通过 pio3 向 Python 公开 Rust Vec<>

Exposing Rust Vec<> to Python via pio3

提问人:Nikolay Shulga 提问时间:10/17/2023 更新时间:10/17/2023 访问量:18


我正在尝试使用 pyo3 向 Python 公开这样的东西(为清楚起见进行了简化):

pub struct Mesh {
    #[pyo3(get, set)]
    pub vertices : Vec<MeshVertex>,
    #[pyo3(get, set)]
    pub facets : Vec<MeshFacet>,

..这样,例如,在 Python 中附加一个对象将在 Rust Mesh 对象中更新。上面的代码没有这样做:Python Mesh 对象中的顶点似乎是 Rust 对象中顶点的副本,因此更新一个顶点不会对另一个顶点产生任何影响。verticesvertices



mv = plugin_api.MeshVertex() 
# this updates vertices in the Rust object
# this has no effect on vertices in the Rust object

一个将顶点附加到 Rust Mesh 对象的函数(确实有效,但这不是我要找的):

impl Mesh {
    fn new() -> Self { Mesh { facets: Vec::new(), vertices: Vec::new() } }
    fn push_vertex(&mut self, v:MeshVertex) {self.vertices.push(v)}


   let mesh = plugin.getattr("unit_mesh")?.call0()?;

        //now we extract (i.e. mutably borrow) the rust struct from python object
            //this scope will have mutable access to the gadget instance, which will be dropped on
            //scope exit so Python can access it again.
            let mesh_rs: PyRef<'_, plugin_api::Mesh> = mesh.extract()?;
            // we can now modify it as if it was a native rust struct

            //which includes access to rust-only fields that are not visible to python
            println!("mesh vertices {:?}", mesh_rs.vertices);

正如你所看到的,我对 Rust 和 pyo3 都相当陌生。先谢谢你。



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