Twitter typeahead.js未使用远程数据源初始化/按预期工作

Twitter typeahead.js not initializing / working as expected using remote data source

提问人:fr332lanc3 提问时间:8/17/2022 更新时间:8/23/2022 访问量:83


Twitter typeahead 无法按预期工作,当我注释掉库中的代码时,我确实得到了一个非样式的建议下拉列表。

        hint: true,
        highlight: true,
        limit:25, //still using 5 which is default in the library
        minLength: 3
        name: 'customLookup',
        source: function(query, result) {
            return jQuery.ajax({
                url: url, //my dynamic url, returns custom json array that needs to be mapped
                data: 'shop_name=' + query + "&limit=25", //custom limit against backend api
                dataType: "json",
                type: "post",
                success: function(data, textStatus, xhr) {
                    var suggestions = [];
          , function(item){
                        suggestions.push( + " - " + item.address);

                    result(suggestions); //stepping in, it just skips because syncCalled already = true? Then remove that code and it gives me back a list of 5 that isn't styled...

                    console.log(suggestions); //has array of strings as expected
                error: function (request, status, error) {

那么,在配置时,是否有我错过捕获的选项或更新?使用需要将 JSON 映射到数组的后端自定义数据源,以便提前输入。

JavaScript jQuery 类型预置



0赞 fr332lanc3 8/23/2022 #1

只是直接修改了库并拥有我们自己的副本,不确定问题,但似乎可以很好地使用这种方法并使用自定义 CSS 进行样式设置。