dplyr::filter 中 == 的替代项,以适应浮点数

Alternatives to == in dplyr::filter, to accomodate floating point numbers

提问人:Nate 提问时间:4/12/2023 更新时间:4/12/2023 访问量:76


首先,我要说的是,我知道我们受到计算机算术和浮点数的限制,有时 0.8 不等于 0.8。我很好奇使用 in 或替代方法解决这个问题的方法。==dplyr::filter


# Load necessary libraries

target_at = 0.5

# Create the data frame
data <- data.frame(
  t_ov_ri = c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01),
  a_ov_c = c(2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 0.03125, 0.03125, 0.03125, 0.03125, 0.03125),
  a_ov_t = c(0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8),
  gi = rep("G5", 10),
  a0 = c(0.815055, 0.8463715, 0.8570045, 0.8839861, 0.9033134, 0.1116504, 0.2117479, 0.22943, 0.238598, 0.28524)

# Define the interpolation function
interpolate_a0 <- function(a_ov_t_low, a_ov_t_high, a0_low, a0_high, a_ov_t_target) {
  interpolation_factor <- (a_ov_t_target - a_ov_t_low) / (a_ov_t_high - a_ov_t_low)
  a0_target <- a0_low + interpolation_factor * (a0_high - a0_low)

# Apply the interpolation function to the data frame for a_ov_t equal target_ac
data_sm <- data %>% filter(a_ov_t == target_at - 0.1)
data_lg <- data %>% filter(a_ov_t == target_at + 0.1)

interpolated_data <- data.frame(
  t_ov_ri = data_sm$t_ov_ri,
  a_ov_c = data_sm$a_ov_c,
  a_ov_t = rep(target_at, nrow(data_sm)),
  gi = data_sm$gi,
  a0 = mapply(interpolate_a0, data_sm$a_ov_t, data_lg$a_ov_t, data_sm$a0, data_lg$a0, rep(0.5, nrow(data_sm)))

# Find the min and max a_ov_c values for the interpolated data
a0_low <- min(interpolated_data$a0)
a0_high <- max(interpolated_data$a0)

如果我修改(或其他奇数值),过滤过程将无法正常工作。具体而言,代码不包括 where 中的值为 0.8,尽管 是相同的数据类型和值。target_at = 0.7data_lg <- data %>% filter(a_ov_t == target_at + 0.1)dataa_ov_ttarget_at + 0.1 = 0.8


data_lg <- data %>% filter(a_ov_t*10 == target_at*10 + 1)


R 滤波器 浮动精度


2赞 Onyambu 4/12/2023
你应该使用all.equal(abs(a_ov_t -target_at), 0.1)
3赞 I_O 4/12/2023
1赞 r2evans 4/12/2023
当我寻找浮点的近乎相等时,我经常使用 where 可能是上下文相关的(但对于大多数事情来说应该足够了)。abs(val1 - val2) < 1e-91e-9

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