尝试从文件读取时 JavaFX 构建崩溃

JavaFX build crashes when trying to read from file

提问人:Zapherail 提问时间:10/21/2023 最后编辑:Zapherail 更新时间:10/22/2023 访问量:97


我正在做一个期中考试,我们必须制作一个 GUI 购物清单。教授要求我们将列表制作成一个.txt文件,并从该文件中读取。还有一个删除部分,删除所有我尚未编码的内容。通常,每当我在代码中添加新内容时,我都会测试代码。在尝试测试这个时,我注意到它崩溃了。代码正在写入Grocery.txt,但未显示写入列表框的内容。我知道我很可能错过了一些小东西。当我看我的教科书“Murach 的 Java 编程第 6 版”时,它看起来几乎相同,只是他们使用的示例是从文件中读取三个不同的东西。他们使用数组进行读取。我试图将每个放在自己的行上。我知道现在不会。我正在尝试测试它是否读取它,而目前它还没有。


最终更新:由于某种原因,在我的错误中发现了错误,它没有正确读取它,将其更改为修复它。感谢大家的意见,每当我需要再次发布时,我都会更好地发布问题。该程序仍然无法正常运行,但我遇到的问题已得到解决,其余的我可以自己解决。if (errorMsg == " ") {if(errorMsg.isBlank())



package com.mycompany.zaph_midterm;

import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import javafx.application.Application;
import javafx.geometry.Insets;
import javafx.geometry.Pos;
import javafx.scene.Scene;
import javafx.scene.control.Alert;
import javafx.scene.control.Button;
import javafx.scene.control.Label;
import javafx.scene.control.ListView;
import javafx.scene.control.SelectionMode;
import javafx.scene.control.TextField;
import javafx.scene.layout.GridPane;
import javafx.scene.layout.HBox;
import javafx.scene.layout.StackPane;
import javafx.stage.Stage;

public class App extends Application {
    public TextField addGrocery;
    public ListView<String> groceryList = new ListView<>();
    public void start(Stage stage) {
        stage.setTitle("Grocery List");
        //Setting grid
        GridPane grid = new GridPane();
        grid.setPadding(new Insets(15,15,15,15));
        //attaching grid to scene
        Scene scene = new Scene(grid);
        //Setting the add section
        HBox hbox = new HBox();
        GridPane addHbox = new GridPane();
        addHbox.add(new Label ("Items: "), 0, 0);
        addHbox.add(new Label("  "), 1, 0);
        addGrocery = new TextField();
        addHbox.add(addGrocery, 2, 0);
        Button addButton = new Button("Add");
        addButton.setOnAction(event -> addButtonClicked());
        addHbox.add(new Label("  "), 3, 0);
        addHbox.add(addButton, 4, 0);
        grid.add(hbox, 0, 0);
        //Setting list to show
        HBox groceryBox = new HBox();
        GridPane groceryGrid = new GridPane();
        groceryGrid.add(new Label("List: "), 0, 0);
        groceryGrid.add(groceryList, 2, 0);
        grid.add(groceryBox, 0, 1);
    // Add button clicked 
    private void addButtonClicked() {
        //Validation of user Input
        Validation v = new Validation();
        String errorMsg = "";
        errorMsg += v.hasValue(addGrocery.getText());
        errorMsg += v.isBlank(addGrocery.getText());
        // Using if/else to add to grocery List
        if (errorMsg.isBlank()){
            GroceryList grocery = new GroceryList();
            //Adding to Grocery List
        }else {
           Alert wrong = new Alert(Alert.AlertType.ERROR);
    public static void main(String[] args) {


package com.mycompany.zaph_midterm;

public class Validation {
    private final String lineEnd;
   public Validation() {
       this.lineEnd = "\n";
   public Validation(String lineEnd) {
       this.lineEnd = lineEnd;
   public String isBlank(String name) {
       String error = "";
       if(name.isBlank()) {
           error = "Must have groceries in the add text box.";
       return error;
   }// end of isBlank
   public String hasValue(String name) {
       //if user input is able to be parsed then an error message will return
       String error = "";
       try {
       } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
           return error;
       error ="Text box must only contain letters";
       return error;

GroceryList 类:

package com.mycompany.zaph_midterm;

import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.BufferedWriter;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.io.FileWriter;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import static java.lang.System.out;

public class GroceryList {
    private String grocery;
    public GroceryList() {
        grocery = " ";
    public void setGroceryList(String args){
        this.grocery = grocery;
    public String getGroceryList() {
        return grocery;
    public void printToFile(String grocery) {
        //creating file
        try (PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(
                               new BufferedWriter(
                               new FileWriter("Grocery.txt")))) {
            //writing to file
        //catching error if found
        catch (IOException e){
    public void deleteFromFile(String grocery) {
    public String readFromFile(String grocery) throws IOException{
        try (BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(
                                 new FileReader("Grocery.txt"))){
            String line = in.readLine();
            while (line != null){
               line = grocery;
               return grocery;
        catch (IOException e) {
            Alert error = new Alert(Alert.AlertType.ERROR);
            error.setHeaderText("Didn't work");
            error.setContentText("Something is wrong");
        return grocery;

