如何在用户表的 URL 和个人资料图片显示上显示消息对话用户名

How to display message conversation username on the URL and profile picture display from users table

提问人: 提问时间:12/9/2019 最后编辑:Dharman 更新时间:12/9/2019 访问量:83


我正在PHP mysqli中创建两个用户的对话视图脚本。当我发送消息作为最后一条消息时,我的问题是我的用户名显示在 URL 上,因此我想在 URL 上讨论其他用户名时显示。我还想从用户表中显示我讨论的用户个人资料图片。

数据库 pm 表

id  from_id   from_name      to_id   to_name     msg               sent_date
1   2         john           3       master      hi how are you?   2019-12-05 04:14:20
2   3         master         2       john        fine              2019-12-05 05:15:58
3   2         john           3       master      hi                2019-12-05 03:20:34
4   5         previn         2       john        hi                2019-12-05 08:30:40


userid | username | profile_pic


 <a href="cons.php?to_id=<?php echo $guaranteed_from_id ?>&to_name=<?php echo $row['from_name'];?>">Replay</a>


 if (isset($_SESSION['userid'])) {
    $session_id = $_SESSION['userid'];

  if ($stmt = $con->prepare("SELECT * FROM pm WHERE from_id = ? OR to_id = ? ORDER BY sent_time DESC")) {
    $stmt->bind_param('ii', $session_id, $session_id);

  $tempArray = array();

  $result = $stmt->get_result();

  if ($result->num_rows > 0) {
      while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {

        if (!in_array($row['to_id'].$row['from_id'], $tempArray)) {

          echo "<br>";
          echo $row['from_id']." - " . $row['to_id']." ". $row['msg']. " - " .$row['sent_time'];

        $guaranteed_from_id = str_replace($session_id, null, $row['to_id'].$row['from_id']);

<img src="images/<?php echo $row['profile_pic'];?>" height="20px" width="20px"/>
        <a href="cons.php?to_id=<?php echo $guaranteed_from_id ?>&to_name=<?php echo $row['from_name'];?>">Replay</a>



        array_push($tempArray, $row['from_id'].$row['to_id']);
        array_push($tempArray, $row['to_id'].$row['from_id']);

  } else {
      echo "NO MESSAGES";

PHP 会话 mysqli



0赞 Jonathan Thunberg 12/9/2019 #1

因此,首先,您根本不需要在 pm 表中拥有用户名。因此,请从“pm”表中删除这些列。这是因为您可以使用用户表中的 id 与“from_id”和“to_id”链接。


id  from_id     to_id    msg               sent_date
1   2           3        hi how are you?   2019-12-05 04:14:20
2   3           2        fine              2019-12-05 05:15:58
3   2           3        hi                2019-12-05 03:20:34
4   5           2        hi                2019-12-05 08:30:40


id    username   profile_pic         
1     john       <link to profile picture>
2     master     <link to profile picture>          
3     john       <link to profile picture>          
4     previn     <link to profile picture>
4     robin      <link to profile picture>

所以我正在考虑在 SQL 中使用 JOIN。但是当必须同时选择to_id和from_id时,并没有真正让它工作。所以想出了一些非常奇怪的狗屎。我认为你必须以其他方式做到这一点,因为这真的很奇怪。但我终于让它起作用了。但这不是一个很好的解决方案,只是一个解决方案。


    if (isset($_SESSION['userid'])) {
        $session_id = $_SESSION['userid'];

        $sql = "SELECT *,
  (SELECT username FROM users WHERE userid=from_id) AS from_username,
  (SELECT username FROM users WHERE userid=to_id) AS to_username,
  (SELECT username FROM users WHERE userid=?) AS my_username,
  (SELECT profile_pic FROM users WHERE userid=from_id) AS from_profile_pic,
  (SELECT profile_pic FROM users WHERE userid=to_id) AS to_profile_pic,
  (SELECT profile_pic FROM users WHERE userid=?) AS my_profile_pic
  FROM pm WHERE from_id = ? OR to_id = ? ORDER BY id DESC";

  if ($stmt = $con->prepare($sql)) {
     $stmt->bind_param('iiii', $session_id, $session_id, $session_id, $session_id);

   $tempArray = array();

   $result = $stmt->get_result();

   if ($result->num_rows > 0) {
       while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {

         if (!in_array($row['to_id'].$row['from_id'], $tempArray)) {

            $friend_id = str_replace($session_id, null, $row['to_id'].$row['from_id']);

            $title = $row['from_username'].$row['to_username'];
            $num = strlen($title) ;

            $num = $num/2;

            $first_half = substr($title,0, $num);

            $second_half = substr($title, $num);

            if ($first_half == $second_half) {
              $friend_username = $row['from_username'];
            } else {
              $friend_username = str_replace($row['my_username'], null, $row['from_username'].$row['to_username']);

            $friend_profile_pic = str_replace($row['my_profile_pic'], null, $row['from_profile_pic'].$row['to_profile_pic']);

            echo "<br>";
            echo $row['from_username'] . " - " . $row['to_username']." ". $row['msg']. " - " .$row['sent_time'];


           <img src="images/<?php echo $friend_profile_pic;?>" height="20px" width="20px"/>
           <a href="cons.php?to_name=<?php echo $friend_username ?>&to_id=<?php echo $friend_id ?>">Reply</a>



         array_push($tempArray, $row['from_id'].$row['to_id']);
         array_push($tempArray, $row['to_id'].$row['from_id']);

   } else {
       echo "NO MESSAGES";


0赞 Samuel Liew 12/9/2019
评论不用于扩展讨论;此对话已移至 Chat
0赞 Jonathan Thunberg 12/9/2019
1赞 Samuel Liew 12/9/2019
0赞 12/19/2019
@Jonathan Thunberg你能帮帮我吗