脚本,它读取地理坐标的输入(从 csv 创建,去掉了逗号)文件,但出现以下错误:

forrtl: severe (24): end of file during read. unit 23 file /home/filename

这似乎与代码期望输入文件中的 EOF 有关,但这可能不存在。有人能告诉我如何在输入文件中检查这一点,EOF需要哪些击键以及它的确切位置。 以下是创建文件的脚本的摘录:

f = open(file_ls, "w")
#first line contains 3 integers: the grid dimension, nx and ny, and the total number of snapshots nt
print("%d %d %d" % (np.shape(kxx)[1], np.shape(kxx)[0],     collapse_steps), file(f))
# then it follows by the X coordinates of gridded data (from lines 2 to nx+1), Y coordinates of gridded data (from lines nx+1 to nx+ny+1), and the times at which the snapshots are created (from lines nx+ny+2 to nx+ny+nt+1)
for ii in np.arange(np.shape(kxx)[1]):
        print("%.8f" % (kxx[0, ii]), file(f))
# for ii in arrange(shape(kyy)[0]):
for ii in range(np.shape(kyy)[0] - 1, -1, -1):
print("%.8f" % (kyy[ii, 0]), file(f))
for ii in np.arange(collapse_steps):
mytime = collapse_times[ii] + collapse_starttime
print("%.8f" % mytime, file(f))

# all the nt snapshots of seafloor variation are written into a single column one by one from t=t1 to t=tn; for each snapshot, deltah, the data should be written row by row from the left (i=1) to the right (i=nx) from the bottom (j=1) to the top (j=nx)
# deltaH > 0 corresponds to UPLIFT
# deltaH < 0 corresponds to SUBSIDE

deltaH = elev_t0 - elev_t1
###### time - start of collapse => initial bath => zero difference ??? bit stupid ??? check w/comcot sources
for ii in np.arange(np.shape(elev_t1)[0]):
for jj in np.arange(np.shape(elev_t1)[1]):
    print("%.8f" % 0.0, file(f))

for ii in np.arange(np.shape(elev_t1)[0]):
for jj in np.arange(np.shape(elev_t1)[1]):
    print("%.8f" % (deltaH[ii, jj]), file(f))



1488 903 2 3560181.70300000 3560191.70300000 3560201.70300000 3560211.70300000 3560221.70300000 3560231.70300000 3560241.70300000 3560251.70300000 3560261.70300000 3560271.70300000 3560281.70300000 3560291.70300000 3560301.70300000 3560311.70300000 3560321.70300000 3560331.70300000 3560341.70300000 3560351.70300000 3560361.70300000 3560371.70300000 3560381.70300000 3560391.70300000 3560401.70300000 3560411.70300000 3560421.70300000 3560431.70300000 3560441.703000003560451.70300000 3560461.70300000 3560471.70300000 3560481.70300000

python csv 输入 eof 击键


0赞 martineau 3/27/2022
1赞 furas 3/27/2022
0赞 Chris Larson 3/27/2022
另外,我建议替换为 ,缩进下面的所有内容,并删除 .使用上下文管理器是一种很好的做法。f = open(file_ls, "w")with open(file_ls, 'w') as f:f.close()
0赞 John Gordon 3/28/2022
print("%.8f" % (kxx[0, ii]), file(f))什么?file()

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