
(JS/TS) Why my generator function code have different behavior on the idempotence?

提问人:ypa y yhm 提问时间:8/17/2023 最后编辑:ypa y yhm 更新时间:8/28/2023 访问量:82



下面是一个由 generator func 定义的惰性序列:

type Fn <T, R> = (p: T) => R ;

class Stream
    (private readonly generatorFunction: () => Generator<T>) 
    {} ;
    static readonly iterate = 
    <T,> (initHead: T, f: Fn<T, T>)
    : Stream<T> => 
        new Stream
        ( function* ()
        : Generator<T> 
            let head = initHead;
            while (true) 
                yield head ;
                head = f(head);
            } ;
        } ) ;
    readonly map = 
    <R,> (f: Fn<T, R>)
    : Stream<R> => 
        new Stream
        (( function* (this: Stream<T>)
        : Generator<R> 
            const iterator = this.generatorFunction() ;
            while (true) 
                const { value: head, done } = iterator.next();
                if (done) break;
                yield f(head) ;
            } ;
        } ).bind(this)) ;
    readonly tookUntil = 
    (when: Fn<T, boolean>)
    : [T[], Stream<T>] => 
        const result: T[] = [] ;
        const iterator = this.generatorFunction() ;
        while (true) 
            const { value: head, done } = iterator.next();
            if (done) break;
            if (when(head)) break;
        } ;
        const drops = iterator ;
        return [result, new Stream
        (( function* (this: Stream<T>)
        : Generator<T> 
            while (true) 
                const { value, done } = drops.next();
                if (done) break;
                yield value ;
        } ).bind(this)), ] ;
    } ;
    readonly took = 
    (limit: number)
    : [T[], Stream<T>] => 
        if (limit < 1) 
        { return [[], this.follow({} as T).took(1)[1]] ; } else 
            let count = 1;
            return this.tookUntil(() => !(count++ < limit));
        } ;
    } ;
    readonly takeUntil = 
    (when: Fn<T, boolean>)
    : T[] => 
        this.tookUntil(when)[0] ;
    readonly take = 
    (n: number)
    : T[] => 
        this.took(n)[0] ;
    readonly droppingUntil = 
    (when: Fn<T, boolean>)
    : Stream<T> => 
        this.tookUntil(when)[1] ;
    readonly dropping = 
    (limit: number)
    : Stream<T> => 
        this.took(limit)[1] ;
    readonly dropUntil = 
    (when: Fn<T, boolean>)
    : Stream<T> => 
        new Stream
        (( function* (this: Stream<T>)
        : Generator<T> 
            const iterator = this.generatorFunction() ;
            while (true) 
                const { value: head, done } = iterator.next();
                if (done) break;
                if (when(head)) { yield head ; break; } ;
            } ;
            while (true) 
                const { value, done } = iterator.next();
                if (done) break;
                yield value ;
            } ;
        } ).bind(this)) ;
    readonly drop = 
    (limit: number)
    : Stream<T> => 
        const the = this ;
        return new Stream(function* () 
            if (limit < 1) 
            { yield* the.generatorFunction() ; } else 
                let count = 1;
                yield* the.dropUntil(() => (count++ > limit));
            } ;
        }) ;
    } ;
    // some code not very important here ...
    [Symbol.iterator] = () => this.generatorFunction() ;
} ;



const droppedUntil = Stream.iterate(2, x => x + 1).dropUntil(x => x > 3) ;
console.log(droppedUntil.take(10)); // [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13]
console.log(droppedUntil.take(10)); // [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13]
const dropped = Stream.iterate(2, x => x + 1).drop(7) ;
console.log(dropped.take(10)); // [9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18]
console.log(dropped.take(10)); // [9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18]


const dropped_bytook = Stream.iterate(2, x => x + 1).droppingUntil(x => !(x < 2)) ;
console.log(dropped_bytook.take(10)); // [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]
console.log(dropped_bytook.take(10)); // [13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22] ????


const fibonacci = Stream.iterate([0, 1], ([a, b]) => [b, a + b]).map(([x]) => x) ;
console.log(fibonacci.take(6 + 4 + 2 + 4 + 2 + 4 + 2)); 
// [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584, 4181, 6765, 10946, 17711, 28657]

const xs = fibonacci.dropping(6).drop(4).map(x => [x]) ;
const xxs = fibonacci.dropping(6).map(x => [x]).drop(4) ;

console.log(xs.take(2)); // [[55], [89]] : 10 dropped with map once, and ...
console.log(xs.take(2)); // [[987], [1597]] : 4 more dropped with no more map before take ... 
console.log(xs.take(2)); // [[17711], [28657]] ; 4 more dropped with no more map before take ...

