提问人:dpk45 提问时间:4/7/2017 更新时间:4/7/2017 访问量:68
我正在尝试修改服务器端js。它采用 JSON 文件作为输入并呈现数据以生成 HTML 文件。
I am trying to modify server side js. which takes an json file as input and render the data to produce html file.
附加的代码将 json 作为输入,我正在尝试使用脚本呈现数据,以便它采用正确的格式。
我们需要修改“json to html.txt”服务器端 js,使 html 中的输出从输入 json 。
<!DOCTYPE html>
<p id="demo"></p>
var statement, i, j, x = "";
statement = {
"Financial statement:":
["NetIncomeLoss = ","- NetIncomeLossAttributableToNoncontrollingInterest","+ ProfitLoss = "," + IncomeLossFromDiscontinuedOperationsNetO..."," + IncomeLossFromContinuingOperationsInclud... = "," + apd_IncomeLossFromContinuingOperationsBeforeTaxes = "," + OperatingIncomeLoss = "," + SalesRevenueNet"," - CostOfGoodsAndServicesSold"," - SellingGeneralAndAdministrativeExpense"," - ResearchAndDevelopmentExpense"," - RestructuringCharges"," + apd_OtherIncomeExpenseNet"," + IncomeLossFromEquityMethodInvestments"," - InterestExpense"," - IncomeTaxExpenseBenefit","EarningsPerShareBasic = ","+ IncomeLossFromContinuingOperationsPerBasicShare","+ IncomeLossFromDiscontinuedOperationsNetOfTaxPerBasicShare","EarningsPerShareDiluted = ","+ IncomeLossFromContinuingOperationsPerDilutedShare","+ IncomeLossFromDiscontinuedOperationsNetO..."],
var spaceCount=[];
var financialStatement=[];
var otherColumns = [];
var output = '<table class="table" style="width:100%;"><tr>';
Object.keys(statement).forEach(function (key, i) {
output += '<th><pre>' + key + '</pre></th>';
if (i > 0){
output += '</tr>';
statement[Object.keys(statement)[0]].forEach(function(val, i){
var total = false;
if (val.indexOf('=') > -1){
total = true;
var printValue = '<td><pre>' + val + '</pre></td>';
if (total){
printValue = '<td><pre style="font-weight: bold;text-decoration: underline;">' + val + '</pre></td>';
otherColumns.forEach(function(key, j){
if (total){
printValue += '<td><pre style="font-weight: bold;text-decoration: underline;">' + statement[key][i] + '</pre></td>';
printValue += '<td><pre>' + statement[key][i] + '</pre></td>';
output += printValue + '</tr>';
output += '</table>';
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = output;
答: 暂无答案