
Log multiline errors from logs.txt to exceptions.txt

提问人:anything 提问时间:6/22/2023 更新时间:6/22/2023 访问量:18


'我目前正在尝试使用 VSCode 中的 python 仅记录logs.txt文件到exceptions.txt文件的单行和多行错误。我正在编写解析器代码的所有三个文件(即 logs.txt、exceptions.txt 和 log_parser.py)都存在于我在 VS Code 上打开的同一文件夹中。

我在 logs.txt 文件上有各种多行异常,还有一些单行异常,我需要以一种方式登录exceptions.txt文件—— 错误编号。例外: 异常类型:__ 时间戳:__ 详:__


我正在使用 loguru 做同样的事情。 现在,我可以成功地将所有单行错误记录在exceptions.txt文件中,但无法正确执行多行错误,因为它们也被记录为单行错误。


from loguru import logger
import re

logger.add("exceptions.txt", format="{message}", level="ERROR")

def log_exceptions():
    with open("logs.txt", "r", encoding="utf-8") as file:
        logs = file.read()

    pattern = r"\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}.\d{3}.*? E (.*?): (.*?)(?=\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}.\d{3}.*? E .*?:|$)"
    errors = re.finditer(pattern, logs, flags=re.DOTALL)

    error_set = set()
    error_number = 1
    multiline_exception = False
    multiline_exception_type = ""
    multiline_exception_details = ""

    for match in errors:
        exception_line = match.group(1).strip()
        exception_details = match.group(2).strip()

        if multiline_exception:
            if exception_line.startswith("java.lang.") or exception_line.startswith("at "):
                multiline_exception_details += f"\n{exception_line}"
                logger.error(f"{error_number}. {multiline_exception_type}")
                logger.error(f"Exception Type: {multiline_exception_type}")
                error_number += 1
                multiline_exception = False

        exception_type_match = re.search(r"java\.lang\.(.*?)\b", exception_line)
        if exception_type_match:
            exception_type = exception_type_match.group(1)
            multiline_exception = True
            multiline_exception_type = exception_type
            multiline_exception_details = exception_details
            exception_type = exception_line.split(".")[-1]

            if exception_details not in error_set:
                logger.error(f"{error_number}. {exception_type}")
                logger.error(f"Exception Type: {exception_type}")
                error_number += 1

    # Additional handling for the last multi-line exception in the logs
    if multiline_exception:
        logger.error(f"{error_number}. {multiline_exception_type}")
        logger.error(f"Exception Type: {multiline_exception_type}")

# Usage


我期待这样的多行异常: `

06-21 17:54:47.663   511   546 E ActivityManager: Failure starting process com.google.as
06-21 17:54:47.663   511   546 E ActivityManager: java.lang.SecurityException: Package com.google.as is currently frozen!
06-21 17:54:47.663   511   546 E ActivityManager:   at a.b.c(d:8987)
06-21 17:54:47.663   511   546 E ActivityManager:   at d.e.f(k:7364)
06-21 17:54:47.663   511   546 E ActivityManager:   at p.k.h(i:9876)
06-21 17:54:47.663   511   546 E ActivityManager:   at k.s.u(g:986)
06-21 17:54:47.663   511   546 E ActivityManager:   at p.o.u(y:734)
06-21 17:54:47.663   511   546 E ActivityManager:   at f.o.t(s:3937)
06-21 17:54:47.663   511   546 E ActivityManager:   at d.c.y(k:2732)
06-21 17:54:47.663   511   546 E ActivityManager:   at r.d.h(l:3474)
06-21 17:54:47.663   511   546 E ActivityManager:   at i.p.s(u:09283)
06-21 17:54:47.663   511   546 E ActivityManager:   at d.m.r(c:9873)
06-21 17:54:47.663   511   546 E ActivityManager:   at a.d.b(i:367)
06-21 17:54:47.663   511   546 E ActivityManager:   at b.d.o(o:0974)
06-21 17:54:47.663   511   546 E ActivityManager:   at r.b.o(t:8546)
06-21 17:54:47.663   511   546 E ActivityManager:   at g.k.o(w:9287)
06-21 17:54:47.663   511   546 E ActivityManager:   at o.a.p(k:387)
06-21 17:54:47.663   511   546 E ActivityManager:   at h.d.j(o:38374)
06-21 17:54:47.663   511   546 E ActivityManager:   at k.f.d(p:3448)
06-21 17:54:47.663   511   546 E ActivityManager:   at j.l.w(x:9844)
06-21 17:54:47.663   511   546 E ActivityManager:   at p.s.k(p:2383)
06-21 17:54:47.663   511   546 E ActivityManager:   at f.k.w(u:8373)

to be logged like this:

serial number i.e. 1,2,3..). Exception:ActivityManager: Failure starting process com.google.as Exception Type: SecurityException 
Timestamp: 06-21 17:54:47.663 
Failure starting process com.google.as 
java.lang.SecurityException: Package com.google.as is currently frozen! 
at a.b.c(d:8987) 
at d.e.f(k:7364) 
at p.k.h(i:9876) 
at k.s.u(g:986) 
at p.o.u(y:734) 
at f.o.t(s:3937) 
at d.c.y(k:2732) 
at r.d.h(l:3474) 
at i.p.s(u:09283) 
at d.m.r(c:9873) 
at a.d.b(i:367) 
at b.d.o(o:0974) 
at r.b.o(t:8546) 
at g.k.o(w:9287) 
at o.a.p(k:387) 
at h.d.j(o:38374) 
at k.f.d(p:3448) 
at j.l.w(x:9844) 
at p.s.k(p:2383) 
at f.k.w(u:8373)

异常 日志记录 LoGuru


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