
Where is the mistake in my math logic? (Java)

提问人:Simon 提问时间:11/4/2023 更新时间:11/6/2023 访问量:94




输入: 教育计划需要支持的学生总数。 每个学生需要的教科书数量。 一本教科书的费用。 迟交教科书请求的预期百分比(此步骤中未使用)。 计算: 根据学生人数计算所需的教科书数量。 计算组织订购教科书的总成本。 输出: 显示汇总报告,包括输入值和计算成本。


输入: 教育计划需要支持的学生总数。 每个学生需要的教科书数量。 一本教科书的费用。 迟交教科书请求的预期百分比。 计算: 计算所需的教科书数量。 计算组织获取教科书并将其交付给客户的总成本。 计算额外费用以考虑延迟的教科书请求。 迟交教科书请求的百分比基于教育计划支持的学生人数,而不是提出请求的客户数量。 输出: 显示输入摘要和成本明细列表。


import java.util.Scanner;

public class ProgramSummary {
public static void main(String\[\] args) {
Scanner scnr = new Scanner(System.in);

        // Input
        int totalStudents = scnr.nextInt(); // Total number of students
        int textbooksPerStudent = scnr.nextInt(); // Number of textbooks needed per student
        double costPerTextbook = scnr.nextDouble(); // Cost of one textbook
        double lateRequestPercentage = scnr.nextDouble(); // Expected percentage of late textbook requests
        // Calculate number of textbooks required
        int totalTextbooks = totalStudents * textbooksPerStudent;
        int textbooksToOrder = (int) Math.ceil((double) totalTextbooks / 12);
        // Calculate total cost
        double totalCost = textbooksToOrder * costPerTextbook;
        // Output
        System.out.println("Total number of students:");
        System.out.println("Number of textbooks needed per student:");
        System.out.println("Cost per textbook:");
        System.out.println("This order will support " + totalStudents + " students, each needing " + textbooksPerStudent + " textbooks.");
        System.out.println("Total textbooks needed: " + totalTextbooks);
        System.out.println("You will need to order " + textbooksToOrder + " textbooks for a total cost of $" + String.format("%.2f", totalCost) + ".");
// Input for late requests
        System.out.println("Please input the expected percentage of late textbook requests:");
        double lateRequestMultiplier = 1.0 + (lateRequestPercentage / 100.0);
        double lateRequestTextbooks = (textbooksToOrder * lateRequestMultiplier);
        int roundedLateRequestTextbooks = (int) Math.round(lateRequestTextbooks);
        double lateRequestCost = (double) roundedLateRequestTextbooks * costPerTextbook;
        // Modified output to match expected format
        System.out.print("Allowing for late textbook requests, you should order: " + (int) Math.ceil(roundedLateRequestTextbooks) + " textbooks for a cost of $" + String.format("%.2f", lateRequestCost) + ".");








该订单将支持 231 名学生,每名学生需要 3 本教科书。 所需教科书总数:693 您需要订购 58 本教科书,总费用为 244.76 美元。

考虑到迟到的教科书请求,您应该订购:67 本教科书,费用为 282.74 美元。

但是由于某些原因,我的教科书输出和最终成本是 58 和 244.76


Java 数学


0赞 user85421 11/6/2023
不清楚:“输出应该是......订购 58 本教科书,总成本为 244.76 美元“和”我的教科书产出和最终成本是 58 和 244.76“——这有什么问题?(尽管在main(String\[\] args))
0赞 user85421 11/6/2023
你确定“迟到教科书的百分比”只是 0.15 而不是 15 吗?58 的 0.15% 是 0.09,而不是 9 () - 基于此,我想当你写“最终成本”时,你指的是最后的输出,即“迟到的教科书请求” - 所以发布示例中的错误是输入而不是67-580.1515