console.log(xxs.take(2)); // [[55], [89]] : 10 dropped with map once, and ...
console.log(xxs.take(2)); // [[987], [1597]] : 4 more dropped with no more map before take ... 
console.log(xxs.take(2)); // [[17711], [28657]] ; 4 more dropped with no more map before take ...

const ys = fibonacci.dropping(6).dropping(4).map(x => [x]) ;
const yys = fibonacci.dropping(6).map(x => [x]).dropping(4) ;

console.log(ys.take(2)); // [[55], [89] : 10 dropped with map once, and ...
console.log(ys.take(2)); // [[144], [233]] : just take 2 then, no more dropped ...
console.log(ys.take(2)); // [[377], [610]]] : just take 2 then, no more dropped ...

console.log(yys.take(2)); // [[55], [89] : 10 dropped with map once, and ...
console.log(yys.take(2)); // [[144], [233]] : just take 2 then, no more dropped ...
console.log(yys.take(2)); // [[377], [610]]] : just take 2 then, no more dropped ...

const zs = fibonacci.dropping(5).map(x => [x]).drop(4).dropping(1) ;
const zzs = fibonacci.dropping(6).map(x => [x]).drop(4).dropping(0) ;

console.log(zs.take(2)); // [[55], [89] : 10 dropped with map once, and ...
console.log(zs.take(2)); // [[144], [233]] : just take 2 then, no more dropped ...
console.log(zs.take(2)); // [[377], [610]]] : just take 2 then, no more dropped ...

console.log(zzs.take(2)); // [[55], [89] : 10 dropped with map once, and ...
console.log(zzs.take(2)); // [[144], [233]] : just take 2 then, no more dropped ...
console.log(zzs.take(2)); // [[377], [610]]] : just take 2 then, no more dropped ...



  • 一个是看起来不可变的:它的方法没有副作用。take
  • 如果你通过:它的方法对实例本身有副作用,那么它看起来是可变的。droppingtakestream

问题是,为什么返回的流或看起来不纯净,而所有由其他方法返回的流也由相同的形式 new Stream(( function* (this: Stream<T>): Generator<T> { /* ...一些产量 ... */ } ).bind(this)) 不会对此实例本身产生副作用。taketooktookUntiltake

我在 TS Playground (v5.1.6) 上尝试了所有代码,这是我的测试:https://tsplay.dev/Wklk0w


(语言相同的问题 zh-cn)

JavaScript TypeScript 迭代器 生成器


2赞 jcalz 8/17/2023
(1) 欢迎来到 Stack Overflow!请将代码编辑最小的可重现示例;如果可以通过一些方法证明问题,则不需要包含许多方法。(2) 您错误地重用了对迭代器的引用,这些迭代器是有状态的。您需要重构以仅使用迭代器一次,可能如下所示。是的,每次都会重做所有迭代。如果你想记住一些东西以使其更快,那很好,但超出了所问问题的范围。这是否完全解决了这个问题?如果是这样,我会写一个答案来解释;如果没有,我错过了什么?
0赞 ypa y yhm 8/18/2023
@jcalz 谢谢,我正在编辑以使其最小和清晰。我希望迭代器是不可变的,关键是,我认为它应该既是可变的,又应该是不可变的,但实际上它可能是其中之一,我不明白为什么。为什么我通过采取来实现,那么它将是可变的,但是当我直接实现它时,它不会,我没有看到任何差异,返回与直接实现的返回相似......我只想知道它的规则......dropUntilStreamtookStreamdropUntil
0赞 jcalz 8/18/2023
0赞 ypa y yhm 8/18/2023
@jcalz我只是测试了你给我的代码,发现了另一个问题(如果我像 一样通过新的实现),你可以看到这个,同样的问题也出现在我自己身上......dropdropUntiltakeStream
1赞 ypa y yhm 8/18/2023


1赞 jcalz 8/18/2023 #1



下面是原始代码的精简版本,它为返回新 s 的方法执行此操作。例如,保留对原始生成器函数的引用,然后在新的生成器函数中调用它:StreamdropUntil()

dropUntil(when: Fn<T, boolean>): Stream<T> {
    const gen = this.generatorFunction;
    return new Stream
        (function* (): Generator<T> {
            const iterator = gen();
            while (true) {
                const { value: head, done } = iterator.next();
                if (done) return;
                if (when(head)) {
                    yield head;
            while (true) {
                const { value, done } = iterator.next();
                if (done) break;
                yield value;


drop(limit: number): Stream<T> {
    const thiz = this;
    return new Stream(function* () {
        let count = 0;
        yield* thiz.dropUntil(() => !(count++ < limit));

