为什么我扫描文件并打印结果的方法比上次打印了 1 个空格?

Why does my method that scans a file and prints out the result print 1 space further than the last time?

提问人:baddev 提问时间:7/7/2022 最后编辑:baddev 更新时间:7/7/2022 访问量:59


我目前正在编写一段相当长的代码来重新创建 Conway 的 Game of Life,并且刚刚意识到当我运行代码时,我用于扫描文件并将自身打印为矩阵的方法无法按预期工作。我试过搞砸它,但无济于事。

public static String[][] originalBoardCreation() {
        Scanner sc= MyUtils.readFile(inpFileName);
        width = sc.nextInt();
        height = sc.nextInt();  
        String[][] board = new String[width][height];
        String[] line = new String[board.length];
        while (sc.hasNext()) {
            for (int i = 0; i < board.length; i++) {
                line[i] = sc.nextLine().trim();
                for (int j = 0; j < line.length; j++) {
                    board[i][j] = line[j];
        return board;

当我用 调用它时,我得到System.out.println(Arrays.deepToString(originalBoardCreation()));

[[.xxxxxxxx., null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], [.xxxxxxxx., x.x.x.x.x., null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], [.xxxxxxxx., x.x.x.x.x., .x.x.x.x.., null, null, null, null, null, null, null], [.xxxxxxxx., x.x.x.x.x., .x.x.x.x.., xxxxxxx..., null, null, null, null, null, null], [.xxxxxxxx., x.x.x.x.x., .x.x.x.x.., xxxxxxx..., .........., null, null, null, null, null], [.xxxxxxxx., x.x.x.x.x., .x.x.x.x.., xxxxxxx..., .........., .........., null, null, null, null], [.xxxxxxxx., x.x.x.x.x., .x.x.x.x.., xxxxxxx..., .........., .........., .........., null, null, null], [.xxxxxxxx., x.x.x.x.x., .x.x.x.x.., xxxxxxx..., .........., .........., .........., ....xxx..., null, null], [.xxxxxxxx., x.x.x.x.x., .x.x.x.x.., xxxxxxx..., .........., .........., .........., ....xxx..., .........., null], [.xxxxxxxx., x.x.x.x.x., .x.x.x.x.., xxxxxxx..., .........., .........., .........., ....xxx..., .........., ..........]]

我正在尝试得到类似的东西,但我不知道为什么会发生这种情况,所以如果我能在我的逻辑中得到一个简短的解释或错误,那就太好了,谢谢![[., x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, .], ... etc

Java 数组 循环 java.util.scanner


1赞 gvmani 7/7/2022
我不确定我是否正确理解了您的要求,但请尝试从 更改为 ,它可能会起作用lineString[]String
1赞 Abra 7/7/2022
0赞 sorifiend 7/7/2022
或者,您可能希望使用上面建议的字符数组或单个字符串并获取单个字符String[] lineChar[] lineString line;board[i][j] = line.charAt(j);
0赞 Jeroen Steenbeeke 7/7/2022
您正在内部循环中分配未初始化的 () 值。在纸上试一试:当你读到第一行时会发生什么,你到达 和 .剧透:此时只有值,并且您正在分配给 .此外,您正在为单个单元格分配一整行nullboard[i][j]i = 0j = 1line[0]line[1]board[0][1]


1赞 Eric 7/7/2022 #1


public static String[][] originalBoardCreation()
  Scanner sc= MyUtils.readFile(inpFileName);

  width = sc.nextInt();
  height = sc.nextInt();  

  String[][] board = new String[width][height];

  while ( sc.hasNext() )
    for ( int i = 0; i < board.length; i++ )
      String line = sc.nextLine().trim();  // read the text line in
      char tiles[] = line.toCharArray();    // now split the line into an array

      for ( int j = 0; j < tiles.length; j++ )
        board[i][j] = String.valueOf(tiles[j]);  // Now assign the elements to the current row on your board
  return board;