我尝试将 try(BufferedReader) 移动到 addButtonCLicked() 仍然崩溃,所以我将其移到 //设置列表下以显示,但它仍然崩溃。

Java JavaFX 崩溃 文件读卡器


4赞 JayC667 10/21/2023
2赞 SedJ601 10/21/2023
您的代码未按发布的方式运行。 是一个方法,但它返回一个 .修复此问题并添加 的示例。readFromFilevoidStringGrocery.txt
1赞 SedJ601 10/21/2023
我的猜测是这是你的问题。这条线是做什么的?那应该是一个?实际上应该怎么做?line = grocery;if-statementreadFromFile
2赞 Basil Bourque 10/21/2023
为什么你把你读到的每一行都替换成一个名为 ?groceryline = grocery;
2赞 jewelsea 10/21/2023
“我确实将 void 更改为字符串,我在这里更新了代码” -> 您更新了错误的代码。您更新了方法的返回值,而不是方法。此外,您没有提供所要求的样品。对于调试问题,始终提供一个最小的可重现示例 - 一个编译和运行的最小示例,其中包含所有必需的数据来复制问题而无需更改或添加,否则您只会感到困惑、问题和误解,正如您在整个评论中看到的那样。printToFilereadFromFileGrocery.txt


2赞 Basil Bourque 10/21/2023 #1



一项工作是将您的购物清单项目写入存储,然后将它们读回来。这应该在一个特定的类中。我们将这个类称为 。Repository


public record GroceryItem( String name )
    public GroceryItem ( final String name )
        Objects.requireNonNull ( name );
        if ( name.isBlank ( ) ) throw new IllegalArgumentException ( "Grocery item name cannot be blank." );
        this.name = name;


public class Repository
    private List < GroceryItem > storedGroceryItems =
            new ArrayList <> (
                    List.of (
                            new GroceryItem ( "Bananas" ) ,
                            new GroceryItem ( "Eggs" ) ,
                            new GroceryItem ( "Olive oil" )

    public List < GroceryItem > fetchGroceryItems ( )
        return List.copyOf ( this.storedGroceryItems );

    public boolean saveGroceryItem ( final GroceryItem groceryItem )
        if ( this.storedGroceryItems.contains ( groceryItem ) ) return false;
        return this.storedGroceryItems.add ( groceryItem );

    public boolean deleteGroceryItem ( final GroceryItem groceryItem )
        return this.storedGroceryItems.remove ( groceryItem );

    public boolean removeAllGroceryItems ( )
        List < GroceryItem > emptyList = List.of ( );
        return this.storedGroceryItems.retainAll ( emptyList );



public class TestRepository
    public static void main ( String[] args )
        TestRepository.testPreloadedRepository ( );

    public static void testPreloadedRepository ( )
        Repository repository = new Repository ( );
        boolean success;

        List < GroceryItem > list = repository.fetchGroceryItems ( );
        System.out.println ( "list has 3 elements: " + ( list.size ( ) == 3 ) );

        List < GroceryItem > expectedList =
                List.of (
                        new GroceryItem ( "Bananas" ) ,
                        new GroceryItem ( "Eggs" ) ,
                        new GroceryItem ( "Olive oil" )
        System.out.println ( "list has expected items: " + ( list.equals ( expectedList ) ) );

        GroceryItem broccoli = new GroceryItem ( "Broccoli" );
        success = repository.saveGroceryItem ( broccoli );
        System.out.println ( "success = " + success );
        list = repository.fetchGroceryItems ( );
        System.out.println ( "list has 4 elements: " + ( list.size ( ) == 4 ) );
        expectedList =
                List.of (
                        new GroceryItem ( "Bananas" ) ,
                        new GroceryItem ( "Eggs" ) ,
                        new GroceryItem ( "Olive oil" ) ,
        System.out.println ( "list has expected items: " + ( list.equals ( expectedList ) ) );

        GroceryItem eggs = new GroceryItem ( "Eggs" );
        success = repository.deleteGroceryItem ( eggs );
        System.out.println ( "success = " + success );
        list = repository.fetchGroceryItems ( );
        System.out.println ( "list has 3 elements: " + ( list.size ( ) == 3 ) );
        expectedList =
                List.of (
                        new GroceryItem ( "Bananas" ) ,
                        new GroceryItem ( "Olive oil" ) ,
        System.out.println ( "list has expected items: " + ( list.equals ( expectedList ) ) );


list has 3 elements: true
list has expected items: true
success = true
list has 4 elements: true
list has expected items: true
success = true
list has 3 elements: true
list has expected items: true

给高级学生的提示:在实际工作中,我们会使用像 Jupiter 这样的框架来编写测试。然后,我们在 JUnit 5 等测试工具中运行测试。

现在在 JavaFX 中构建 GUI 实现为 OpenJFX

public class HelloApplication extends Application
    private Repository repository = new Repository ( );

    public void start ( Stage stage ) throws IOException
        Pane pane = this.buildPane ();
        Scene scene = new Scene ( pane , 500 , 350 );
        stage.setTitle ( "Grocery List" );
        stage.setScene ( scene );
        stage.show ( );

    private Pane buildPane () {
        // Data
        List < GroceryItem > groceryItems = this.repository.fetchGroceryItems ( );
        ObservableList < GroceryItem > observableList = FXCollections.observableArrayList ( groceryItems );

