提问人:JennyL 提问时间:11/7/2023 最后编辑:Goku - stands with PalestineJennyL 更新时间:11/7/2023 访问量:127
Python 字典键对
Python dictionary key pairs
enemyType = {"skeleton": [{"HP": random.randint(12,15), "DMG": random.randint(3,7)}],
"zombie": [{"HP": random.randint(21,33), "DMG": random.randint(5,9)}],
"golem": [{"HP": random.randint(40,55), "DMG": random.randint(6,13)}]}
for key, value in enemyType.items():
print(key, value)
for k, v in value:
skeleton [{'HP': 14, 'DMG': 3}]
zombie [{'HP': 28, 'DMG': 8}]
golem [{'HP': 45, 'DMG': 8}]
字典的值 ->包含一个项目的列表 ->键和值:
import random
enemyType = {
'skeleton': [{'HP': random.randint(12, 15), 'DMG': random.randint(3, 7)}],
'zombie': [{'HP': random.randint(21, 33), 'DMG': random.randint(5, 9)}],
'golem': [{'HP': random.randint(40, 55), 'DMG': random.randint(6, 13)}],
for k, v in enemyType.items():
d = v[0]
print(k, d['HP'], d['DMG'])
skeleton 14 3
zombie 21 9
golem 40 11
enemyType = {
'skeleton': {'HP': random.randint(12, 15), 'DMG': random.randint(3, 7)},
'zombie': {'HP': random.randint(21, 33), 'DMG': random.randint(5, 9)},
'golem': {'HP': random.randint(40, 55), 'DMG': random.randint(6, 13)},
您可以通过循环访问字典,然后访问列表中嵌套字典的键来访问 和 的值。像这样:HP
for k, v in enemyType.items():
print(k, v)
for enemy in v:
hp = enemy['HP']
dmg = enemy['DMG']
print("HP:", hp, "DMG:", dmg)
skeleton [{'HP': 12, 'DMG': 3}]
HP: 12 DMG: 3
zombie [{'HP': 33, 'DMG': 7}]
HP: 33 DMG: 7
golem [{'HP': 45, 'DMG': 6}]
HP: 45 DMG: 6
首先,您需要更正 for 循环中的拼写错误。
import random
enemyType = {
'skeleton': [{'HP': random.randint(12, 15), 'DMG': random.randint(3, 7)}],
'zombie': [{'HP': random.randint(21, 33), 'DMG': random.randint(5, 9)}],
'golem': [{'HP': random.randint(40, 55), 'DMG': random.randint(6, 13)}],
[(k,v[0]['HP'],v[0]['DMG']) for k, v in enemyType.items()]
[('skeleton', 15, 3), ('zombie', 28, 6), ('golem', 41, 7)]
[(v[0]['HP'],v[0]['DMG']) for k, v in enemyType.items()]
[(15, 3), (28, 6), (41, 7)]
enemyType = {k:v[0] for k,v in enemyType.items()}
{'skeleton': {'HP': 15, 'DMG': 3},
'zombie': {'HP': 28, 'DMG': 6},
'golem': {'HP': 41, 'DMG': 7}}
for key, value in enemyType.items():
for k,v in value.items():
HP 15
HP 28
HP 41
"... How do I get the values for 'HP' and 'DMG'? ..."
The values are within a list, so you'll need to specify this indice first.
import random as r
d = {'skeleton': [{'HP': r.randint(12,15), 'DMG': r.randint(3,7)}],
'zombie': [{'HP': r.randint(21,33), 'DMG': r.randint(5,9)}],
'golem': [{'HP': r.randint(40,55), 'DMG': r.randint(6,13)}]}
for k, v in d.items():
hp, dmg = v[0]['HP'], v[0]['DMG']
print(k, hp, dmg)
Optionally, use only a dictionary.
import random as r
d = {'skeleton': {'HP': r.randint(12,15), 'DMG': r.randint(3,7)},
'zombie': {'HP': r.randint(21,33), 'DMG': r.randint(5,9)},
'golem': {'HP': r.randint(40,55), 'DMG': r.randint(6,13)}}
for k, v in d.items():
hp, dmg = v['HP'], v['DMG']
print(k, hp, dmg)
skeleton 14 4
zombie 28 8
golem 54 11
Here's what happened in your existing code: basically you accidentally formatted your data structure and your loops in a way that didn't cause an explicit error which is usually how you know something is wrong.for
for key, value in enemyDict.items():
print(key, value) #here value is a list containing a single dict
for k, v in value: #Iterating over the list yields a single iteration over this loop
#For each loop iteration you are trying to unpack the new value into two new variables.
# This only works here because your dict (the first and only value in the list)
# also only has two keys. Treating the dict as an iterable (without calling .items
# or .values for example) will simply iterate over the keys
print(k) #here k will be the first key in the dict: "HP", and v will be the second: "DMG".
If you did not mean to have the extra list it is quite simple to remove it:
enemyType = {
"skeleton": {"HP": random.randint(12,15), "DMG": random.randint(3,7)},
"zombie": {"HP": random.randint(21,33), "DMG": random.randint(5,9)},
"golem": {"HP": random.randint(40,55), "DMG": random.randint(6,13)}
for key, value in enemyDict.items():
print(key, value)
for k, v in value.items(): #note the added "items" to get key and value pairs from the dict
print(k, v)
If you did mean for the list to be there (for example if you are trying to represent multiple instances of each enemy), you can also adjust the loop accordingly:
enemyType = {
#using list comprehensions to create multiple enemies of each type
"skeleton": [{"HP": random.randint(12,15), "DMG": random.randint(3,7)} for _ in range(3)],
"zombie": [{"HP": random.randint(21,33), "DMG": random.randint(5,9)} for _ in range(4)],
"golem": [{"HP": random.randint(40,55), "DMG": random.randint(6,13)} for _ in range(2)]
for enemy_type, instances in enemyDict.items(): #get enemy type and list of enemy instances of that type
for enemy_instance in instances: #each instance is a dict containing specific "HP" and "DMG" for each enemy
print(enemy_instance["HP"], enemy_instance["DMG"])