(使用 yield* 委托给生成器。dropUtil


const ps = Stream.iterate(2, x => x + 1).dropUntil(x => x > 5);
console.log(ps.take(10)); // [6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15] 
console.log(ps.take(10)); // [6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15] 

const qs = Stream.iterate(2, x => x + 1).drop(7);
console.log(qs.take(10)); // [9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18]
console.log(qs.take(10)); // [9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18]
console.log(qs.take(10)); // [9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18]

const fibonacci = Stream.iterate([0, 1], ([a, b]) => [b, a + b]).map(([x]) => x);
const fs = fibonacci.drop(10);
console.log(fs.take(6)); // [55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610]
console.log(fs.take(6)); // [55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610] 
console.log(fs.take(6)); // [55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610] 


Playground 代码链接


0赞 ypa y yhm 8/18/2023
谢谢。但是,正如您在评论中所说,“重用已经消耗的迭代器”才是真正的重点。那么,为什么已经消耗过的迭代器在我用它来制作新的迭代器时会有不同的行为呢?“it will be done as once you start”是什么意思?(多亏了你,我试图清理我的问题中的一些多余部分:))
0赞 jcalz 8/18/2023
关键是我所说的,s 是有状态的,并且会改变迭代器,你不一定能“倒带”它。已经完全消耗掉的是一种特例(例如,直到完成)。生成器函数本身不是迭代器,而是迭代器。因此,您可以根据需要重用生成器函数,但每个结果只能使用一次。iteratoriterator.next()iterator.next()
0赞 ypa y yhm 8/18/2023
例如。。。首先,我有一个迭代器,它是 ,然后,我取两个元素。这将使下一个成为,它的下一个是......所以,我想我可以将这个迭代器实例用作生成器函数的参数(或其他一些东西),并让它创建一个新的迭代器实例。我知道迭代器必须是可变的,所以我只是想创建一个新的实例,使我的实例看起来像是不可变的,就像 or new 方法所做的那样(如果它们是......[1,2,3,4,...]iterator.next()45streammapdropUntil
0赞 jcalz 8/18/2023
0赞 ypa y yhm 8/20/2023
或。。。我很抱歉。事情很简单:(1),我需要一个下降方法;(2)、可以通过以下逻辑实现(我称之为:实现 a 返回 2 个东西,一个用于取一个用于丢弃);(3)、本来是到这里过来的,但是我发现了一个问题:返回的对象和另一个对象不一样(比如return),我想知道为什么。(4)、你的返回(我在这里不是说迭代器对象)看起来是不可变的,但是如何通过使滴落的方式做同样的事情呢?我真的很想看看如何在方法上做同样的事情......taketooktookstreamtook(...)[1]mapdropUntiltook
0赞 ypa y yhm 8/24/2023 #2


我只是添加一个方法。这里有 2 个案例


    readonly dropX = 
    (when: Fn<T, boolean>)
    : Stream<T> => 
        // const iterator = this.generatorFunction() ;
        return new Stream
        (( function* (this: Stream<T>)
        : Generator<T> 
            const iterator = this.generatorFunction() ;
            while (true) 
                const { value: head, done } = iterator.next();
                if (done) break;
                if (when(head)) { yield head ; break; } ;
            } ;
            while (true) 
                const { value, done } = iterator.next();
                if (done) break;
                yield value ;
            } ;
        } ).bind(this)) ;
    } ;


    readonly dropX = 
    (when: Fn<T, boolean>)
    : Stream<T> => 
        const iterator = this.generatorFunction() ;
        return new Stream
        (( function* (this: Stream<T>)
        : Generator<T> 
            // const iterator = this.generatorFunction() ;
            while (true) 
                const { value: head, done } = iterator.next();
                if (done) break;
                if (when(head)) { yield head ; break; } ;
            } ;
            while (true) 
                const { value, done } = iterator.next();
                if (done) break;
                yield value ;
            } ;
        } ).bind(this)) ;
    } ;


const x = Stream.iterate(2, x => x + 1).dropX(x => x > 3) ;
console.log(x.take(5)); // [4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
console.log(x.take(5)); // case one: [4, 5, 6, 7, 8] or case two: [9, 10, 11, 12, 13]


看起来 is 的差异取决于在哪里被调用:StreamgeneratorFunction

  • 如果它是新定义的,那么这个函数在调用时看起来是不可变的。function*Streamtake
  • 如果它在新定义之外,那么这个函数的 made 将看起来是可变的,并且在调用时 mudt 会静音。function*Streamtake



这是我的链接: https://tsplay.dev/WPBKZN

和。。。缓存功能怎么样?我宁愿对 take 方法使用 memoize,仅当形式 as 与 JS/TS 中的格式完全相同时,而定义为 .a.b(c,d)b(a,c,d)bb(this, x, xx)