        // Widgets
        ListView < GroceryItem > listView = new ListView <> ( observableList );
        TextField newGroceryItemField = new TextField ( );
        newGroceryItemField.setPromptText ( "new grocery item" );
        Button addButton = new Button ( "Add…" );
        Button removeButton = new Button ( "Delete" );

        // Behavior
        addButton.setOnMouseClicked ( ( MouseEvent mouseEvent ) ->
            String input = newGroceryItemField.getText ( );
            if ( input.isBlank ( ) ) return;
            GroceryItem groceryItem = new GroceryItem ( input );
            if ( observableList.contains ( groceryItem ) ) return;
            if ( this.repository.saveGroceryItem ( groceryItem ) )
                observableList.add ( groceryItem );
        } );

        removeButton.setOnMouseClicked ( ( MouseEvent mouseEvent ) ->
            GroceryItem groceryItem = listView.getSelectionModel ( ).getSelectedItem ( );
            if ( Objects.nonNull ( groceryItem ) )
                if ( this.repository.deleteGroceryItem ( groceryItem ) )
                    observableList.remove ( groceryItem );
        } );

        // Arrange
        BorderPane borderPane = new BorderPane ( );
        borderPane.setCenter ( listView );
        borderPane.setBottom ( new HBox ( newGroceryItemField , addButton , removeButton ) );
        return borderPane;

    public static void main ( String[] args ) { launch ( ); }

screenshot of example app


查看 Java NIO 类(如 PathPathsFiles)以简化文件处理。

package work.basil.example.exgrocerylist;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class Repository
    private Path dataFilePath = Paths.get ( "/Users/basil_dot_work/GroceryItems.txt" );

    public List < GroceryItem > fetchGroceryItems ( )
        boolean go = this.createAndPopulateFileIfNotExists ( );
            List < String > lines = Files.readAllLines ( this.dataFilePath , StandardCharsets.UTF_8 );
            List < GroceryItem > groceryItems = new ArrayList <> ( );
            for ( String line : lines )
                if ( line.isBlank ( ) )
                GroceryItem groceryItem = new GroceryItem ( line );
                groceryItems.add ( groceryItem );
            return List.copyOf ( groceryItems );
        catch ( IOException e )
            throw new RuntimeException ( e );

    private boolean createAndPopulateFileIfNotExists ( )
        if ( Files.exists ( this.dataFilePath ) ) return true;
        List < GroceryItem > defaultGroceryItems =
                List.of (
                        new GroceryItem ( "Bananas" ) ,
                        new GroceryItem ( "Eggs" ) ,
                        new GroceryItem ( "Olive oil" )
        List < String > lines =
                defaultGroceryItems.stream ( ).map ( GroceryItem :: name ).toList ( );
            Files.write ( this.dataFilePath , lines , StandardCharsets.UTF_8 );
            return ( this.fetchGroceryItems ( ).equals ( defaultGroceryItems ) );
        catch ( IOException e )
            throw new RuntimeException ( e );

    public boolean saveGroceryItem ( final GroceryItem groceryItem )
        List < GroceryItem > groceryItems = this.fetchGroceryItems ( );
        if ( groceryItems.contains ( groceryItem ) ) return false;
            Files.write ( this.dataFilePath , groceryItem.name ( ).getBytes ( ) , StandardOpenOption.APPEND );
        catch ( IOException e )
            throw new RuntimeException ( e );
        return this.fetchGroceryItems ( ).contains ( groceryItem );

    public boolean deleteGroceryItem ( final GroceryItem groceryItem )
        List < GroceryItem > groceryItems = this.fetchGroceryItems ( );
        if ( ! groceryItems.contains ( groceryItem ) ) return false;
        List < GroceryItem > groceryItemsModifiable = new ArrayList <> ( groceryItems );
        boolean go = groceryItemsModifiable.remove ( groceryItem );
        if ( ! go )
            return false;
        List < String > lines = groceryItemsModifiable.stream ( ).map ( GroceryItem :: name ).toList ( );
            Files.write ( this.dataFilePath , lines , StandardCharsets.UTF_8 );
            return true;
        catch ( IOException e )
            throw new RuntimeException ( e );

    public boolean removeAllGroceryItems ( )
        List < String > lines = List.of ( );
            Files.write ( this.dataFilePath , lines , StandardCharsets.UTF_8 );
            return ( this.fetchGroceryItems ( ).isEmpty ( ) );
        catch ( IOException e )
            throw new RuntimeException ( e );


小心。。。此基于文件有一个错误:用户无法添加多个杂货项目。我们可以确定 bug 存在于这个基于文件的实现中,因为我们可以切换回基于内存列表的实现来查看 bug 消失。这种错误验证对于编写更简单的虚假实现来说是一个很大的好处。我会把未发现的错误留在原地,因为我已经为学校作业做了太多。RepositoryRepository