3赞 Marcin Orlowski 11/4/2023 #1

在计算中,您将除以 12,然后四舍五入,这似乎是错误的 - 书籍不是几十本出售的。然后,对于迟到的请求,你乘以迟到的请求乘数,但这不考虑教科书的原始数量()。此外,代码同时使用和 这是多余的。既然你想确保你有足够的教科书,那么只使用更有意义。textbooksToOrdertotalTextbookstextbooksToOrdertotalTextbooksMath.round()Math.ceil()Math.ceil()

import java.util.Scanner;

public class ProgramSummary {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    Scanner scnr = new Scanner(System.in);

    int totalStudents = scnr.nextInt();
    int textbooksPerStudent = scnr.nextInt();
    double costPerTextbook = scnr.nextDouble();
    double lateRequestPercentage = scnr.nextDouble();

    int totalTextbooks = totalStudents * textbooksPerStudent;

    double totalCost = totalTextbooks * costPerTextbook;

    System.out.println("This order will support " + totalStudents
       + " students, each needing " + textbooksPerStudent 
       + " textbooks.");
    System.out.println("Total textbooks needed: " + totalTextbooks);
    System.out.println("You will need to order " + totalTextbooks 
       + " textbooks for a total cost of $" 
       + String.format("%.2f", totalCost) + ".");

    double lateRequestMultiplier = 1.0 + (lateRequestPercentage / 100.0);
    double lateRequestTextbooks = totalTextbooks * lateRequestMultiplier;
    int roundedLateRequestTextbooks = (int) Math.ceil(lateRequestTextbooks);
    double lateRequestCost = roundedLateRequestTextbooks * costPerTextbook;

      String.format("Allowing for late textbook requests, you should " +
        "order: %d textbooks for a cost of $%.2f.", 
        roundedLateRequestTextbooks, lateRequestCost)
0赞 Reilas 11/6/2023 #2

这是第 1 步。

import static java.lang.String.valueOf;
import static java.math.RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN;
Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
// The total number of students that the educational program will need to support.
// The number of textbooks needed per student.
int a = in.nextInt(), b = in.nextInt();
// The cost of one textbook.
BigDecimal c = in.nextBigDecimal().setScale(2, HALF_EVEN);
// The expected percentage of late textbook requests (not used in this step).
double d = in.nextDouble();

// Calculate the number of textbooks required based on the number of students.
int x = a * b;
// Calculate the total cost to the organization for ordering the textbooks.
BigDecimal y = c.multiply(new BigDecimal(x));

// Display a summary report, including the input values and the calculated cost.
System.out.println("a = " + a);
System.out.println("b = " + b);
System.out.println("c = $" + c.toPlainString());
System.out.println("d = " + d);
System.out.println("x = " + x);
System.out.println("y = $" + y.toPlainString());


231 3 4.22 .15
a = 231
b = 3
c = $4.22
d = 0.15
x = 693
y = $2924.46

而且,这是第 2 步。

Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
// The total number of students that the educational program will need to support.
// The number of textbooks needed per student.
int a = in.nextInt(), b = in.nextInt();
// The cost of one textbook.
BigDecimal c = in.nextBigDecimal().setScale(2, HALF_EVEN);
// The expected percentage of late textbook requests.
double d = in.nextDouble();

// Calculate the number of textbooks required.
int x = a * b;
// Calculate the total cost to the organization of acquiring and delivering the textbooks to its clients.
BigDecimal y = c.multiply(new BigDecimal(x));
// Calculate the additional costs to account for late textbook requests.
// The percentage of late textbook requests is based on the number of students supported by the educational program, not by the number of clients making requests.
BigDecimal z = new BigDecimal(valueOf(x));
z = z.multiply(new BigDecimal(valueOf(d)));
z = z.multiply(c).setScale(2, HALF_EVEN);

// Display a summary of the inputs and an itemized list of the costs.
System.out.println("a = " + a);
System.out.println("b = " + b);
System.out.println("c = $" + c.toPlainString());
System.out.println("d = " + d);
System.out.println("x = " + x);
System.out.println("y = $" + y.toPlainString());
System.out.println("z = $" + z.toPlainString());


231 3 4.22 .15
a = 231
b = 3
c = $4.22
d = 0.15
x = 693
y = $2924.46
z = $438.67