为什么要在 JSON 响应中使用类型

Why to use types in JSON responses

提问人:Marian Ban 提问时间:3/2/2016 最后编辑:S MMarian Ban 更新时间:3/2/2016 访问量:161


我正在开发一个应用程序的前端,该应用程序与后端思想 REST API 进行通信。后端是某种独立的设备,而不是标准的 Web 服务器,因此它没有那么强大(但可以运行 php)。该 API 非常通用,并返回类似键值对的值,例如

[{ key: "key1", value: "some value" }, { key: "key2", value: "1234" }]


  1. RESTful 通信本身是一个字符串(所以无论如何,如果 传输 1 或“1”——客户端类型转换必须 完成)
  2. GUI 设计人员有责任了解每个参数的上下文
  3. 后端遵循 KISS 原则,将所有内容都保留为字符串,不需要在后端进行额外的处理,并且可以在 GUI 上完成,这通常是在功能更强大的 PC 上



JavaScript JSON REST 客户端


0赞 deceze 3/2/2016


3赞 Walfrat 3/2/2016 #1

RESTful 通信和 JSON 是两个不同的东西。JSON只是数据的格式,它可以是XML,甚至是CSV或自定义格式,这不会删除RESTful方面。


在服务器端,也有很多库可以为您处理 JSON,以及它们如何生成键值?具有内省功能的通用代码,还是它们为所有类编写了大量序列化程序?这可能会导致编写和测试大量技术和不必要的代码。





GUI 设计人员有责任了解每个参数的上下文

嗯,这是真的,但我觉得提供格式良好的数据是服务器的责任。强制执行格式将导致快速失败,这是一件好事。由于这种通用格式,他们从未遇到过任何生产问题吗?他们不会使用适当的 JSON。

我个人在服务器上的 JSON 代码是 Java 注释和一个自定义序列化程序,仅此而已。我想知道他们写了多少代码来序列化/反序列化和转换类型。

1赞 MarengoHue 3/2/2016 #2

First of all, the idea of using the following data format is kinda stupid and is basically the same as . [{ key: "key1", value: "some value" }, { key: "key2", value: "1234" }]{ "key1": "some value", "key2": "1234" }

In regards to the points, your colleagues made: 1. While this is indeed text-based transfer and conversion between the string representation of your object and an actual object has to be done, there would be no need to recursively walk the tree of key/value pairs if you were to transfer objects or other complex types as values.

Let's pretend that you have to transfer following piece of data:

{ "key1": { "x": 10, "y": 20 } }

if you were to encode inner object as string you would get something like this:

"{ \"key1\": \"{ \"x\": \"10\", \"y\": \"20\" }\" }"

If your value was converted to string, you'd have to call JSON.parse on the entire object first as well as on the object that was possibly stored as text inside that object, which requires recursive walking of the tree. On the other hand, when using native types (such as objects, numbers and arrays) as values you would achieve the same effect with just one call to JSON.parse (which would internally be recursive, but still better that managing it yourself).

Second point is valid but I feel like any service should return the data in ready-to-use form or at least as ready as it can be. Wouldn't it be stupid if your service gave you some piece of raw XML instead of parsed and prepared data? Same principle applies here.

I feel like your friends are just being lazy trying to cover their butts with KISS principle here. It is very likely that their server code has all the info it needs to encode the values in their proper types, which would be much harder to do on the client side. So their third point seems like a blatant 'we are too lazy so you have to do it' thing.


0赞 Walfrat 3/2/2016
My guess is they're using only flattened object, meaning they are writing some code for this when no code would be necessary for native JSON
0赞 MarengoHue 3/2/2016
Still there is no need in reinventing the collection of key-value pairs when we already have a data type for it. And it's not like you have to do anything extra to support those data types.
0赞 Walfrat 3/2/2016
I know i'm just adding an argument for what you said : not handling deep object make them write more code, so more risks of having problems :)